What are the excursions in Budapest?

Budapest is a stunning city with a huge number of attractions and interesting places. Arriving at it, of course, I want to see all the beauty. Therefore, the question immediately arises of what kind of excursions in Budapest in Russian are and where else you can go.

Group excursions

If you want to see the city in all its glory, then you should initially decide what interests you: group tours in Budapest or personal ones. As a rule, group tours are meant as personal excursions with the only difference being that they are organized for three or five people. Such an excursion allows the guide to maximize time for tourists. Yes, and move from one place to another is much easier not so large team.

But group tours in Budapest in Russian mean the formation of tourist communities of 20-30 people. If an individual program costs several tens of euros, then a walk as part of a group is much cheaper, about 5-10 euros. However, in the latter case, the guide is simply not able to give you individual attention and linger for a couple of minutes in one place or another.

excursions from budapest

Based on your wishes and possibilities, it is worth choosing one or another version of the tour. Well, then it’s worth considering the route. The choice of excursion programs is quite large, it all depends on what exactly you want to see.

Types of excursions in Budapest

Excursions in Budapest in Russian can be of several types: romantic, wellness, sightseeing, unusual, shopping, gastronomic. In addition, tour operators distinguish several more tours that lead outside the city. Of these, it is worth highlighting excursions from Budapest to Hungary and Europe. This separation of programs is quite convenient, since each pursues its own goals, choosing a particular trip.

Sightseeing Tours

Tourists who come to the city for the first time, as a rule, tend to get on a sightseeing tour. A great option are rides on the Hop Of and Hop On buses. Perhaps this is the best option for a general acquaintance with the city. The advantages of such excursions are that they provide an opportunity to explore Budapest at a pace that is convenient for you personally.

“Hop Of” and “Hop On” are two bus routes (green and red) that have stops at the most prominent places. Having a daily ticket, you can go out at any stop and continue sightseeing. On each route, several buses run throughout the day. Each of them goes with an interval of about thirty minutes. Buses are equipped with audio guides, including in Russian.

Budapest tours in Russian

A sightseeing tour is also possible as part of a group. The advantage of a bus trip is that you are not dependent on the group and allot as much time as you see fit to inspect one place. Well, you can really feel the spirit of Budapest only during a walking tour.


If you are not embarrassed by long walks, then it makes sense to choose walking group tours of Budapest in Russian. Thanks to them, you can see the city from the inside and get a lot of impressions. During the walk you can see the architectural monuments of completely different eras.

Budapest night walks

Group excursions in Budapest are not only visits to architectural sights, but also the opportunity to see the city’s nightlife. For such walks, special routes have been developed. First, tourists drive around the most interesting places by car in the evening, admiring them in the light of the lights, after which they continue walking. The program includes a visit to Heroes Square, St. Stephen’s Basilica, Andrassy Avenue and the Citadel. And then guests will visit the best bars, cafes and nightclubs in Budapest.

Romantic walks

Romantic city tours are interesting for honeymooners who come to Budapest to spend the Cretaceous month. Also, they can be visited by couples in love who are in a romantic mood. The genuine magic of evening Budapest, decorated with lights, or a boat trip along the Danube will surely appeal to any tourist.

Wellness excursions

Budapest is famous for its swimming pools. A large number of them are located not only in the city, but also outside it. Experienced travelers recommend visiting the Miskolcstapolc baths. Here guests can immerse themselves in a real underground lake. The largest thermal lake in Europe, Heviz, is worth a look.

excursion Vienna Budapest from Prague

Bathing in general is a hallmark of the city. It is precisely known that the ancient Romans knew about healing springs. In those days they used thermal waters for medicinal purposes. Now in Budapest there are about 30 bath houses, among which there are establishments for every budget and taste. Almost all of them work year-round, and only a few in the summer.

Unusual excursions

This category of excursions implies the possibility of choosing the program that you like. For example, you can go to the famous pubs of the capital of Hungary. And you can see the dungeons of Budapest. In this category, there are many interesting options.


Such a program will interest real shopaholics. Tourists are offered the opportunity not only to purchase many accessories, but also to go to the country's most famous outlet - Parnidorf.

Gastronomic excursions

It's no secret that Hungary is a paradise for lovers of good food. It doesn’t matter that you love more, here you can find a lot of unique dishes. Once on a gastronomic tour, you will get the opportunity to see the life of real Hungarians, to taste national food and drinks.

From Budapest to Hungary

Not only the capital is of interest in the country, therefore excursions from Budapest to Hungary are very relevant. It is worth seeing the nearest towns worthy of attention. One of them is Szentendre. An unusual Hungarian city is interesting for its unusual atmosphere, its architecture and history. Currently, it is the center of Orthodoxy in Hungary. There are 50 museums in the city, among which there is a museum of marzipans, Christmas decorations, music boxes and other interesting things. And local shops are no worse than museums, they are also worth a look.

excursion bratislava budapest

Due to historical circumstances, representatives of different peoples live in the town. There are four Serbian churches (Orthodox), a Catholic cathedral and a Roman Catholic church.

Szentendre is known as a city of artists who have chosen the city. To this day, art salons and galleries operate on its territory.

Danube Bend

A very interesting excursion from Budapest to the bend of the Danube. Such a trip involves visiting three Hungarian towns: Esztergom (this is the former capital of the country), Vysehrad (another former capital with a medieval castle), Szentendre (a sweet town of artists and winemakers).

Excursions from Budapest to nearby cities

From Budapest you can go to Eger. The rather famous Hungarian town is famous for its architecture, wines and history. The central part of the city was built in the 18-19 centuries in the Baroque style, it has survived to this day. Here, on a hill, is the famous fortress of the country. After visiting the city, tourists are offered the opportunity to visit the “Valley of Beautiful Women” (this is the valley of winemaking).

