Olomouc, Czech Republic: attractions and reviews

This town is of great cultural importance for the Czech Republic, as St. Petersburg for Russia. Of course, it has a more modest size - only 100 square kilometers. Nevertheless, Olumouc is literally filled with unique sights and memorable places. Therefore, many tourists are eager to get here even before visiting the beauties of Prague.

olomouc czech republic

Olomouc is located in the east of the country and is the center of its historical region - Moravia. This is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the country.

Attractions in Olomouc (Czech Republic)

It is better to get acquainted with interesting places of this city as part of an excursion group. An experienced guide will tell you a lot of interesting things about the memorable places of Olumouc.

Holy Trinity Column

G. Olomouc (Czech Republic) is so conveniently located that it is easy to get here from any city in the country, as well as from neighboring territories. It is often called the "Ganat Rome", since the town is the heart of the historical region of Ghana.

The Holy Trinity Column, 35 meters high, is a religious monument that was erected in gratitude for the miraculous deliverance from the terrible plague epidemic. It is under the protection of UNESCO and is considered one of the largest sculptural compositions in Europe.

olomouc czech republic sights

This magnificent baroque building was built in Olomouc in 1716. The column is located in the center of Upper Square. On her watch are moving figures that were added during the recent restoration.


Residents of the town of Olomouc (Czech Republic) are especially proud of the city Cathedral of St. Wenceslas. This is a Catholic church, consecrated in honor of St. Wenceslas. The temple was erected in 1140 in the Romanesque style by order of Bishop Jindrich Zdick. However, in the XIII century the church was rebuilt in the Gothic style. In 1892, the architect Gustav Meretta introduced neo-Gothic details to the central tower. Its height is 100.65 meters. In 2007, the last reconstruction was completed.

olomouc czech republic photo

Archbishop's palace

The residence of the archbishops in the city of Olomouc (Czech Republic), the photo of which you see below, is a very complex complex, which has two courtyards, three entrances and seven residential buildings, which are open to the general public year-round.

The construction of this facility took twenty years and was completed in 1685. A temple was erected in the historic center of the city on the site of an old mansion that suffered during the Thirty Years War. The building was built in the early Baroque style. The author of the project was the Italian architect Filiberto Lucheso. The initiator of the temple was Bishop Charles II of Liechtenstein Castelkorn .

Mr. Olomouc Czech Republic

In the early twentieth century, the reconstruction of the building began, in connection with the next fire, which caused significant damage to the temple. During a visit to the palace, tourists can examine several living quarters, a huge library, an office where the main church issues are solved, a hall in which various exhibitions are held.

The Archbishop's Palace today is not only a private residence, but also a well-known public building, within the walls of which many cultural events and meetings of national importance are held.

Gelfstein Fortress

The city of Olomouc in the Czech Republic, like other cities in the country, is famous for its castles and palaces. Some of them were preserved in excellent condition, while others remained ruins. This refers to the largest not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Europe Helfstein fortress, built at the beginning of the XIV century. It was a defensive structure.

Over its long history, it has changed several owners, who completed the castle and changed it in their own way. In the XVII century, the building was badly damaged during the hostilities. Residents left the fortress, and gradually it began to decay. Only in the XX century, the magnificent ruins began to be restored, life gradually returned to the ancient stone walls: cultural events began to be held here and museum displays were opened, telling guests of the city of Olomouc about the mint. In addition, an exhibition of wrought iron art works here today.

Buzov Castle

And this is perhaps one of the most romantic castles in the Czech Republic. It was built between the 13th and 14th centuries. A magnificent building located in a beautiful countryside in the vicinity of Olomouc. The castle was owned by several owners - famous Czech families. Since 1945, he became the property of the state.

The castle is magnificent both inside and out. The interior of the building preserved ancient furniture made by skilled cabinetmakers, paintings, dishes, art objects. Around the castle there is a picturesque park with numerous benches, paths, two drawbridges.

Olomouc in the Czech Republic

In 1999, Buzov Castle received the status of a national monument. Now it hosts social events, theater performances, exhibitions and weddings. Cinematographers did not ignore him. Here, historical films and several fairy tales were shot.


The small town of Olomouc (Czech Republic) is famous for its huge number of fountains. In the Middle Ages, they were sources of water for citizens. With the advent of the water supply system, many cities in Europe dismantled the fountains, and the Olomouc authorities did not destroy the beautiful structures that were built by outstanding stone makers. They were preserved not only in order to preserve water supplies in case of fires that happened here regularly, but also as a decoration of squares and streets.

olomouc czech republic

There really are a lot of them in such a small town. Even listing them will take a lot of time - the fountain of Heracles and Caesar, Neptune and Jupiter, Mercury and Tritons, Hercules and Arion, and even more than a dozen structures. Moreover, each of them is unique, has its own characteristics.

Property for sale in Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Olomouc is a very picturesque and calm town. That is why citizens of other countries are happy to purchase real estate here. Since May 2009, the country began to operate the rules established by the European Union regarding the acquisition by individuals (foreign citizens) of real estate. Since that time, the right of ownership is issued to an individual.

For the Czech Republic, the main Russian investments are in Karlovy Vary and Prague. The capital even has its own small “Czech Brighton” - this is the Gurka district, the first district mastered by Russians in the nineties. Karlovy Vary for some time received an unofficial name - “Russian Vary”, since most of the real estate (in the resort area) belongs to the Russians.

property in olomouc czech republic

The remaining regions of the country are not yet so familiar to Russian buyers, although Russian-speaking foreigners in the Czech Republic most often use local real estate as a means of earning. The profitability of apartments in the country varies depending on their location. The most popular cities in this sense are Prague, Brno and several resort towns.

From this point of view, the cities in which many students live are also of interest to investors. One hundred thousandth of them is Olomouc, where more than half of the population (60%) study or work at the University of Palacky, which is one of the largest in the country. The average home ownership price in Omouc ranges from € 67,950 to € 72,590.

Tourists reviews

The Czech Republic is a country that is developing quite rapidly. She is very beautiful and interesting. The town of Olomouc is ideal for lovers of picturesque landscapes and educational vacations. Here you feel comfortable and cozy, the locals are welcoming and hospitable. Their mentality and culture are close to the Russians. That is why the acquisition of real estate in Olomouc is quite justified.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25794/

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