The best palaces of yalta

Crimea is known not only for beaches and attractions, but also for beautiful palaces. A lot of such facilities are located in Yalta itself. It is about the palaces of Yalta that will be discussed in our article. In different years, many famous people tried to acquire land in the Crimea and build summer residences. Perhaps the largest number of palaces are concentrated in the Yalta region.

swallow's Nest

The Swallow’s Nest Palace can perhaps be called the main symbol of the peninsula. His image is well known even to those people who have never been to Crimea. The fabulous structure looks like a romantic medieval castle. By the way, the Swallow's Nest is the smallest and youngest construction of the peninsula. It was built in 1912 by order of the German baron Steingel. The building project itself was designed by sculptor Leonid Sherwood. The building is a kind of neo-Gothic.

Yalta palaces

The huge popularity of the palace is due primarily to the features of the architectural solution, as well as to the unique place chosen for construction. Admiring the wonderful creation, it is difficult to imagine how such a structure could be erected in such an unusual place. The soaring palace is located on the very edge of the forty-meter cliff. The building reaches a height of twelve meters, but the foundation area is only twenty meters by ten. Such a modest size did not prevent the creation of a real knight's castle in a romantic style, even if it was very small. It was about such a palace that Baron Steingel dreamed. It has a tower, lancet windows, battlements and other elements that turn the building into a miniature copy of the large neo-Gothic buildings of past centuries.

Inside the small building there was an entrance hall, a front hall, an office, two bedrooms, a staircase and an office. After the German baron, different people owned the castle, each of them disposed of it in their own way. So, for example, the merchant Shalaputin arranged a restaurant in the castle. Over the years of its existence, a unique architectural monument has been repeatedly threatened with destruction due to the 1927 earthquake. The building was restored many times. Now it houses an institution that organizes all kinds of concerts, exhibitions and other events. Of course, all the palaces of Yalta are beautiful and each is unique in its own way, but the Swallow's Nest invariably amazes the imagination, no matter how many times it has visited. From the height at which the structure was erected, it is simply breathtaking, which makes the attraction seem completely fabulous.

Massandra Palace

In the suburbs of Yalta there is another palace that once belonged to Alexander III. The Massandra Palace was built in the Upper Massandra style of French castles, which are characteristic of the era of Louis the Sixteenth. Among other buildings on the peninsula, the building stands out for its very unusual architecture. Its facades are decorated with ceramic tiles, and the stained-glass windows consist of majolica tiles, there is still a painting on glass. The palace was built in due time for the royal family, but there are no ceremonial apartments for receptions or halls in it. It was originally intended only for relaxation. The building was divided into female and male halves. Living rooms, although small, but very comfortable with fireplaces and low ceilings. The palace was built in an incredibly picturesque place of the South Bank surrounded by forest.

Yusupov Palace Crimea working hours

Massandra once belonged to the daughter of the Pole Leo Potocki, who began to build a castle here and set up a park. Later the estate was acquired by S. Vorontsov. It was by his order that the building was to be built in the style of the Renaissance. However, Vorontsov did not have time to finish his creation. The castle was later acquired by the royal family. According to a new project, the palace was facilitated and decorative elements were introduced. The architecture of the building was based on the early Baroque style. The second name of the palace was “little Versailles”. The construction of the building was completed only in 1902. Alexander III himself did not have to live in his walls, at that time he had already passed away. It is worth noting that the royal family generally rarely visited the estate. After the revolution, the building housed a sanatorium, then there was Stalin's dacha. The park adjoins the palace, occupying about six hectares. Currently, the building and the park are a single complex, as it was once conceived by the creators.

Vorontsov Palace

The main attractions of Yalta are palaces. Among them, one of the most famous is Vorontsovsky. No wonder he was nicknamed the "Palace-movie star." Many pictures were shot on its territory, among them: “Scarlet Sails”, “Three Musketeers”, “Ordinary Miracle” and many others.

Yalta palaces reviews

The castle was built as the summer residence of Count Vorontsov. Since English romanticism was in fashion in the nineteenth century, the Count decided to build the palace in this style. He entrusted the construction to the famous English architect Mr. Blor, who had never been to Crimea. Moreover, he never saw firsthand his creation. But this does not mean at all that the construction was carried out blindly. Blor was provided with detailed plans for the area.

