Logistic systems are ... Logistics basics

The term "logistics" in Greek logistike means nothing more than the art of reasoning, calculating. Apply this concept began in the 6th century. This is evidenced by treatises describing the military art of that time. A logistic position also existed at the court of the Byzantine emperor. His responsibilities included the distribution of food purchased at the table.

There is evidence of the application of logistic principles by Napoleon. He used them to guide his army.

In Russian, the term “logistics” appeared only at the beginning of the 19th century. This concept was introduced by the French military specialist Antoine Jomini.

The main meaning of the term

Logistics is one of the parts of economics. The subject of its consideration is the organization of the most rational process of promoting services and goods originating from the producer to the consumer. In addition, logistics is a discipline, the application of which is necessary for the effective management of stocks of goods, as well as the process of their promotion to the buyer. This science is considering the creation of the necessary infrastructure to solve these problems.

types of logistics systems

From the point of view of the management of any organization, logistics is nothing more than strategic management of all material flows, starting from the procurement process, ending with the sale and storage of goods, equipment, etc. The concept under consideration covers control over the information and financial resources of the enterprise.

The concept of a logistics system

In the encyclopedic dictionary you can find the definition of many elements, which, being in one or another relationship with each other, form a certain unity. This is the system.

This concept applies to the science we are considering. In addition, logistics systems is a term that is basic to this discipline. The purpose of their creation is to minimize costs or keep them at a certain level in the process of delivering information, services or goods in the right range and quantity to the place specified in the contract with the buyer.

Basic properties

Logistic systems are economic objects that are characterized by the compatibility of elements, including:

  • a set of different links that are in interaction with each other;
  • certain relationships affecting integral qualities;
  • system-forming factors forming ordered relationships;
  • integrative qualities inherent in the whole system, but not characteristic of its individual links.

Elements of the product movement system

Based on world practice, economists make an unambiguous conclusion that the logistics principles are one of the important main directions necessary for the normal development of the enterprise. The purpose of such developments is to increase the efficiency of material, labor and financial resources, as well as their management at various levels.

Elements of the logistics system are very diverse. They include:

  • material means necessary for the movement of goods (loading and unloading mechanisms, vehicles, warehouses);
  • productive reserves;
  • Departments for managing all elements of the supply chain.

In other words, the promotion of material flows is carried out by qualified personnel who use vehicles, a variety of equipment, etc.

logistic system concept
The concept of a logistics system is impossible without the coordinated and harmonious work of its links, which together have a number of properties, namely:

1. Integrity and articulation. Any system, including the logistics one, is considered as a combination of elements interacting with each other. At the macro level, these include enterprises and transport moving between them. A closer look at logistics systems is a combination of subsystems such as:

  • procurement, during which a flow of material flows into the logistics system;
  • planning and further management of production processes that take the received stocks and direct them for the implementation of various technological operations, turning the subject of labor into a final product;
  • sales, the task of which is the disposal of material flows from the logistics system.

All the elements considered are of different quality, but at the same time compatible with each other. Their common work and ensures the functioning of the entire logistics system.

2. Connections. They exist between all elements of the logistics system, determining its integrative qualities. At the macro level, contracts are used as links. In micrological systems, this is a production relationship.

3. Organization. It is this property of the logistics system that gives it orderliness.

4. Integrative qualities. This property affects the efficiency of the logistics system as a whole. Integrative qualities are the ability to deliver the goods the customer needs at the right place and time with minimal cost. In addition, this property allows the system to adapt in case of changes in environmental conditions.


What types of logistics systems are there? They are divided into transport and storage, production and legal, personnel, information, etc. All of them are included in two main groups, which are macro-and micrologistic. These are the main logistics systems. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Macrologistic system

This is a large chain of ties that encompasses organizations of industry, trade, and transport located either in different countries or in separate regions of one state. Included in the macroscopic system and intermediary firms. All of these links together represent the economic infrastructure of a region, an individual state, or a group of countries.

The creation of a macro-logical system at the international level is a very complicated matter. Here it is necessary to overcome the difficulties that are associated with the economic and legal features of various states. Also, many other difficulties are faced by similar logistics systems. These are unequal conditions for the supply of goods, and various transport laws, and other barriers.

logistic information systems
The creation of a macro-logistic system within the framework of interstate programs will require the formation at the legislative level of a single market and economic space that has no internal borders. At the same time, when transporting goods, labor, information and capital, there should not be any customs barriers.

Types of logistics systems at the macro level are classified according to the following criteria:

  • on the administrative-territorial division of the country;
  • subjective functional capabilities.

In practice, the countries of Western Europe often use the concept of a global macro-logical system. This may be a state (for example, broadcasting) system. Its formation takes place at the level of a single country. Global is also called the interstate system, covering several states. The transcontinental chain functioning within the borders of several continents is also included in this concept.

