Tianjin, China: Geography, Economics, Attractions

Tourists arrive in Tianjin (China) from Beijing by high-speed trains. Travel time does not exceed thirty minutes. A few years ago, this route took an hour and a half. Intervals between flights are small. The trains leave from the platform of the southern railway station of the capital. The ticket price depends on the class and varies in the range of 58-99 yuan.

tianjin china

Geography and climate

Tianjin (China) occupies the northern lands of the country. The metropolis is subordinate to the Central District of China. The city is recognized as the third largest in the country. His possessions spread out along the Gulf of Bohai and border the Great Chinese Canal, thanks to which the settlement has access to the Yangtze and Yellow River. The closest neighbor is Hebei Province. The relief of the region is represented by flat terrain.

The proximity to the Yellow Sea provides the region with warm and humid weather. Sultry in summer and moderately cool in winter - this is how Tianjin can be described, whose climate is characterized as continental. The bathing season in the province begins in June and wanes in September. The coldest month is February. Most precipitation falls in July, but the beginning of autumn pleases travelers with an abundance of sundials. October is the best time for leisurely walks and sightseeing holidays. The number of clear days in this period exceeds 27.

Demography and Economics

The municipality is formed by rural and urban settlements, the number of inhabitants of which exceeds 14 million. Noisy and polyphonic, authentic and high-tech - such is the modern metropolis of Tianjin, whose population is 10 million people. Representatives of fifty nationalities and small nationalities are registered on its territory. The lion's share of the inhabitants of the city are Han, Koreans, Mongols, Hui and Manchus.

chinese cities

The industry of the region consists of chemical enterprises, textile factories, automobile plants, mechanical engineering and metalworking. The oil industry is actively developing. Agriculture accounts for 40% of GDP. The province grows corn, rice and wheat. Fishing is underway. Tianjin (China) is part of the special economic zone within the Bohai ring.

Colonial past

Back in the middle of the XIX century, which in the history of the country was marked by two Opium wars, the territory of the city was left at the mercy of European merchants. Echoes of those times can still be seen on the ancient Chinese streets. The British concession has survived in its original appearance. These are houses adjacent to each other, and gabled tiled roofs, and openwork carvings of a cast-iron fence.

There is also an arena in Tianjin for horse racing, beyond which skyscrapers typical of the Celestial Empire rise. A similar fate befell many coastal Chinese cities: Shanghai, Hong Kong, Dalian, Xiamen and others.

Historical heritage

You can get acquainted with the traditional culture of the municipality on the tourist street Gu Wenhua Jie. There are many souvenir shops, shops selling incense, amulets and crafts of local artisans.

tianjin climate

At the foot of the Great Wall of China, a special atmosphere reigns. Picturesque views open from its skeletons. Every year it becomes the venue for the music festival "Yin and Yang." The central square is one of the most beautiful places in Tianjin. It so happened that the district, like many Chinese cities, has grown around it with an intricate maze.

Parks and squares

Shuishang Park, Tianjin People's Park, Haihe Bund Park, Beining Park, Xigu Park are the main recreational areas of the district. The most popular vacation spot for residents and visitors in the city of Tianjin (China) is considered Central Park. Its shady alleys loop around shrubs twined with bushes and plaster sculptures. In the daytime, walks in it are absolutely safe. Spacious lawns are arranged for picnics, and from the wooden benches surrounding the lake, they are watching swans.

The Botanical Garden introduces guests to the tropical flora of the country and neighboring regions. Its territory is striking in scale. You can wander around it for hours.

tianjin sights


The main historical museum of the city of Tianjin (China) is located on Yinhe Square, which is located within walking distance from the main transport arteries of the metropolis. Even a cursory inspection of the exhibits will take a whole day. Within its walls, all the milestones of the development of the province, affecting the years of the Opium Wars, as well as the revolutionary past and the communist present of the country, are graphically and truthfully presented.

The Temple of Ankint Street is a specialized open-air museum. It was once part of an ancient fortification. The Museum of Science and Technology deserves close attention. It is located on Longchang Street. Its sections are interesting not only for adults, but also for preschoolers.


The porcelain house is rightfully recognized as the hallmark of the city of Tianjin, the sights of which amaze the imagination of the sophisticated traveler. Admission costs 50 yuan. Students receive a discount. The complex itself is small, but worth the money spent on its visit.

tianjin population

The roof, columns, doors, the decor of the building and the walls - absolutely everything in it is made of china. In the courtyard is almost always crowded, the shutters of the cameras click, you can hear a fluent talk of English-speaking guides. On its territory there is a souvenir shop selling jewelry.

A television tower is another place that is mentioned in guidebooks. Find her is not difficult. It rises in the southwest of the city.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25765/

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