The palace ensemble consists of the castle itself and a huge park, on which another foreigner worked. The palace had a lot of adventures. It was owned by more than one generation of the Russian nobility, and after the revolution the building was turned into a museum. Winston Churchill visited the palace at one time, the famous Yalta Conference was held within its walls. Now the complex is open to visitors, and everyone has the opportunity to admire the unique interiors.

How to get to the Vorontsov Palace? By shuttle bus number 27, which leaves from the bus station of Yalta. Public transport will take you to the complex. The final stop is called the Park of the Vorontsov Palace. If you have your own transport, then you need to go through the central part of Alupka to the main gate of the palace.

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara

The best palaces of Yalta were erected in different years. Each of them has its own unusual story. Attention tourists worthy of the palace of the Emir of Bukhara. The building is made in the Moorish style and has long become one of the symbols of the peninsula. The palace was built in 1093 for the notorious emir, who was in friendship with Nicholas II. Seyid Abdul Ahan Khan acquired a plot of land to build a building and lay the park to spend the summer months in Yalta. At that time, the emir built a number of buildings. However, only the palace itself has survived to this day.

palace of emir of bukhara

It is worth noting that it is light and sophisticated. When you look at it, it seems as if you were in a real oriental tale. The palace ensemble was owned by the emir until his death. After the revolution, the building housed a museum, and later the palace became one of the buildings of the sanatorium.

If you are interested in the Palace of Emir of Bukhara in Yalta, the address will help you find it: st. Sevastopol 12/43.

Livadia Palace

Enumerating the palaces of Yalta, it is impossible not to recall the most famous of them - Livadia. The palace served as a summer residence for the royal family of Nicholas II. Now the building appears before us as a wonderful monument of architectural art. However, it did not always have such an appearance. Initially, Livadia was acquired by Potocki. He then began to erect a palace on the grounds and formulate the park. Later, the estate was acquired by the wife of Alexander II. The palace was immediately rebuilt. Nicholas II received the residence as a summer estate. However, at that time both palaces did not meet the needs of the family, so it was decided to destroy them and build a completely new palace. Construction progressed at an incredibly fast pace. The interiors were designed by Krasnov. By 1911, the building was completely finished. At the same time, a Florentine courtyard, a palace church, a retinue building and a park area were built.

Massandra palace

The Livadia Palace is the last building built for the Romanov family. It truly can be called the pearl of the Crimea. It is impossible not to visit the beautiful complex, relaxing on the South Bank. Throughout its history, the palace has experienced many events. At different times, he was visited by prominent world politicians, so the palace unwittingly became a dumb witness to the turning points of history. In 2011, the Livadia complex celebrated its centenary. After the revolution, a sanatorium was located in its building for some time, and later it was turned into a museum. Its exposition consists of two parts. One is dedicated to the stay of the royal family in Livadia, and the second to the Crimean Conference. The complex is currently open to the public.

How to get from Yalta to the Livadia Palace? Buses run to Livadia all day. You can get on any shuttle bus that follows in the direction of Alupka: No. 47, 102, 107, 115, 5, 11.

Dulber Palace

Tourists can see the Dyulber Palace (Yalta) in the villages of Koreiz. The name of the palace from Tatar is translated as “beautiful”. The building can be safely called another pearl of the South Bank. It is also built in Moorish style. Snow-white walls are decorated with arched windows, decorated with blue oriental ornaments and colored mosaics. The stunning image of the building is completed by silver domes and serrated parapets. A fabulous architectural complex is surrounded by a very picturesque park with gazebos, sculptures, pools and fountains.

swallow's nest palace

The palace was built for Prince Peter Nikolayevich. It was designed by the same famous Krasnov, who worked on the creation of the Yusupov and Livadia palaces. In the post-revolutionary period, the palace was turned into a sanatorium, which to this day continues to work.

Yusupov Palace

The palace and park complex is located in Koreiz. Initially, the park area was about 22 hectares. The modern territory is much smaller, it consists of two parts with a total area of ​​6.6 hectares.