According to existing relationships, macro-logical systems are divided into three types. So, they can have:

  • direct connections when the material flow moves directly from the producer of the goods to the end consumer;
  • at least one intermediary (such logistics systems are called layered);
  • either direct communications, or to deliver goods through an intermediary (flexible logistics systems).

Micro-logistic system

This is a type of organization of material flows, used in a particular enterprise. The purpose of the micro-logic chain is to optimize the movement of resources within the production process, supply, and marketing.

The logistics system of the enterprise should be built taking into account the strategic goals of the company and solve the problems of optimizing its functioning. Such developments cover the scope of each particular enterprise. At the same time, the organization's logistics system provides a solution to internal issues related to the movement of material flow.

logistics systems it
And in this case there is a classification. Types of micro-level logistics systems are divided into:

  • internal production (internal);
  • external;
  • integrated.

The logistics system of the internal type enterprise is designed to optimize the management of material flows within the technological cycle of a particular production. Its main objectives are to reduce the inventory of work in progress and material resources, as well as reduce the period of turnover of working capital of the company. For this, the enterprise’s logistics system must manage and control the level of material resources and optimize the operation of technological transport. Successful solution of this problem will lead to a minimum cost of production and increase labor productivity while maintaining the required quality of finished goods.

Logistic systems of appearance are created to solve problems associated with the optimization and management of material and associated flows from the supplier to the buyer. This movement takes place outside the technological cycle of the enterprise.

The elements that make up the external logistics systems are supply and distribution networks that ensure the movement of products from manufacturers' warehouses to the final consumer. These include both intra-company transport, storage, etc. units, as well as involved organizations that carry out the transportation of goods. The main tasks that external logistics systems are designed to solve are to rationally organize the movement of material flows, as well as to optimize all costs and reduce delivery time.

Modern business conditions require completely different approaches to the promotion of material flows. And here integrated logistics systems come to the rescue. They are based on the merger of traditional methods and a new innovative strategic flow management scheme. Currently, the world's leading companies in the development of logistics links for the passage of material flow use a common information and computer platform.

In this case, a strategic innovation system is formed. Integrated logistics management allows companies to significantly increase the speed of asset turnover, reduce inventory and satisfy customers' needs for quality products and services. By combining the work of managers of the company, all its structural divisions, as well as logistics partners, you can achieve the best results in doing business.

Organization of the movement of material flows

Management in logistics systems has certain specifics. It includes such structures as procurement and production, transport, distribution and information. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

The tasks of procurement logistics are solved in the process of delivery of raw materials to the enterprise. At this stage, suppliers are selected and studied, contracts are signed, and their subsequent execution is monitored. In case of violation of the delivery terms specified in the agreement, appropriate measures are taken.

An example of a logistics system that solves such problems can be seen at each enterprise. In any company, there are supply services, which are entrusted with all of the above functions.

main logistics systems
Next, material flows are managed within the enterprise itself. That is, where benefits are created or services are provided. At this stage, production logistics solves its problems. The specificity of this structure is that the entire volume of work on the movement of material flow is carried out within the boundaries of the enterprise. Moreover, all participants in the logistic scheme do not enter into commodity-money relations with each other. Thus, the movement of the flow does not occur according to the concluded agreements. He moves according to the decisions that have been made by the management of the enterprise. But nevertheless, the area of ​​production logistics is closely related to procurement and the further distribution of finished products.

The concept of a logistics system includes the implementation of distribution functions. These tasks are entrusted not only to manufacturing enterprises, but also to organizations engaged in trade and intermediary activities. At this stage, power structures are also included in the management of logistics schemes, since the distribution function affects the economy of the region. For example, this refers to organizing a food distribution system. This logistic structure draws attention to the material flow at the stage when it is located on the production site. During this period, issues of packaging and packaging, time, production volume, etc.

Next, the management of logistics systems goes to the transport section. Here the questions of further movement of the material flow are solved. All of them relate to the field of transport logistics. As in all other links in this chain, there are no clearly defined boundaries. The methodology of transport logistics is used in the process of organizing any type of transportation.

Information Logistics

What determines the results of the movement of material flows? Successful completion of a task is possible only where properly developed logistic information systems exist. It is they that allow in recent decades to carry out end-to-end management of material flows.

logistics is

Logistic information systems use microprocessor technology, modern information technologies and other means to solve the tasks. This area is closely connected with all other structures that control and control the movement of material flows. At the same time, there is an exchange of information not only within the enterprise itself, but also between partners located at significant distances from each other.

Logistic system analysis

Any planning of the movement of material flows begins with a consideration of the current situation and assigning it an appropriate assessment. For this, an analysis of the logistics system is carried out. It is necessary for studying the external environment, evaluating competitors and the market, as well as for determining the characteristic properties of each link in the developed chain.

enterprise logistics system
When conducting research on the logistics system, it is first of all determined that it has reserves for improvement. Next, we study the evidence necessary for an objective and critical consideration of the effectiveness of the process of movement of the material flow. At the end of the analysis, possible variations in the logistics system are identified that contribute to the creation of the most acceptable scheme.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25798/

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