Biocorrector Suite: user reviews and photos

Biocorrector - a device designed to correct the state of biologically active zones through feedback, it uses the patient’s body as a sensor and creates the conditions for its recovery and self-regulation. This is confirmed by the instruction attached to the Biocorrector Suite apparatus.

Product Description

The action of the measuring part of the biocorrector is based on such a well-known physical effect as the appearance of an electric current in the electrolyte during contact with a pair of electrodes of various kinds (the ear is made of yellow metal, and the manual is made of white). Thus, when the electrodes contact the human body, a contact potential difference occurs, the necessary conditions are created so that the electric biocurrent can pass. The human body at the same time acts as a feedback sensor in a circuit that regulates the overall effect on it. In other words, the biocurrent is produced of precisely the magnitude needed for the appearance of a therapeutic effect in a particular procedure. In this article we will consider the Biocorrector Suite device.

biocorrector suite

Main functions

The biocorrector is designed to optimize the response of the human body to stress influences of various kinds. It works as follows:

  • determines the frequency of functioning of healthy and diseased cells in the body;
  • analyzes the investigated frequency;
  • carries out self-regulation of a certain frequency of cell work;
  • works by resonating with given frequencies.

biocorrector suite reviews

The result of this effect should be the replacement of pathogenic frequencies of disturbed cells with healthy ones. The body receives healing through the complete suppression of pathological resonance. What does the Biocorrector Suite treat?

Instrument treatment

Bioresonance therapy makes it possible to treat a wide range of diseases. The biocorrector can have a beneficial effect on the body's resistance to various negative environmental factors, and helps to adapt to its changes faster and easier. It is argued that such an apparatus is able to cope with many pathological processes without drugs or with a minimum number of them. This is confirmed by the reviews left about the Biocorrector Suite device.

biocorrector suite reviews of doctors

It can be used in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of various kinds of disorders of the nervous system and mental disorders;
  • with fatigue;
  • with migraines, headaches;
  • during states of stress and neurosis;
  • with osteochondrosis;
  • for the treatment of pathologies of the intestines and stomach;
  • with diseases of the urinary and reproductive system, including frigidity, impotence;
  • with hypertension;
  • for the treatment of respiratory diseases and cardiovascular disorders;
  • with infectious diseases.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use attached to the Biocorrector Suite apparatus.


In what options can I purchase this device for healing the body? The following types of biocorrectors are available:

  • Individual . Used to ensure the comfort of an individual. Such devices emit dissemination, which correlates with the patient's blood group for the closest approach of modulation to his biofield. It is recommended to wear it close to the body; each member of the family can use it.
  • Collective . It is used in the field of the patient’s life to ensure biological comfort.
  • Corrective modulator. It can neutralize the work of harmful radiation of any intensity, can also be worn close to the body or can be installed indoors on furniture.
  • Protective . It is compared with an umbrella that blocks the flow of bad energy from the earth’s field in its unfavorable zones and blocks their influence on the human body.

The price of a biocorrector is determined by its type and functions performed. Let's consider this question in more detail.

biocorrector device lux

Biocorrector Cost

A very frequent question of consumers: "And how much does this miracle cure cost?" The reviews confirm that the Biocorrector Suite device could be purchased for 28 thousand rubles several years ago. The exact cost must be checked with the seller.

How to use it?

For each device there is an instruction for use. It describes in detail what diseases it can be used for and how. It is recommended to carry out 20-25 procedures, which should be short-term. But still, before using it is better to consult with your doctor. According to the instructions, he has no contraindications.

The device is recommended to be used as a prophylaxis for people whose activities are associated with continuous exposure to electromagnetic waves, a long stay in an emotionally unstable environment, living in adverse environmental conditions or under psychological stress.

Positive feedback about Biocorrector Suite

It is widely believed that this product does not in any way comply with the principles of real medicine, does not have a therapeutic effect, except for a placebo.

On the Internet there is a fairly large number of reviews on the use of "Biocorrector Suite" (photo below). The most controversial opinions are observed: from enthusiastic to sharply negative. Let's consider some of them.

So, some users believe that the biocorrector fights directly with the cause of the disease, and not with its symptoms, significantly improves health. There is a relaxing effect that is felt at a subtle level. After use, the well-being generally improves significantly, migraines, headaches go away, the device enhances the effect of tablets, safe and easy to use. But there is a drawback: the presence of a large number of fakes on the market that will not have such an effect. This is confirmed by the feedback from the biocorrector Lux device.

biocorrector lux instruction

Others note that the device is often used for heart problems. After a week of use, it becomes much easier, sleep is normal. Even the mood becomes steadily upbeat. As a drawback, a rather high price is indicated.

A pleasant effect from the use of biocorrector is felt from the very beginning of the session. Patients are pleased that such devices appeared in Russia, since abroad such practices have long been normal.

What else is the use of the device?

The use of the Biocorrector Suite device in the fight against migraines that began from overwork, nervous stress, and fatigue is enormous. If headaches are severely tormented, then thanks to several courses of treatment with the device, they will appear much less often and lose their severity. An increase in the effect of drugs is noted. There are still drawbacks - a long wait for an order by mail.

The reviews also claim that the Biocorrector Suite device really improves health, helps get rid of shortness of breath. The effect is felt already during the procedure, and noticeable relief - after a week of use. Over time, the belief in the effectiveness of the drug only grows stronger.

biocorrector lux instructions for use

Negative reviews

There are also quite a lot of negative reviews. Users claim that the price of such an apparatus should be no more than one thousand rubles, since the effect of its use is minimal. In addition, under the guise of miraculous funds, fraudsters often sell fakes. Reviews are written mainly by young people who simply promote the product. It’s much more effective to go to bed and get up earlier, do exercises in the morning, monitor weight and eat normal food, and after a year everyone will be able to feel a surge of strength and energy. In terms of health, you need to rely only on yourself. Some other users claim that the biocorrector is an ordinary trinket with a bunch of flashing lights, that it makes no sense to pay big money for it, but it’s better to take any cheap calculator, go with it and believe in your healing: the effect will be the same.

The more common is still the opinion that the biocorrector, although it is intended for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, as stated in advertising in the media and in the instructions, is in fact another deception of the population and, in particular, pensioners, who tend to believe celebrities who speak with the promotion of a wonderful miracle cure. Perhaps a temporary positive effect can be manifested in improving health, but still nothing supernatural has happened in the life of patients using the device. It is possible that some people have noticed improvements, but still this is a waste of money, since the real price of such a drug is no more than a thousand rubles.

biocorrector luxury photo


In general, such devices should not be bought in online stores and on television channels with advertising, naively believing that really working devices are sold there. These devices must be sought in specialized stores where medical equipment is sold, or in pharmacies. There you can ask for certificates and documents for each device, with the recommendations of the RAMS and these characteristics. It is important to remain vigilant, carefully review reviews and not be fooled by fraudsters.

So, we examined in detail the device "Biocorrector Lux".


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