The first mistress of the estate was Princess Golitsyna, who for ten years built a house and a park. For the garden, plants were sourced from the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. So in Koreiz rare species of trees and numerous roses appeared. The estate of Golitsin was visited by famous people. In the mid-nineteenth century, the estate was partially sold to Countess Sumarokova-Elston, and then went to Prince Yusupov. The construction of the palace was carried out under the leadership of Krasnov. The building was made in the style of the Italian Renaissance. Also around the palace was a park area. Only terraces have survived to our days. The park was decorated with sculptures of nymphs, goddesses, mollusks. Currently, only the bronze statue of a girl by the palace pool, as well as Nymphs and Satire on the park staircase has survived from those ancient figures. And the famous lions, which still adorn the territory of the park, were brought from Venice. After the revolution, the Yusupovs left their estate forever. Currently, the large park has 127 varieties of woody plants.

In 1921, the building of the complex was nationalized and transferred to the NKVD department as a summer residence. In 1945, during the Yalta Conference of the Three Powers, Stalin worked and lived in the Yusupov complex.

If you want to visit the Yusupov Palace (Crimea), its working hours are unchanged during the season: on any day from nine in the morning until five in the evening. But Monday is an official day off. It is worth noting that this particular palace is the most mysterious on the entire peninsula. And the reason for this was the constant closure of the complex. Over the years, he simply overgrown with all kinds of tales and legends. It is they who attract most of the guests to the Yusupov Palace (Crimea) (we brought the mode of operation in the article).

Here you can see the exposition dedicated to staying in the complex of Stalin and Molotov. The palace fully preserved the splendor of the past. In the park you can admire the lion statues and views of Ai-Petri.

Yusupov Palace Yalta excursions

If you want to visit the Yusupov Palace (Yalta), excursions are offered by all local guides. However, the exhibition will be more interesting for history buffs. After all, here you can see with your own eyes the modest office of Stalin, in which the most important decisions were made.

Suuk-Su Palace

Suuk-Su Palace and the estate of the same name are located in the village of Gurzf on the territory of the famous Artek camp. A beautiful building was erected at the beginning of the last century by Olga Solovieva. At that time, Gurzuf was the most popular part of the resort. Guests got here from Yalta on a carriage or by sea.

Emir of Bukhara palace in Yalta

It is difficult to imagine, but even then the village was electrified and equipped with a telephone line. Artists, artists, writers and many other famous personalities came to rest in Suuk-Su. During the war, the Germans placed a hospital in the building. Of course, during the hostilities it was badly damaged and was restored much later.

Currently, the palace houses the Artek library, an exhibition and museum of the camp, dedicated to astronautics and aviation. Not far from the building itself is the family crypt of the owners of the estate. Vladimir Berezin and Olga Solovieva. The camp area is closed, so there is no free access to it. In order to see the palace, you need to purchase tickets for a sightseeing tour of Artek.


Haraks Palace was named after the Roman fort, which was built in the area of ​​Cape Ai-Todor in the third century. The local lands once belonged to Prince George Romanov, who ordered Krasnov to build a new palace. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a beautiful mansion built in the Art Nouveau style was erected. It was built in the best traditions of Northern Europe. Its roof was covered with English tiles, and the facades were decorated with mosaic ornaments. The result was a very concise and at the same time elegant palace that attracted absolutely everyone and even the sovereign. However, during the war the building was badly damaged, so it was restored for many years. Even now you can admire the palace only outside. No less fun is a walk in the old park. Many trees growing on its territory have a fairly respectable age, from 400 to 1000 years.

Tourists reviews

Tourists travel to Crimea, as a rule, for the sake of the sea and the sun. It is with them that the long-awaited vacation is associated. However, there are an incredible number of beautiful places on the peninsula worthy of our attention. One of them is the palaces of Yalta. They are not only beautiful, but also unique. Each of them has its own interesting history, which is closely intertwined with the fate of the entire state.

Enthusiastic reviews of tourists about the palaces of Yalta are able to encourage anyone to visit historical attractions. In the territory of any resort village along the coast you will see people offering sightseeing trips, among them visiting the palaces. Do not withdraw to yourself in such pleasure. Many tourists visit Crimea every time they visit their favorite places. Well, is it possible not to visit the beautiful Livadia Palace, from the entrance of which a unique view of the sea opens? A cute patio will certainly remind you of shots from the movie “Dog in the Hay”, shot once here.

Well, the Vorontsov Palace can generally be called a champion in the number of films that were shot on its territory. There is a lot to remind you of frames from your favorite tapes.

Visiting the Swallow's Nest has long been a tradition. It is simply impossible to visit the Crimea and not rise to the famous symbol of the peninsula. All the palaces of Yalta are beautiful and interesting, therefore, whenever possible, you need to visit each of them.


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