Record tax online: tips and tricks

Often, citizens have to contact an organization such as the tax office. The appeal can be on any issue, starting with the submission of reports and ending with consultation with specialists. Now almost in all departments of the service recording is carried out using the terminal. However, there is the possibility of pre-recording. You can also immediately prepare a series of documents. For example, filing a tax report via the Internet has long been a reality for private entrepreneurs.

Ways to make an appointment. Where to go

Writing to the tax via the Internet can be done using two resources. The first of them, as you might guess, is the official site of the tax service. The second method is connected with the popular resource "State Services of the Russian Federation", which allows you to make an appointment with doctors, the tax office, and also allows you to submit all kinds of documents.

Each of these resources has its own characteristics, therefore, the nuances of recording tax through the Internet can change.

tax entry via the Internet

Recording using the tax office site

Both individuals and legal entities can use the proposed service. Making an appointment to the tax office via the Internet offers a free date and time for inspection at the place of registration of a citizen. Reception in this case is conducted according to the schedule of a specific department.

An interesting fact is that you can sign up both two weeks and a day before the expected date of visit. However, you shouldn’t delay this, since recording a tax via the Internet is already a fairly popular service that is used by most users of the World Wide Web.

Also, the tax service allows you to record with the same package of documents at different times to different specialists who answer different questions. At the same time, you cannot register for the same service more than three times during two calendar weeks, that is, fourteen days in advance.

The website of the tax office also states that if a specialist for some reason cannot make an appointment at the indicated time, then the visitor will not have to wait more than half an hour. The agency is obliged to transfer its affairs to another qualified employee.

online tax return

Data that will have to be specified when recording

In order to sign up through the Internet to the tax office, you must select the appropriate tab on the official website of the department. Next, the user is invited to decide who he is. The choice of three options is given:

  • individual entrepreneur;
  • entity;
  • individual.

Depending on this, the fields that are necessary to fill out appear. For example, for a legal entity, the following will become mandatory:

  • directly the name of the organization ;
  • TIN of the enterprise;
  • contact phone number of a company representative;
  • E-mail address. It is to him that a notification will be sent about the completion of the recording, as well as possible changes.

online tax reporting

Small tips for those who record using the site

First of all, when recording, you should carefully read the points in which the provided service is described. The fact is that a tax inspector has the right to refuse to accept a citizen if the desired service is chosen incorrectly.

Also, the user may be refused to accept documents if he is late for more than ten minutes. In such a situation, they may postpone the recording at a later time or they may offer to take a turn for coupons. Also, do not forget about the presence of a TIN, which can be requested. This document should always be kept at hand at a reception at the tax office. However, sometimes only numbers are enough.

tax report online

Government services. Appointment

Recording to the tax office using the public services portal is possible only under the following conditions:

  • availability of completed data on the TIN;
  • proof of identity in the points indicated on the site.

The last paragraph raises the most questions among ordinary users. The fact is that a citizen passes a double check during registration. For the first time, he just needs to indicate SNILS and passport data. Information will be checked automatically within fifteen minutes.

However, after this it is necessary to go to special points of identity confirmation and show a passport, SNILS, write a statement. After that, a citizen can use all the features of the site completely. The items most often are the Pension Fund, as well as a number of banks.

register online in tax

Submission of documents to the tax office via the Internet

Currently, you can not only make an appointment using resources, but also submit a number of documents. We are talking both about filing tax reports via the Internet for legal entities, and about sending a 3-personal income tax return for individuals.

In order to file a tax return, you must:

  • draw up documentation. You can do this both in your account on the website and on your computer using the program of the same name;
  • sending a tax return via the Internet using an electronic document management operator. Currently, there are more than one hundred and fifty such operators, which allows you to choose those who are most suitable for the citizen.

It is worth noting that the tax office may refuse to accept the declaration, if it is not completed in the prescribed form, will not contain the signature of a citizen. Also, documents sent to the department at the place of registration are not accepted. They do the same with those who do not have identity documents at the time of filing the declaration.

Tax registration via the Internet is currently a fairly convenient service for Russian citizens, avoiding queues and saving valuable time.


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