How to become photogenic. Is it possible?

Working as a photographer from time to time, I very often have to hear something like this: β€œOh, I look very bad in any picture!” I just want to answer (and sometimes I declare it so bluntly): β€œWell, there are no absolute plain women or natural beauties! Mother nature, as a rule, creates a person very even and harmonious. ”

The fact is that the view on the photo is a whole art that requires a serious and informed approach.

Looking for the answer to questions about how to become photogenic and whether it is possible to learn this, I would immediately like to please. Yes you can! But at first you will have to adhere to several basic principles.

1. How to become photogenic: appearance in general

In general, the key word for successful photography is naturalness, i.e. In the photo you must definitely look relaxed and relaxed. The image in the picture should at the same time give the impression of openness, and sincerity, and confidence, and self-esteem. You must admit that everyone has a friendly and welcoming model of ordinary appearance, but at the same time, even a charming beauty with cold and empty eyes repels, or even causes a persistent feeling of antipathy.

For some reason, some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity dream that one day someone will surely discover the secrets of photogenicity for them. It's a shame that at the same time they continue to believe that they do not fit a smile. Not true! An open, sincere and laid-back smile can illuminate, soften and make attractive any, even the most severe face. But only a real smile, not a tortured crooked grin! Try first to practice in front of the mirror. Surely you can reproduce something cute and funny in your memory. Think about your baby, about mom, about the fun tricks of friends or about a pet prankster. If you don’t immediately succeed in smiling dazzlingly, it doesn’t matter! The so-called Mona Lisa smile or half-smile also has the ability to work miracles and attract attention.

Remember, your pictures will turn out to be more attractive if the photographer knows in advance about which ones and why these or those photos are needed.

Loose hair can add even more charm. In case you wear a short haircut, try to make it look relaxed and natural.

Those who believe that he lacks sexuality, stylists recommend a little bare shoulders, arms, neck or legs.

2. How to become photogenic: the secrets of successful makeup

Makeup for shooting should be used even by those who in everyday life do without even him.

  • Apply foundation. The fact is that under the action of the camera on the face without makeup, the skin will look as if it is all covered with unpleasant red dots. Our blood vessels react in exactly this way to the effects of an outbreak.
  • Powder will help to avoid unnecessary shine. However, do not overdo it, otherwise you risk turning yourself into a ridiculous likeness of a porcelain doll.
  • The shadows. It is better to dwell on gray or brown tones without nacre. Refrain from pink, blue or purple shades.
  • The black bold lines around the eyes not only look vulgar, but also add to your eyes a few years.
  • Ink. Let it be right black, well, in extreme cases, brown. Blue or green is not recommended.
  • Give your eyebrows a natural shape. It is advisable to use the services of a professional beauty salon.
  • Blush. Give preference to apricot or brown shades that will give the face the desired relief.
  • Lip pencil is a must for shaping.
  • Lipstick is chosen in brown, dark pink or muted red. Dark shades in the photo can age the model immediately for several years.

Going to a photo studio, do not forget to bring a cosmetic bag with you. It will be useful to you if it becomes necessary to slightly correct the makeup applied earlier.

3. How to become photogenic: hairstyle

But with this point it is important not to overdo it. In the picture you should not look as if you had to spend half a day in a hairdresser the other day.

It is advisable that your hair give the impression of being cleanly washed, shiny and dyed at the roots, if necessary.

Unnatural colors, such as bright red or platinum, do not look very good in pictures.

Long hair is best left loose, this will give the appearance an additional charm. But short ones must first be carefully trimmed and laid.

Strictly avoid fleece!

As you yourself could see, finding the answer to the question of how to be photogenic is not so difficult. Anyone can do it. However, certain efforts and ingenuity will still have to be made.


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