Also, you should definitely go to Heviz and Balaton. Both lakes are quite interesting. Heviz is considered to be the largest thermal lake in the world. On its coast is a village of the same name.

Also, tourists are offered an excursion from Budapest to the Varga farm, which is located 100 kilometers from the city. Here you can see the traditional Hungarian economy, as it looked two hundred years ago. The farm tried to maintain the spirit of the era.

group tours in Budapest in Russian

A trip to Tokai will allow you to taste the best wine in the world. Winemaking has reached perfection in the town. It makes the most famous drinks in Hungary. By the way, Tokai wine has become famous all over the world. It is produced in very small quantities. Therefore, if you are a lover of such drinks, then you should go to Tokai and try real wine.

Excursions to Vienna and Budapest

A very popular excursion to Vienna, Budapest from Prague. Such trips exceed a day, as a rule, a tour takes at least two days. The bus leaves from Prague and arrives in Vienna, where tourists spend their first day exploring the sights of the city. The program includes visits to the Schönbrunn Palace, as well as the residence of the emperors and a stunning park. During the walk, a sightseeing tour of Vienna and a visit to the famous Vienna Opera are offered. The second day of the trip is devoted to sightseeing in Budapest. An excursion to the Parliament, Buda Castle, St. Stephen's Basilica and other significant places will allow you to get to know the city better. If time permits and guests have a desire, then a pedestrian walk in the evening city is also possible.

Tour operators also offer an excursion from Prague to Budapest. The trip also takes two days and involves a rich program of sightseeing.

Of the two-day trips, a tour of Bratislava - Budapest is also possible. One day takes a sightseeing tour of Bratislava with a tour of the house of St. Martin, the medieval gate, the Michal Tower, the Old Town Hall, churches and the Mirbach Palace. Also, tourists will be able to see the main square, the national theater and the palace of the President of Slovakia.

The second day involves a bus and pedestrian tour of Budapest with a visit to the Parliament, St. Stephen’s Basilica, Andrassy Avenue, the Royal Palace of Heroes Square, Sechenia Baths, the Fisherman's Bastion, the Opera House and other places in the city.

The main excursion routes in Budapest

We already mentioned that among beginners the most popular are group sightseeing tours in Russian. There are many interesting places in Budapest that during one program are simply impossible to see. A sightseeing tour allows you to see the main objects in the city center. During the program, you will see Heroes' Square, Andrássy Avenue, Vajdahunyad Castle, Fisherman's Bastion, Matthias Cathedral, Gellert Mountain, the Royal Palace, the Parliament Building in Budapest. The tour in Russian is good for those who do not speak the languages.

parliament budapest excursion

No less interesting is the program for exploring the temples and cathedrals of Budapest. During the tour, tourists are offered the opportunity to visit the temples of completely different faiths:

  1. Churches of King Matthias (this is the coronation church).
  2. St. Stephen's Cathedral.
  3. Mausoleum of the Gul Baba.
  4. Cave Temple on the slope of Mount Gellert.
  5. In the world's largest synagogue.

Of course, a trip to the Buda Castle is popular.

Reviews for tours in Budapest

Budapest is the most beautiful city in every respect. Stunning architecture makes it unforgettably beautiful. Experienced travelers recommend using excursion programs organized by travel companies to see the city in all its beauties. A bus tour of Budapest with audio guides, according to guests, leaves much to be desired. It is not worth wasting time or money. The information offered by the audio guide is completely unnecessary. Only brief information about the city is given, and not a word about those objects that are on the way.

But city overview programs by transport or on foot are a great opportunity to get to know Budapest, especially if this is your first time coming here. But at the next visits, you will certainly want to go to familiar places.

Local guides offer numerous Danube programs. It can be a romantic cocktail trip along the river during sunset or a cruise with live music and dinner. In the daytime, you can go sailing with a call to the island of Margarit.

If you want to experience an unusual sensation, be sure to visit the tour "Underground Budapest". Nature quite generously awarded the land. Here there are not only healing thermal springs, but also a system of numerous caves under the Buda Mountains. Many of them are located almost within the city, and therefore they can be visited. One of them is the largest stalactite cave in Hungary. In total, the length of the cave corridors is 29 km. The air temperature in them stably keeps within +11 degrees. The caves have amazing acoustics. In them you can see with your own eyes the prints of shells of the ancient seas, helictites, large crystals of calcite, stalagmites and stalactites, all kinds of formations that resemble animal figures. It is believed that cave air is so pure and healthy in its properties that it is comparable to mountain air. Here you can see the first cave church.

Budapest tours in Russian

For real gourmets and food connoisseurs, a folklore program with the opportunity to dine in one of the national institutions of Budapest will seem interesting. Tourists highly recommend such entertainment. The evening program is saturated with the atmosphere of Hungarian customs, folk music, dances and songs. A delicious complement to a delicious and hearty Hungarian dinner. If desired, you will be offered local traditional soft drinks or wine. According to vacationers, the incendiary chardash and tunes of the violin make the evening simply unforgettable.

Instead of an afterword

Budapest is a stunning multi-faceted city with an incredible number of architectural monuments and natural attractions. Many city sightseeing programs are worthy of attention, as are trips to the nearest cities of Hungary. Choosing a tour, it is worth based on what you would like to see first and how much time you are willing to spend on it. Based on this, you can choose a tour of any complexity and duration, including three-day trips to the three capitals of Europe. However, do not forget that too busy programs are quite tiring, so excursions should be alternated with a relaxing holiday and quiet walks along the old streets.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25821/

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