Standard plastic card size

Since many different accessories are produced for plastic cards, they try to make them approximately the same size to suit any need. That is, both the standard pass, and the “discount” card, and even the one issued by the bank, have relatively similar parameters. The standard size of a plastic card is determined by ISO 7810. That is why all cards issued by absolutely any bank can be freely used in all ATMs.

Bank cards

The size of the plastic card, the same for all banks, appeared for a reason. First of all, these financial institutions were interested in getting as many users or customers as possible, even if only for the time when he used an ATM of a bank other than his. From each client, such an organization receives its own penny of income by withdrawing a commission directly from a person’s account or by demanding compensation for services from a partner bank. That is, all such institutions were very interested in unifying this parameter. However, it was necessary to determine the dimensions of this means of payment, and it was necessary to take into account not only the convenience of banks, but also the comfort of use. As a result of lengthy research, a single size plastic card was chosen, the layout of which was offered to all interested organizations. The selected parameters allow you not to lose the card at random, keep it convenient and use, and in addition, you can apply relatively extensive advertising or any other information to it.

plastic card size


For a long time, use plastic cards exclusively as a means of payment, providing remote access to the account of the owner. However, a little later other organizations also appreciated the usability of such a tool and adapted it for their own needs. Due to the fact that the main work on identifying the optimal parameters of which card sizes can be used, plastic devices began to appear more and more. In particular, they began to be actively used as passes to various factories, firms, enterprises of various forms of ownership, state structures, and so on. In general, wherever it would be convenient to use plastic cards, both in terms of security and in terms of comfort.

plastic card sizes

Discount Cards

Soon, in stores, retail chains and other various points of sale, they realized their benefit from the use of such devices. The size of the plastic card in cm is only 8.56 by 5.398 by 0.076 mm, due to which the buyer will not protest against its delivery, as she will not burden them and can provide additional bonuses, discounts and other advantages for further purchases in the specified distribution network. It is believed that in this way stores lure more and more buyers, but this is not the only point. Since this type of plastic card is used after all purchases have been made, all information about them is sent to a special server. There they are already analyzing it and submitting it to the management, which on its basis can predict the approximate expenses of certain groups of goods, plan their purchase in advance and generally optimize the sales process as much as possible, which will greatly affect profits and make it possible to get such a high income at comparable costs as it is possible.

plastic card size mockup

Souvenir cards

Among other things, the small size of the plastic card (in inches it will be only 3.37 by 2.13 by 0.03) allows you to not only carry it conveniently and comfortably, but also be a carrier of a rather large amount (by advertising standards) of information . For such needs, plastic cards are used by various companies selling or producing souvenirs, issuing simply beautiful cards either as an addition to the souvenir itself, or as a souvenir itself, which is quite modern and unique, which is very appreciated in certain societies.

plastic card size in inches

Business cards

Convenience is also appreciated by many wealthy or influential people who order their own business cards on plastic cards. However, here the sizes of cards, plastic or cardboard, can vary quite a lot, within 0.13 millimeters in width, 0.06 millimeters in length and 0.08 millimeters in thickness, since it is in these limits, in most cases, that it is possible issue cards related equipment, also standardized. Having such a business card is quite prestigious, it almost immediately allows you to determine, if not status, then at least the level of a person’s income, which is very useful in certain circles. The size of the plastic card that is used in this way can be anything at all, however, it is all the accessories that are produced under the standard, which is the main incentive to the same one indicated at the beginning of the unification article.

plastic card size in cm


All kinds of identification cards, including a driver’s license, are also often issued on the same principle as ordinary ones. They are also quite different from each other, and the standard size of a plastic card is rarely respected. Here it has been done on purpose so that, if necessary, not to confuse the means of payment with an identity card (or any other certificate). Despite this point, issued documents still have approximately comparable (for example, 8.6 by 5.4 cm) card sizes. There are a lot of plastic ones among them, but this is not fixed by law, which theoretically allows such certificates to be produced even on cardboard. Most drivers still prefer plastic options, since they last longer, and you don’t have to worry so much about safety.

standard plastic card size


In general, the size of a plastic card of one type or another in most cases is determined precisely by the convenience of use from the point of view of the user, because otherwise such a convenient tool that allows you to track various operations or even move (in the form of a pass or certificate) would not be used. It should be noted that there are many various enterprises that offer for sale non-standard sizes of cards, plastic, cardboard or any other materials that the customer needs. The customers of such organizations are developers of board games that require similar plastic devices that are very different from the accepted sizes, various exclusive souvenir shops, the same retail chains, and many other enterprises that want to stand out against the general background.


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