LCD "Trubino": reviews, how to get, photo

Buying your own home is not easy today. Prices for apartments in cities depend on such a huge number of factors that it is difficult to keep track of their growth. And to choose an option that would meet all the needs of the family and its financial situation, and it seems to be an impossible task. That is why many who want to buy their own housing have long stopped the futile search for an apartment in the cities and turned their attention to the suburbs under construction. It is there, it seems, that every family will be able to start a new, happy life.

Developers promise comfortable, aesthetically designed houses, high-quality apartments, the use of only the best building materials, developed infrastructure (the presence of schools, kindergartens, sports grounds, parking lots, playgrounds, shops, beauty salons, bank branches and others) and the development of transport links.

As a rule, such housing can be purchased in installments or in a mortgage. This form of payment attracts a large number of buyers, since the vast majority can afford to buy an apartment only by paying the amount in stages over time. Families are already making plans for how they will arrange their new housing, how they will get to places of work and leisure. However, not all expectations are met. Some receive apartments built extremely poorly, others - much later than the deadline, and others sometimes do not get at all. How to protect yourself from risk? Carefully study the feedback from customers about the developer and his activities.

Today, we suggest that you use this article to investigate the features of the functioning of one such construction company that is developing the Trubino LCD project (Schelkovsky District). The progress of construction, customer and employee reviews, the current state of the facility - all this will be discussed later. This article is intended to help you figure out whether it is worth investing in the projects of this developer, how to protect yourself, your family and your financial savings from dishonest unfortunate specialists.

lcd trubino reviews

LCD "Trubino": customer reviews about the developer

At the initial stage of work, interest holders left a lot of positive feedback about the construction company. In a certain period of time, the company kept within the deadlines and relatively managed to fulfill its obligations. On other projects, the developer spoke relatively loyally. Declared a good reputation, the use of quality materials, good planning and well-designed projects. The project under consideration promised to be a great undertaking and a profitable financial investment for equity holders. However, over time, the situation has changed and, unfortunately, not for the better.

Negative reviews

In the future, something became very disappointing for the investors in the Trubino LCD project (Schelkovo district) - the progress of construction. Reviews say that the buildings were not delivered on time. The work was carried out with significant delays, and after that some interruptions in the implementation of construction began to appear at all. Today it is difficult to find positive reviews about this project (LCD "Trubino"). New settlers of other complexes are surprised at the current situation, however, their good impressions cannot compensate for the indignation of those people whose apartments were never built.

The company's management continues to postpone the completion of construction work, while the project was supposed to be commissioned in the third quarter of 2016. Should buyers believe such promises? Hard to tell. And, it seems, they no longer plan to rely on the imaginary honesty of the builder and begin to resort to active actions (we will talk more about this later in this article).

Although some of the real estate investors who purchased their homes later than other buyers are still inclined to trust such promises. They attend meetings that the developer organizes from time to time, which allows the latter to explain to their clients the reasons for the delays and set new deadlines for the completion of the construction of a particular residential module. Such buyers still remain relatively calm and are waiting for the moment when the work will be completed and they will be able to move into their new apartments.

However, the facts are not on the side of the construction company: after the holidays, construction was never resumed. And the dates that the management of the developer company approved with their clients at the last meeting of interest holders are still not met. The vast majority of buyers are categorically dissatisfied with the functioning of the company and the progress of construction.

trubino lcd shchelkovo district construction progress reviews

LCD "Trubino": employee reviews

What employer is the developer in question? After reviewing the reviews of employees, it is not difficult to make an unambiguous conclusion: work here does not bring either money or positive emotions. Employees report that although the team as a whole can get pretty good and friendly, things are different with the management. The probationary period in the office is three months. Often people were asked to write a voluntary resignation letter at the end of this period, citing a lack of activity in the work. Employees also report a bad attitude to their superiors, discrepancies in the number of duties and declared salaries. The latter should be discussed separately.

