The most interesting places and attractions of the Novgorod region

Veliky Novgorod is an ancient city. It occupies the northwestern part of Russia. In his administrative subordination is the Novgorod region, rich in interesting places. Here you can feel the greatness of history. This area is rich in natural reserves, and museums and temple buildings. Traveling in the Novgorod region can be very exciting.

Sights of the Novgorod region are scattered throughout its district. Therefore, it’s impossible to see all of them at once, unless you have to travel by car. But in some places it is definitely worth a visit.

Mysterious Lake Sheregodro

sights of the Novgorod region

Sheregodro Lake is located in a chain of karst lakes located on the territory of Borovichi District, Novgorod Region. This lake has a harsh and even unpredictable character. There were years when its coastline far receded from the level. In other years, floods occurred, and the entire coastal zone with the trees went under water. Local residents say that for several years in a row the lake was almost completely gone. But then it poured again. The reason for these phenomena has not yet been studied. The lake itself is very beautiful. However, only water tourists and those who explore the sights of the Novgorod region by car can see this beauty. Several kayaking routes pass through the lake.

Here you can set up a tent and enjoy the peace and tranquility. But there is an option and less extreme. On the eastern shore of the lake is a small recreation center. The conditions here are hiking. You can rent a house, rent a boat, cook food. Facilities are on the street. To relax in such a unique place is a good option.

Velje Lake

sights of the Novgorod region by car

Continuing to describe the natural attractions of the Novgorod region, I would like to separately tell about one of the largest waterways of the north-west of Russia - Lake Velie. The lake occupies almost 25 kilometers of territory. Its shores are meandering. Many islands formed on the lake.

Fans of fishing, and just those who love the natural beauty of the lake will reveal in full glory. There is a huge amount of perch and pike in it.

Before the war, it was a natural reservoir. After that, many unexploded mines remained on this territory and it was decided to artificially raise the lake level and flood a large territory.

The local administration consists of competent specialists, therefore the preservation of the lake is in good hands. You can fish here only by purchasing a ticket. During spawning, fishing is prohibited in some sections of the lake.

The water in the lake is so clean that it can be drunk directly from the reservoir. This is the best place to relax in nature.

Rdeisky reserve

natural attractions of the Novgorod region

Natural attractions of the Novgorod region are also represented by nature reserves. Rdeisky reserve is located near the lakes Polisto and Rdeisk, thanks to which this place is also called the Rdeisko-Polistovsky Territory.

This place is deserted. The marshland is covered with moss. Pines and undersized shrubs grow here and there. Often come across areas of water in which the sun is reflected. In these places you can find many species of different birds.

The system of swamps was formed thanks to peatlands and is the largest not only in Russia but also in Europe.

The reserve covers an area of ​​37 thousand hectares. Certain plants grow in every part of the reserve. Coniferous trees grow in the north, deciduous in the south and east. The reserve was opened relatively recently, in 1994. therefore, the trees here are mostly young.

Among the peat bogs there are small islands (Andrianov, Domsha). Forests in this area have retained their original appearance.

Of particular value are the Rdeisky Reserve and rare and protected plants. Scientists discover new types of moss every year. A variety of animals also live on the territory. Some species of birds are even listed in the Red Book.

Arboretum. The village of Opechensky Posad

sights borovichi of the Novgorod region

Consider the sights of Borovichi in the Novgorod region. In Borovichi district there are many interesting places for tourists. One of them is the village of Opechensky Posad. Here is a unique arboretum. The first tree on this territory was planted in 1957 by a local resident Semen Ushakov.

After he began to bring new trees and shrubs from various reserves of Russia. Arboretum operates at the expense of personal funds and efforts of S. Ushakov. Local residents also help him. They dug a small pond, built a marina and an observation deck, made an artificial island. From the improvised materials were collected several fountains. At the entrance to the park everyone is greeted by an unusual bear. There are thematic alleys, for example, for newlyweds or for sponsors. You can plant a tree on them yourself. Arboretum and much more can be visited upon arrival in Borovichi, Novgorod Region. Attractions are available both in the city itself and in its surroundings.

Today, the arboretum is under protection. This is a natural monument of regional importance. Semyon Ushakov recently left this world and the arboretum passed to the care of his daughters, who want to transfer the object to the state. Entrance to the park is free.

Mr. Borovichi, Novgorod Region Attractions

The sights of the Novgorod region consist not only of natural objects. There are amazing temple buildings here.

Holy Trinity Michael-Klop Monastery

The Orthodox monastery is located in a picturesque place - the mouth of the river Veryazhy. Nearby is Lake Ilmen. The monastery got its name due to the shape of the area on which it is located. Here the river Veryazha forms many branches, the shape of which as a whole resembles a bug.

There is another version of the origin of such an unusual name. In the annals of the monastery is mentioned since 1408. It was this year that one of the relatives of Dmitry Donskoy, Mikhail Klopsky, visited the monastery. His relics are to this day in the monastery as the main shrine.

