Myanmar: beach holidays, attractions, excursions, hotels

Experienced tourists are constantly in search of new places to stay. The discovery of recent years is Myanmar. Sightseeing, visa, beach holidays, excursions, places to stay - all this interests people who are going to visit this still exotic country. We will tell you about the features of rest in this place, about what you need to see, where to go and how to choose the right hotel and why Myanmar, whose beach vacations are still not very popular in Russia, is one of the most promising areas of tourism.

myanmar beach vacation

Geography of the country

The state of Myanmar, formerly Burma, is located in the northwest of Indochina in Southeast Asia. It is adjacent to China, Laos, India, Bangladesh and Thailand. The country's coast is washed by the waters of the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean. The coastline stretched almost 2 thousand km. The total area of ​​Myanmar is 678 thousand square meters. km The population is approximately 60 million people. The relief of the country is very diverse: these are mountains represented by the Shan Highlands, and lowlands, and coastal plains. More than 65% of the country's area is occupied by tropical forests. Hence, such a low population density - only 74 people per square. km In fact, residents are grouped along the coastline and live very crowded. The peculiarity of the country's geography is determined by the Irrawaddy River, which crosses the whole country from north to south. Its basin creates the features of the lands of Myanmar, it is cut by numerous tributaries. Most of the population lives along this vital artery, as well as along the second large Saluin River. The soils in Mienma are very fertile, and the climate allows you to engage in agriculture all year round. The flora and fauna of the country is diverse, while untouched nature is still preserved in the wilds of the rainforest.

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Myanmar is located in the subequatorial climate zone. This leads to the existence of three seasons. The wet season is with a lot of tropical rainfall, it lasts from May to October. At this time, it is hot and very humid, the temperature during the day keeps from 33 to 37 degrees. It rains daily on the coast, the sky is constantly overcast and the air is very stuffy. The rainiest month is July. This season is often accompanied by storms and floods. The coolest season, the most comfortable, from October to February. In the afternoon in the south the air warms up to 32 degrees, and in the north - up to 28. But in the mountains it can be much colder, sometimes at night there can even be minus values ​​on the thermometer. Hot, when only high in the mountains there is no heat, it lasts from February to May. In the afternoon, the thermometer often rises above the +40 mark. It is especially hot on the shores of the Andaman Sea. And the most comfortable place is the northern regions, where the thermometer does not even reach 30 degrees. Thus, Myanmar, a beach vacation in which gradually begins to gain popularity among tourists, is most suitable for visiting from late October to late February.

myanmar beach vacation pics

Features of rest

One of the most unusual countries in Southeast Asia is, of course, Myanmar. Beach holidays here are the most common among tourists, although the country can offer a very interesting excursion program. Myanmar, formerly Burma, is a very poor and groomed country. Even in generally accepted resorts, poverty and devastation can be seen everywhere. Tourism services and infrastructure in the country are still in their infancy, so you need to be prepared for some inconvenience. But it is more than paid for by the cordiality and benevolence of the local population, which is very happy for tourists. Myanmar is a very safe country, there are almost no problems with tourists, except for cases of petty theft and fraud, but they are not very common. But at the same time, one can universally face the fact that prices for foreigners may be higher than for the local population. But with the general extreme cheapness, this does not cause much frustration for travelers. After all, Myanmar offers a huge amount of interesting and unusual.

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Country history

The fertile lands of modern Myanmar were settled as early as 3 millennia BC, archaeological finds testify to this. But little is known about the life of the first settlers. The first inhabitants, about which quite a lot is known, are mona, the ancient culture of farmers and collectors settled along the rivers and the coast of the ocean. Then new settlers come to these lands - I drink tribes. Both first local civilizations professed Buddhism, were distinguished by great peacefulness and led basically an appropriating lifestyle. In the 9th century AD, the Thai people come here to take over this territory. But even after 4 centuries they had to cede lands to the Burmese. Different tribes lived in different parts of the country in the 13th century, between which episodic ties were established, but there was no single government and state. This fragmentation did not allow local residents to resist the Mongol invasion, which seized these lands and ruled them for 2 centuries. In the 16th century, the state of Taungu was able to get rid of the Mongol yoke and tribe. But internal strife continued for several centuries, for some time the territory went under the rule of the King of Thailand. It is not known what would happen next if the British did not come here. After capturing several kingdoms in the north of modern Myanmar, they gradually subjugated the whole of Burma. This continued until World War II, during which, taking advantage of the situation, the Japanese captured Burma. The country managed to throw off this yoke in 1945. Since 1947, Burma has become an independent country, but it was torn apart by national conflicts from within, each nationality sought autonomy. The contradictions were also intensified by the strong influence of the socialist ideas that the Communist Party of Burma tried to put into practice. The struggle for the opium fields between different clans also contributed to the conflicts. In response to all these local wars in 1962, the army seized power in the country, which announced the transition to a socialist system. For more than 20 years, the country has been ruled by dictatorship, people live in poverty, devastation, complete isolation from the world. Gradually, discontent is brewing again, which has resulted in permanent popular protests. All this led to the emergence of a strong democratic opposition, elections are held and a slight easing of the regime ensues. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the country changes its name and gradually changes its course of development. Thanks to this, a new country appears on tourist maps - Myanmar. Excursions of foreign tourists have become a sign of the new era. Today, the state is gradually establishing relations with the European Union and the whole world, including with Russia.

myanmar attractions beach holidays


Despite such a turbulent history and numerous seizures of the territory, the Burmese throughout all centuries have maintained their religion and traditions. Myanmar, attractions, the beach vacation of which attract tourists and exotic lovers today, has preserved a large number of temple architecture monuments and other interesting objects. The most striking places that every tourist needs to see are the main Shwedagon pagoda, 4,000 pagodas in the Bagan Valley, the majestic Tatbinho Temple, the ancient city of Mrauk U, as well as hundreds of temples in different cities. The main natural sites are the Irrawaddy River, Inle Lake, the snow-white Ngapali Beach.

Things to do

There are countries in which the entertainment industry is well developed, but this is definitely not Myanmar. Beach holidays here are more reminiscent of what is called “savage” in Russia. On the beaches you can find only a minimum of amenities, there are no special entertainments and familiar water parks. But everywhere in the resorts there are tour agencies that offer trips to elephant farms, fishing, sightseeing tours, scuba diving, sea cruises. Therefore, there is always something to do in your free time from sunbathing.

myanmar excursions

Myanmar beaches

The beautiful sea ​​coast and warm sea are what Myanmar is famous for. Beach holidays (photo attached) of the best quality offers the famous Ngapali beach. This is three kilometers of well-equipped shore, where tourists will find good quality service. Ngwe Saung Beach is less comfortable, but no less beautiful. Also here at 15 kilometers you can find crowded places and nooks. You can also sunbathe on the shores of Lake Inle, but you can not dream of comfort here.

Myanmar Hotel Base

Despite the low standard of living in the country, hotel prices are quite high. Myanmar, whose hotels cannot be proud of its high design or service, offers a decent standard of accommodation at fairly high prices. But untouched nature, unusual culture and friendly aborigines are worth it to come here. Many countries in Southeast Asia allow foreigners under the simplified regime, including Myanmar. A visa can be obtained electronically or at a consulate in Bangkok or in Moscow.

myanmar hotels

Tourists reviews

Today there are several exotic destinations for Russians, and one of them is Myanmar. Beach vacations, reviews of which are mostly positive, in this country are ahead of many usual “winter” travel destinations in terms of the amount of sun and the beauty of nature. Tourists note that the rest here is very unusual, it has many advantages over already bored Thailand and Cambodia.


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