The electromagnetic globe is the most original gift

electromagnetic globe
Remember how difficult it is to choose a gift for people close to you. It is worth considering the taste of a person, and all his individual passions. But even if you know very well who you want to give a pleasant surprise to, it still often happens that a gift, to put it mildly, does not make a splash. But how to make it memorable for a long time? What criteria should be guided by? What to give?

Gifts that just amaze

In fact, there are gifts that have not left anyone indifferent. They like them because they are able to surprise with their original design and very interesting work. Now let’s explain what we mean. Not so long ago, a very interesting gift appeared on store shelves. He will be insanely pleasant to inquisitive natures who like natural science, astrology, space. Today you can buy an electromagnetic globe. It is an original anti-gravity platform, made in the form of a scientific book, and, of course, the globe itself, soaring and spinning like a real one. Inside the globe is equipped with a small stand, which you can use separately from the smallest model of our planet and on which it is quite possible to place another object. By the way, on the map you can easily find all the necessary objects, various information, borders of states and countries, names of oceans, seas, large lakes and much more.

electromagnetic globe

Creative inspiration

An electromagnetic globe can be the best gift for adventurers, people with an inquiring mind and great imagination. What could be more interesting and grander than seeing how the globe revolves in front of you with all its magnificent continents, ocean depths and grandiose mountain ranges? And how pleasant it is to feel that all this is not a figment of your imagination, but a real reality that seemed to come to life and appear before you! Of course, such a surprise will appeal to those people who, in principle, love everything unusual and original. An electromagnetic globe will be able to hit creators. Or maybe even inspire them for some new projects. How something can not be on the shoulder, if the globe rotates in front of you! So, everything is possible and absolutely everything is feasible!

globe souvenir


In general, it is surprising that an electromagnetic globe independently and truly soars in the air, without visible points of support, and at the same time makes rotational movements in the same way as the Earth behaves in open space. The miniature model is capable of rotating around its axis and does not touch anything. This unusual little thing somehow fantastically combines modern technology and extraordinary beauty and grace. We don’t think that anyone will argue that the electromagnetic globe can be a wonderful decoration for absolutely any room. But this is not the main thing. True delight will be caused by the process of observing miraculous levitation. She simply cannot help but evoke positive and good emotions.

How it works?

The model of our planet is held in the air thanks to a special balanced electronically controlled magnet system. It consists of magnetic field sensors. The stand book itself contains a special microprocessor and an electronic filling in the form of control components. It is they who make the model soar in the air. As we have already mentioned, the levitating globe will appeal to lovers of travel, tourism and geography. He, for example, will be very useful for a boss or a business partner. Painted in accordance with all the details of the geopolitical map of the world, the ball can decorate any office desk. All the inscriptions on the model are made in English, which is also very convenient. Your foreign partners will not guess the meaning of this or that symbol, but will immediately understand the language they know. English-speaking clients will not be hindered by English, on the contrary, they will bring more style and some sophistication to the present .

electromagnetic globe

Away from gadgets

After you have been given a gift, it should be connected to the network using the adapter. After that, the blue LED should light up. The indicator is located on the side of the stand. When all these simple procedures are done, keep the model of the planet a short distance from the book in the very center, and then release it. If you do everything right, then your ball will hang in the air. If this does not happen, then he will simply be pulled to the stand. When de-energized, the model of the earth will not be able to soar. By the way, very important information. The globe and its stand are very powerful magnets, so never put them very close to computers, laptops, tablets, or other electronic devices. Also, you can not put the globe on iron surfaces. And one more thing: if you are a fan of various gadgets and modern technologies, and you were presented with a miracle globe, this is not a reason to redistribute it immediately. The thing is made so elegantly and precisely, with the elaboration of all the details that it is quite possible to keep it for yourself. She can stand on a stand and represent an elegant globe-souvenir. It will delight and pleasantly surprise your friends, and you, going on a trip, can pick it up and visually see where exactly you have to fly.

globe souvenir

For little geniuses

And finally, let's say a few words about the technical characteristics. The diameter of the product is 8.5 centimeters, its width is 15.5. The weight of the gift is impressive - almost a kilogram (954 grams). The kit includes instructions for use, a power supply, a stand in the form of a scientific book, and, of course, the globe itself. The cost of the product from different suppliers may vary. On average, a product costs 2500 rubles. Despite the fact that the globe is quite simple, and even a child can figure it out, nevertheless, after making a purchase, it is better for an adult to do the installation of the site and launch the ball. Then, when these simple manipulations are carried out, you can give your child the opportunity to observe the amazing process of levitation. Who knows, perhaps this phenomenon will make a real revolution in the mind of the child, and it will become interesting for him to learn everything new and unknown. And the beginning of discoveries will become a seemingly simple gift.


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