What is AirDrop: all the details

If you are the owner of Apple products, then you probably heard about the new firmware called iOS 7 or even already installed it on your device. In fact, this platform has a large number of unusual features. But today we decided to consider only one of them. We will try to tell you in detail about what AirDrop is and how this function works.

For what

What is airdrop
As you probably already knew, the function was developed by Apple, and it is designed to transfer files via Wi-Fi. The new feature can work not only on the iPhone mobile device that runs on the iOS 7 operating system, but it can also be claimed by Mac OS X Lion users. In fact, Apple decided to provide this technology as the easiest way to transfer files between computers or other devices. Moreover, the function itself does not require any additional settings, everything really works very simply and conveniently. If you did not know about this feature, then you probably already understood in general terms what AirDrop is on iPhone and other branded devices.


In this function, in addition to the positive aspects, there are unpleasant nuances. The problem is that AirDrop doesn’t work as fast on mobile devices as it does on desktop systems that are controlled by OS X. Now let’s see what the disadvantages are. The first biggest drawback is that only some versions of devices can work with the new function. More specifically, the iPhone 5, iPod Touch 5 and the 4th generation iPad. If you decide to find out what AirDrop is on an iPad, then this is essentially an identical function to the one that works on mobile and stationary devices. Yes, and it works on the same principle.


what is airdrop on ipad
In fact, the minus can be considered temporary, since the development continues further. But if this function is simply removed, then the operation of the operating system can be considered inferior. Apple has always carried out such cuts in functionality for some devices, perhaps it depends on the level of sales. You now know what AirDrop is, but most likely not about the most positive point. Many users think that for the full operation of the program requires an Internet connection both from a stationary device and from a mobile. But in fact, the program works stably without the Network, and this is the main advantage of the new function. If you recently installed the operating system iOS 7, then you will need to go to the control center and thus activate all the necessary functions. It is located at the very bottom, and in order to get there, you need to swipe your finger to the top of the screen. Next, you will be provided with the necessary function, which should be clicked. What AirDrop is, you probably already fully understood. But not all users are able to work with this function. After clicking, the inscription should turn white, then Bluetooth will be turned on automatically.


what is airdrop on iphone
Let's move on to setting up AirDrop. After you have already clicked on the name of this function, a pop-up window should appear . The user will be given the opportunity to independently select all devices that will become visible after it is connected. If in the future you want to receive files from various devices that are related to Apple products, in this case you must select all devices, and then be sure to save the settings. From now on, you know what AirDrop is. The constant use of this feature will make life easier for users who work with a large number of different materials. That is all that we planned to share in the framework of this article. We thank you for your attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25929/

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