In the 15th century, the Trinity Cathedral was built here, which is the main monastery church. Later, the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was erected.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a bell tower was established on the territory.

Novgorod region attractions

Previously, the monastery was female, but during the war, temple buildings were badly damaged. Since 2005, the monastery was once again owned by the Russian Orthodox Church, but now as a man. They began to actively restore it.

Attractions Staraya Russa Novgorod region

Staraya Russa is located in the very center of the Novgorod region. This cozy little town is one of the oldest in the entire area. There are many interesting sights and places to relax. Staraya Russa is primarily famous for the fact that there is a balneological resort and a summer house of Dostoevsky F. M.

There are legends about the appearance of the city. One of them says that the two princes Rus and Sloven decided to found the cities of Slovensk and Rus near Lake Ilmen. Another legend mentions the tribes of Russia who lived on this territory before the arrival of the Vikings.

Attractions Staraya Russa Novgorod Oblast

City development

Since its foundation, Staraya Russa has been considered the main center of salt production. Previously, there were only wooden houses, but after a fire that destroyed all the buildings, the city began to be built up with stone buildings. Salt production almost stopped over time. Mud and mineral waters have become more relevant. Therefore, the first balneo-mud resort in Russia was opened here.

Staraya Russa is also famous for the fact that F. M. Dostoevsky stayed here for a long time. The resort was visited by cultural figures and writers who served Dostoevsky as an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Here he finished many famous works.

Today in Staraya Russa is the house-museum of the writer, which receives visitors.

House-Museum of N. A. Nekrasov in Chudovo

Of particular interest is the city of Chudovo, Novgorod Region. The sights here are also interesting. For example, Chudovskaya Luke, which is directly connected with the poet N. A. Nekrasov. The poet acquired the estate here and worked for some time. Here the legendary "Elegy" saw the light.

Today Nekrasov Manor is a museum opened in 1971. In 2004, the museum was reconstructed. Here you can see the rooms in which the poet lived. On the territory there is a school named after Nekrasov, which was opened in 1892 by the poet's sister.

Chudovo Novgorod region attractions

Every year, the museum hosts interesting events such as the Nekrasov reading, poet's memory evenings, children's parties, master classes, art lessons and much more.

National park. Valdai

No less interesting are the sights of Valdai in the Novgorod region. These include the Valdai National Park. The purpose of its creation was the decision to preserve a unique complex of lakes and forests located on the Valdai Upland. There are all conditions for recreation.

The national park consists of forest lands, swamps, water, hayfields, roads and non-forest lands.

The nature here is amazing. On the one hand, the park borders on southern taiga, and on the other, on deciduous forests.

In ancient times, this place was inhabited by Slavic tribes. The remains of their presence have survived to this day. Here you can see the mounds, villages, hills.

In the 19th century, there were numerous estates with picturesque parks, attracting many writers, artists, poets and other creative personalities. Natural beauty combined with masterpieces of architecture attracted special attention.

Attractions Valdai Novgorod region

The park has a great location. On its territory, recreation centers and camps for children were built.

Slavic village of the 20th century

Sights of the Novgorod region are scattered in all its parts. In Lyubytino there is a unique place - the open museum "Slavic Village of the 20th Century". This museum is a kind of imitation of a Slavic village. Here you can see all the tools of the past. Visit houses, a bakery, a blacksmith. All buildings are an exact copy of the buildings of the 20th century.

The museum is located on the territory of the Valdai Upland on the banks of the Msta River. This creation was the result of the implementation of the project "Deep Russia". For several years, scientists have created this masterpiece from the past. But now it is a real joy for tourists. Here they can be imbued with the atmosphere of life of past generations.

Description of the monument

The project is entirely based on archaeological research. Scientists practically in the original recreated the village of their ancestors.

The Slavic village consisted of several houses. The big house belonged to the head of the family, the rest belonged to relatives, children, grandchildren. All of them lived in small houses.

sights of the Novgorod region photo

The buildings of the past were significantly different from modern ones. Even the building technology was different. Houses from the log house then served not so long and were built with primitive tools. Roofs were covered with turf. Used it as a heater. Moss was placed between the logs so that there were no cracks. The roof was protected from leaking birch bark.

In such houses, small ventilation openings served as windows. Going into the house at full height was impossible. The doors were low, due to this the heat did not come out of the house.

In each house there was a stove-heater. The stones lay on top of each other. The masonry was not covered with cementing agents.

The barn was installed on a platform so that rodents could not damage the stock.

In the house of the head of the clan, various classes were held. From childhood, children were taught various crafts and everyday duties.

There was no trace of luxury in the houses, only the most necessary items. Of furniture there was only a table with benches. The dishes were near the stove.

The uniqueness of the museum lies in the fact that during its construction they used the same tools as in antiquity. Tourists can also learn some crafts and tooling.

These are the sights of the Novgorod region. Photos only partially convey their beauty. You should definitely see it live.


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