How to knit a doll with knitting needles: schemes, description. Knitted clothes for dolls

Knitting dolls with knitting needles, patterns and work algorithms we will consider in our article. It is hard to disagree that buying a doll in a store for your child today is not a particular problem. Today's toy market offers us a huge selection of toys, including dolls. The prices and quality of such products are very different and are designed for any wallet.

Also, modern technology has made it possible to sell through online stores, the choice of which is simply endless. But even so, the doll purchased at the supermarket will not be as dear to the child as the one you tied yourself. Here a very popular needlework comes to the rescue - making dolls with your own hands. They look very unusual, original, exclusive and absolutely safe for a child of any age. If you decide to make a similar toy for a child yourself, then you probably thought about how to knit a doll with knitting needles?

Little knitted dolls

Where to begin

Knitting dolls with needles is one of the easiest ways to make toys. Products come out very soft to the touch, warm and, due to their unusual appearance, immediately attract the attention of the child.

In our article, we will consider a good option, how to knit a doll with knitting needles without exact patterns and sizes, which will give you freedom of choice and a flight of fancy at work. Using this principle, you will make a very original and unusually beautiful doll. It is worth noting that you will also learn what the technology of producing dolls with knitting needles is for beginners. What we need:

  • needles;
  • different threads;
  • any soft filler;
  • knitting needles;
  • double knitting needles;
  • flesh and white yarn;
  • eyes for the doll;
  • scissors;
  • paint or thread to decorate the dollā€™s face.

The foundation

Making dolls should begin with the body, as the basics. For this, knitting (paired) we dial an even number of loops. It is worth remembering that the more loops you make, the more fully your doll will come out.

For example, take 40 loops. We knit the front surface, these loops will be the beginning of the doll. Such a pattern fits very simply and easily: the first row is always the front loops, and the second is the wrong ones.

To make the edges beautiful, be sure to remove 1 loop, and knit the last loop from the wrong. What the doll will be in height depends on the number of rows that you took, in our example you need to make 30. The triangle that you received is sewn with the sides and the upper ones in a circle.

body outline

After that, we fill our doll with the filler that we have chosen. The dollā€™s head should be larger than the body. To do this, dial 50 loops, knit the front side with a gradual expansion.

doll head

Do limbs

With knitting needles for socks, you can make pens and even legs for dolls, this pattern will not show the seams, which looks more aesthetically pleasing. The scheme for calculating the required number of loops is very easy: take half of the original number of loops of the body, it should turn out 20 per side.

Hands and feet of the doll can be made different in thickness and width, it all depends on your desire and imagination. Knit with facial loops in a circle. We advise you to determine the sizes from the growth of the doll itself, based on the proportions of its body. If you have experience in knitting, you can use the more complex method and tie the heels, and even the toes. Finished body parts are carefully sewn to the doll's body.

body and limbs


A very easy and popular way to make hair is to sew thread matching in color. You can fix them with an ordinary crochet hook or needles, stitching from the crown following a spiral, or simply in even rows, starting from an even parting.

Also, artificial hair and natural fur are often used for this. If you took artificial material to fasten it, apply the thread, stitching the strands in the usual way. All that remains to be done is to attach eyes and make out facial features with paints or stitch with multi-colored threads. Below is what a knitting doll with yarn hair looks like.

Doll hair


For sewing the baby doll, we recommend using soft yarn, as well as larger knitting needles. The head and body of the baby doll can be sewn according to the same pattern and number of loops as the doll, but the arms and legs should be shorter and much thicker. Fill the baby doll is not very tight, it should be softer than the doll. The facial features of the baby doll are done using the screed method, there are many ways and master classes in screed for dolls. Following the diagram in the video below, you will make a very cute toy for your child.

Knitting doll clothes

Knitted clothes for dolls - a necessary and important accessory for any product. When our daughters play with dolls, they, like adult women, really like to dress up in different outfits. And the question of what to dress up your favorite dolls in the first place. Psychologists say that dressing up dolls in different outfits, combining colors, and so on, directly affects the childā€™s future ability to dress beautifully and tastefully. The more doll items a child has, the greater the imagination available.

The lesson in knitting dolls does not take much time, the main thing you need is desire, imagination and tools. Knitted clothes for dolls, it looks very cute and unusual, and girls like it crazy. It can be individual things or sets in a single color scheme. For example, you can knit a set of dresses, hats and handbags, the scheme of which is presented in detail below.

knitted set

Outerwear can also be knitted so that the doll does not ā€œfreezeā€ in the winter, for example, a coat, as described in the video below.