The developer in question systematically delays the payment of wages to his employees, regardless of which sphere of the enterprise they are involved in: both the master builder and the office worker suffer equally. A systematic lack of remuneration for their work, of course, cannot but affect the desire of people to work and the quality of the work they perform. Any efforts must be paid. Monetary motivation to increase efficiency and productivity is the basis of a modern commercial system. But this company seems to have bypassed this rule.

What conclusion can be drawn for applicants who want to work for a developer who is involved in the project in question (Litvinovo village, Trubino residential complex)? Reviews recommend that you refrain from trying to contact this company. According to former employees, this will save you time, nerves and provide an opportunity to be busy at another place of work, where you can get a decent reward for your work.

LCD trubino customer reviews about the developer

General project information

What features can be identified LCD "Trubino"? Reviews allow you to highlight the following points:

  • a comfortable location of the microdistrict (twenty-eight kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road; located in the village of Litvinovo, Schelkovsky District, Moscow Region);
  • good environmental situation (located near the forest);
  • multifunctionality of the complex (planning of residential apartments; built-in kindergarten; a number of commercial premises);
  • the latest technology and convenient architecture (parking; monolithic-brick construction; reliable noise isolation; rational layout of apartments, which allows efficient use of a small area; street entrance group with a standard inclined ramp);
  • comfortable built-in entrance group (separate room for the concierge; two elevators in each entrance; storage rooms located on the technical floors; stroller);
  • housing class - economic;
  • number of apartments - seven hundred;
  • number of floors - ten;
  • the estimated date of the summer residence is the third quarter of 2016;
  • metro stations: "Pervomaiskaya", "Schelkovskaya";
  • by car to the subway for about forty-eight minutes;
  • for sale are studio apartments, one-room, two-room, three-room apartments;
  • apartments are sold unfinished;
  • payment options: installment plan or mortgage;
  • planned guest parking;
  • the area of ​​the offered apartments ranges from twenty-nine to eighty-five square meters.

trubino lcd schelkovsky district reviews

How to get there

How was it supposed to get to the Trubino residential complex? Reviews recommend the following route. You need to go from the metro station "Schelkovskaya" to the village of Litvinovo by public transport. Or you can get from Yaroslavl Station to Fryazino by train, and the rest of the way can be overcome by bus or minibus.


How continues to attract customers LCD "Trubino"? Reviews talk about some of the promotions that are held by the developer. So, young families receive a three percent discount. The special action was valid during the New Year holidays. The company promised to give a vacation in the Canary Islands to each buyer who purchased real estate in the housing complex under consideration from December 24, 2016 to January 24, 2017.

lcd trubino customer reviews


How much did co-investors pay for the apartments of the Trubino residential complex? Reviews and official information say that the cost of housing directly depends on the type of apartment and its area. One-level apartments can be one-room or studios. The area of ​​the latter ranges from twenty-eight square meters to sixty square meters. The minimum price of a studio is one million two hundred sixteen thousand three hundred twenty rubles, and the maximum is two million five hundred and three thousand two hundred rubles. One-room apartments have an area from forty-six to forty-eight square meters and the cost, respectively, from one million nine hundred forty thousand four hundred rubles to two million sixteen thousand rubles.

The choice of two-level apartments was also offered no less worthy. One could buy one-room, two-room or three-room two-level apartments in the residential complex "Trubino". Customer reviews say the following: the area of ​​one-room apartments of such a plan ranged between forty-two and ninety-nine square meters. Their cost varied according to their area: from one million seven hundred sixty eight thousand two hundred rubles to four million thirty thousand five hundred rubles.

The area of ​​three-room two-level apartments ranges from sixty one to eighty six square meters, and the price is from two million five hundred thirty seven thousand nine hundred rubles to three million five hundred fourteen thousand five hundred and twenty rubles.

lcd trubino customer reviews

LCD "Trubino" - kidalovo?

