A device for making donuts. Market review and manufacturer reviews

Donuts are recognized and loved around the world. Not least of all, this is due to the widespread mention of their American variation in films, TV shows and cartoons. Did everyone remember Homer Simpson, a No. 1 donut fan? But let's be honest - advertising is useless where the end product is bad. And the donuts are very, very good - crispy on the outside and airy on the inside. Plus they are so convenient to eat. Which is used by all kinds of pastry shops and street vendors. What? Simplicity and speed of cooking, taste and low cost make them excellent street food! Now, amid a controversial situation with the prosperity of citizens of the Russian Federation, more and more entrepreneurs are inclined toward projects that do not require large investments and provide end customers with products at a low retail cost.

donut maker
We will tell you how to choose a machine for making donuts, what types of products are most popular on the market and what you should pay attention to.

Kinds of Donuts

If we take the general definition, then donuts are dough products fried in a large amount of fat. The composition of this test can be anything you like and may include cheese, cottage cheese, cereals, and so on. Someone even Italian arancini rice balls can call donuts (let's leave it on their conscience). We will not delve into the jungle and single out two varieties that have already gained commercial success.

1. Donuts.

clatronic donut maker
Those same American donuts in the form of a ring. May be with or without filling, coated with icing or powdered sugar - the main thing is that there is a hole in the middle.

2. Berliners.

automatic donut machine
Donuts without any holes, similar to round buns. Unlike donuts, they always start with something thick and sweet - it can be either custard or jam.

In the process of making donuts, the key points are 3 stages:

  1. Kneading dough. The texture of the donuts implies the presence of large pores, which are very convenient to fill with filling. Therefore, almost all technological cards use yeast as a baking powder - they are capable of giving the necessary airiness. With baking powder, this is more difficult to achieve.
  2. Forming products. Everything is clear here - the more attractive and correct the shape of the donuts, the easier it is to sell them. A device for making donuts to help you.
  3. Roasting. Even the best dough, perfectly formed, is very easy to spoil with the wrong frying temperature. If the heating is insufficient, then the donuts joyfully absorb as much fat as they can; if it is excessive, then the donuts will burn on the outside, while remaining moist inside. It should be understood that frying temperature is a concept that depends on the density of the dough, its moisture content and the size of the products. What is there, even when changing the flour supplier, you will need to slightly adjust the recipe to achieve the perfect result.

Mechanical donut making machine

The easiest equipment option. It requires the constant presence of a technologist nearby. By and large, all donut machines represent both the symbiosis of a deep fat fryer and dispenser. In the case of a mechanical apparatus, the technologist should monitor the level of dough in the dispenser and independently deposit portions of the dough into boiling oil. Settings allow you to adjust the weight of the workpiece in the range from 20 to 40 grams, the frying period is 40-45 seconds.

donut maker
As soon as the donuts are cooked, they are pulled out of the boiling oil with forceps, folding them to the grate. The residual fat then flows back into the working tank. The dough is processed at a temperature of 195 Β° C, which complicates the process - it is necessary to simultaneously squeeze a new portion of the workpieces into the oil, monitor the degree of preparation of the donuts and pull out ready-made ones from boiling oil. The main advantage of this equipment is the cost. The average price of a mechanical donut machine does not exceed 25,000 rubles.

Automatic donut machine

And here, the donut production process is already more fun - the technologist only needs to add ready-made dough to the dispenser for continuous operation and monitor the overall process.

donut making machine Price
The device will do all the work by itself - it will make donuts according to the settings (weight from 35 to 65 grams), fry from 2 sides, and then unload it from the bath. But it’s also more difficult to buy such a machine for making donuts - the price for it is 4 times higher than for a mechanical analogue.

Optional equipment

So the donuts are ready. Then it all depends on your wishes - do you want to supplement them with something or sell a la naturel? Practice shows that even minimal decor and the presence of a filling make donuts more in demand on the market.

To start the finished donuts with the same jam, you will need a special dispenser, which is similar in principle to working with a confectionery syringe. It is equipped with several needles through which the filling evenly enters the donut.

The decor is glaze - it can be purchased already finished.

Reviews of those who have tried. Brands and Variations

Two brands are most popular in our market:

  • Atesi, Russia. The brand is engaged in technological equipment in all its diversity, supplying thermal and neutral equipment for dining rooms. It is considered a budget basic option and provides mechanical donut machines of the Gulf Stream line. Kind of donuts - donuts. According to entrepreneurs, it is suitable for those who are just starting work, hone the technology and rely on small batches (100-120 pcs / h).
  • Sikom, Russia. This brand is engaged in sighting equipment for fast food and can provide its customers with an automatic donut machine. The minimum configuration provides 400 pcs / h. A good option for medium-sized industries. Entrepreneurs recognize that the equipment is not without flaws, but the price / quality ratio is very decent. The average cost is 120,000 rubles.
  • Belshaw, USA. The equipment of the highest class is able to deposit and fry both donuts and Berliners. Minimum productivity - 600 pcs / hour. The price corresponds to quality and averages 600,000 rubles.

Home production

How to be the one for whom even the minimum scale of mechanical devices is too large? Consider an apparatus for making donuts at home, of course. There are two options:

  • a ring cutter is purchased (if the donuts are from a fairly cool dough) or a dispenser (if from a liquid) and a home deep fryer;
  • a ready-made home donut machine is purchased.

The first option is understandable and justified, so consider the second.

donuts at home

The main specificity of such models is that they provide the final products of the necessary form a la donuts, but they bake them. That is, at the exit you get buns or muffins (depending on the recipe), but not the contrast of crispy fried crust and mid air. This is a good option for those who avoid fried in oil food. Among all the models, it is worth paying attention to the Clatronic donut making machine, as this company is notable for its good build quality and uniform operation of the heating elements.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G25930/

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