You can tie the doll in several patterns

If you are thinking about how to knit a doll with knitting needles, then there are two options to choose from:

  1. Make the entire doll a continuous canvas.
  2. Tie separately the parts of the doll's body, and then carefully sew together.
Artificial hair for doll

The specifics of knitting dolls

Knitting a doll with needles (master class) is a very popular topic). They start from the head, make it in the shape of a ball, gaining a large number of loops, subsequently making only increases (the head layout is given above). The size of the dollā€™s head depends on how many such increases are taken. It is worth noting that they need to be done gradually so that the shape is perfectly round. After the manipulations made, pass the thread through the entire row of loops and gently pull it off, then sew the side seams with the same thread. Fill your head with filler.


In order to bind the dollā€™s body, take 24 loops, but the knitting pattern is not very common. We make the first loop face, remove the second on the right knitting needle, while making sure that the working thread is in front of the canvas. According to this pattern, knit to the very end of the fabric. Do not forget that the last loop should go inside out. Such a scheme makes the dollā€™s body very beautiful, it comes out evenly. Once the dollā€™s body is tied, sew on the head that you had tied before. You need to sew on carefully so as not to damage the threads on the fabric, and so that it looks neat.

Knitted doll doll

Body parts

We knit the arms and legs of the doll according to the same pattern as the head, for handles take, for example, 10 loops. Before pulling them off, do not forget to fill with filler. So you have to sew two hands and two legs. When everything is ready, sew the arms and legs to the body of the doll.

Decoration of knitted dolls

A knitted doll, the description of which we gave above, may look like your imagination allows. Each master makes the design and decoration of the doll in its own way. For example, to make a doll come out alive, make eyes and a nose, as well as a mouth and hair. For a complete image, dolls sew clothes for her, for example, a dress or trousers with a blouse.

In recent years, the national theme of decorating dolls, for example, in folk outfits, has been very popular. This has become popular due to the high demand for raising ethnic and patriotic spirit among the population. Dolls in ethnic dresses, dresses and skirts are quite expensive in the market.

The history of knitted dolls

Demand for them is 40% more than for other familiar models.

The face design of the doll in detail is also very popular. For example, masters make a smile on their faces and wide open eyes, or depict sadness, and even tears. Such dolls look bewitching and even a little mystical, as they acquire facial features of a living person. It is worth noting that in ancient times it was forbidden to make faces for dolls, since it was believed that, by acquiring them, the latter receive a soul.

Solid knitting

Sewing a doll with one continuous cloth, even for a novice master, takes no more than one day, and your child will have more than one month to enjoy a new unusual toy. In our article, we present a lesson on making a doll with one canvas. The scheme of such sewing is very simple: for a start it is enough to knit one continuous fabric. The type of doll depends on what size of fabric you will knit: the larger it is, the higher the doll. As an example, you can take 30 loops and knit 40 rows. Such a doll can be multi-colored or plain.

To form the body of the toy, make a line in the middle, forming the legs of the pupa.

The specifics of knitted dolls

Stuffing the doll with a safe filler, follow the scheme: first make out the arms and legs, only then the head and body. Since knitted dolls of this kind are liked by small children, use cereals, rice or small beans for stuffing.

Bit of history

Everyone knows the fact that, playing toys, the child develops his imagination, mind and creativity. Even in ancient times, toys were of particular importance in raising a child. As for dolls, as a toy, it has been known since ancient Egypt and Rome, when gifts in the form of toy animals and figures of people were available only to wealthy families.

In ancient Russia, the doll was even considered a talisman and keeper of the hearth.

It is interesting to know that the housewives sewed them from thread and crocheted for their children, conceived because the family simply did not have the opportunity to buy toys in the market. Today, dolls crocheted of threads are considered an original gift or just a decoration for the home.

The main feature of toys made of yarn is their safety for any age, since it is impossible to get hurt, and details cannot be broken off or swallowed.

In conclusion, I would like to add that itā€™s not difficult to figure out how to knit a doll with needles, in addition - this is a very calming and recommended exercise for nervous people. Having created such a doll for your daughter, you will make an unusual and very dear to the childā€™s heart gift.


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