Reviews about this developer allow us to come to a disappointing conclusion. The company tricked interest holders or simply turned out to be banally financially incapable of fulfilling its obligations. The project is currently on hold. When will construction work continue in the Trubino residential complex (Litvinovo)? Reviews report the opinion of investors on this matter.

Buyers fear that construction will not continue. In January 2017, equity holders wrote an official letter to the President of the Russian Federation, calling for help from a higher authority in resolving the situation. Can one count on the fact that sooner or later the Trubino residential complex project will be completed?

Reviews from the construction company do not allow any clear conclusions. Management promises to resume work, but their actions indicate the opposite. As practice shows, often such difficult situations were resolved as follows: a bankrupt company was absorbed by a functioning company, which assumed obligations for all of its current projects. On the territory of the Russian Federation, such cases have already occurred more than once. And today there are many successfully completed projects that have received support in this way. Is it worth counting on the fact that the whole situation will be resolved by itself and the difficulties associated with the ZhK Trubino (Litvinovo) will disappear? Reviews show that it’s hardly worth counting on. What to do

How to act?

If you still doubt whether it is worth investing your money in Trubino residential complex, customer reviews that have not received their apartments and do not see any progress in construction should help you make the right decision, protect yourself and your money.

What do co-investors do? To date, buyers have united in an initiative group that is actively engaged in restoring justice. They will provide all the available data on the LCD "Trubino", reviews and photos of the current state of affairs at the construction site to the competent authorities, which will decide on this case. The process involves professional lawyers who help defrauded buyers restore justice. It may not be easy to achieve the completion of construction work and the fulfillment by the company of its obligations, but the authorities simply will not be able to ignore complaints and statements of such a large group of people.

lc trubino reviews new settlers


What conclusion can be made regarding the Trubino LCD project (Schelkovo district)? Reviews strongly recommend that you refrain from investing your money in this property. Apparently, the project under consideration was originally conceived as a reliable, high-quality development with developed infrastructure and the presence of everything that is necessary for life. The developer offered apartments of sufficient area with a convenient layout at a relatively affordable price (for the amount of about a million rubles you could buy a comfortable studio apartment). This is what attracted most of the buyers. For many, this was almost the only chance to acquire housing, without falling into huge debts.

However, everything turned out very differently. Part of the work was actually completed, but at a certain stage the construction was slowed down, suspended for long periods, and later completely stopped for an indefinite period. The management of the company periodically makes contact with interest holders, explains the reasons for delays and failures, names the new estimated deadlines for the delivery of residential buildings, but most buyers have already ceased to trust these promises. Many of them adhere to the following point of view: urgent external influence on the builder is necessary, which would prompt him to either finish the construction, or compensate the shareholders for their material damage, or find another way out of the situation that suits everyone. Now the company's customers are making efforts to hold the company accountable for its unscrupulous, and possibly fraudulent, activities. Company executives deny the fact of deception and continue to appeal to the loyalty of their customers.

The situation is similar with employees working for the developer in question. Such full-time employees have been waiting for months to pay the money they earned and are not happy with their working conditions, including the emotional environment. Reviews recommend not contacting this employer.

How to protect yourself from such unscrupulous developers? In fact, quite a lot of information is in the public domain that will help in this regard. It is important to examine feedback about the company, its previous projects, and reputation among both customers and partners. This is important in order to understand how a developer can behave in a crisis situation. A good guarantee is the availability of reliable partners. As a rule, well-known companies do not risk cooperating with dubious controllers, so as not to allow them to spoil their reputation, which they most likely have earned for many years. Also often there is some information on the financial condition of the developer in the public domain. Based on these data, it is also possible to draw certain conclusions and not get involved with a company on the verge of bankruptcy.

Choose only the best, collaborate with responsible companies, trust your money only to reliable developers. Do not be afraid to spend time on a little research, which subsequently can save you a ton of money and emotions. After all, your future well-being and the well-being of your family largely depend on what choice you make in this regard. Be vigilant and do not have to regret your purchases!


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