Nikolai Troitsky - a historical revolutionary

Among domestic historians, few had the opportunity to find listeners abroad, let alone replicate their works across the ocean. One of the greatest figures of his time succeeded with great success, and his name is Nikolay Troitsky .

Life and education

Troitsky Nikolay Alekseevich Born December 19, 1931 in the village of Novorepnoe, Saratov Region. As the historian himself spoke of his family, “Poor. Hopelessness ... ". Mother received only 2 classes of education, father was a shoemaker and died at the front in 1942. Since childhood, having felt the hunger for body and soul, Nikolai Alekseevich actively burst into educational activity. He graduated from a village school, entered the SSU (Saratov State University) at the Faculty of History, gaining 24 points out of 25. So in 1949, many years of continuous work began within the university. After graduation, he was transferred by distribution to a rural school, then - a rapid climb up the career ladder:

  • Post-graduate student at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, work at the Shadrinsk Pedagogical Institute, the long-awaited return to their native walls in 1961 (assistant of the Department of History).
  • In 1963 he became a senior teacher.
  • Three years later he received the right to be called an assistant professor.
  • In 1972, he began his career as a professor in the department.
  • Since 1975 and the next 26 years historian Nikolai Troitsky He was the head of the Department of Russian History at SSU.
Historian Alexey Troitsky

Primary activity

Nikolai Alekseevich conducted his work in the most ungrateful and volatile field - historical science. Of course, for this he was born with an unbending sense of justice and love of truth, since few people managed to see people who were so glad for their work. A multilevel and endless selection of information was carried out, which was collected bit by bit into separate essays, articles, and then into whole books. By the way, the works Professor Nikolai Troitsky widely known to western colleagues. Thanks to his talent, the historian was able to expand the audience and teach, educating people even outside the country, despite the fact that Soviet officials in those years were not loyal to foreign contacts.

His works were devoted to 19th-century Russia and its role in the political arena, he also surveyed the outstanding personalities of the Patriotic War of 1812.

The famous book of Trinity

Works and achievements

First of all Nikolai Alekseevich Troitsky worked as a teacher, was a conductor of knowledge between students and historical truth. So, he raised more than 40 candidates and doctors of science, not to mention hundreds of first-class historians. Raised the level of historical science, its value, authenticity and until the last fought for their cause and truth.

The main works are books about the Russian emperor Alexander the First, Napoleon Bonaparte, commander Mikhail Kutuzov. Only professionalism prompted the professor to write precisely about these people and this era. For the Russian state, this is a turning point that was successful, but the consequences led to the October Revolution.

Several works were translated and published in the United States, many eminent Western scholars in their studies referred to the works of Troitsky, since the professor did not allow himself to cover any information other than truthful.

Saratov State University

Personal life

IN biography of Nikolai Alekseevich Troitsky not so vividly figured private life, family. He was a child of war, whose father died at the front, the character of the boy was tempered like steel, and all emotions were directed to educational activities. Colleagues describe Nikolai Alekseevich as a laconic, intelligent person who does not allow emotional breakdowns. Indeed, an explosive and noisy character would not allow the professor to approach his work with such delicacy.

However, Trinity was a fighter with a capital letter. A daily battle with ignorance, upholding the truth, many hours of disputes with editors who strove to distort his books.

The professor was a pragmatic person of an extraordinary mind, therefore, in others, he valued primarily intellect, did not tolerate a negligent attitude to work. He also carefully chose his life partner - Valentina Troitskaya was a real Soviet woman, provided a reliable rear for her husband, supported him in everything. Unfortunately, they were not able to celebrate the golden wedding, because shortly before this moment Valentina passed away.

Nikolay Alekseevich in old age

Youth work

As the head of the department stories Nikolay Troitsky raised and protected his brainchild. The lecturer’s natural talent and extensive experience allowed him to develop a unique system for teaching the subject. Students not only improved grades, but actually became infected by the professor with a love of history. Many followers and grateful students fluttered out from under his wing, for whom history has become a matter of life.

Some opponents of his system discerned in this propaganda the revolutionary trends that Trinity had so passionately studied. Over the years, the onslaught grew stronger, but despite his age, Nikolai Alekseevich held the defense with dignity and firmness. It is possible that the accusations were partly true, but nevertheless a revolution of this kind made a huge contribution not only to the development of domestic history, but also world history.

last years of life

Shortly before his death, the professor gave an interesting interview, where he shared his views and spoke about his own principles. During the interview, the topic of love, kindness and the secrets of a successful marriage was raised. The question moved Troitsky because he reminded him of his late wife and son. Despite the rapture of work, Nikolai Alekseevich considers such qualities as love, care, attention as paramount in the family.

Sofya Lvovna Perovskaya

Nikolai Alekseevich Troitsky until the last days, he worked on a book dedicated to Sofya Perovskaya, the famous young revolutionary, the founder of the Narodnaya Volya movement. The professor died on May 28, 2014 in the city of Saratov. The funeral service was held within the walls of his native university, where students and colleagues were able to pay tribute to the intelligent follower of historical truth.


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