Choosing an electric motor for a bicycle

Currently, the industry produces various models of motorcycles that use electric traction for movement. However, such "green" funds are not affordable for everyone.

Electric motor for bicycle
Today, many lovers of fast movement care about the preservation of the environment. They are increasingly turning their attention to bicycles. A simple electric motor for a bicycle allows you to travel quite long distances, while using the muscular strength of the legs is not necessary.

Such models will be especially appreciated by those who live in mountainous areas, where heavy climbs uphill discourage many from any desire to sit in a bicycle saddle. Also, such additional features of the bike will be appreciated by those people who are not in the best physical shape, for example, the older generation.

Electric motors for bicycles were developed by many inventors. However, today not only "Kulibiny" have the opportunity to use electric bicycles. Many companies have launched the production of such machines. Electric motors for bicycles are available in several types.

Electric motors for bicycles
Outboard engines

Such an electric motor for a bicycle is distinguished by a low price. Here, in one housing with the collector motor itself, a gearbox is placed, which is designed to reduce revolutions. At the same time, the engine has a rather powerful torque, allowing it to achieve speeds of up to 25 km / h. For many, this speed is enough for a quick move.

But this electric motor for a bicycle has certain disadvantages. Among them is the complex installation of the motor on a bicycle, as well as wear on the brushes. Such a motor is perfect as an inexpensive conversion option for absolutely any bike.

Inboard motors

This type can be divided, in turn, into two subspecies: with direct drive and gear.

Direct Drive Electric Motors

The electric motor for a bicycle with direct drive makes it possible to reach a speed of 45 km / h. Among the advantages of such motors should be called a simple installation, reliable design with a minimum of wearing parts. They also have high efficiency. But the disadvantages of such engines include the large size and weight of the motor. A good battery for such an engine weighs an average of 4.3 kg.

Electric motors for bicycles
Gear motors

This type of engine is most often used on factory models. Compared with gear motors, planetary gear motors that are integrated in the rear or front wheel hub have a number of advantages. These engines have smaller sizes, more traction (torque), economical energy consumption. Among the shortcomings, one should note a lower efficiency than brushless motors, a rather complicated design. If the maximum speed of 25 km / h is enough for a cyclist, we can safely recommend this particular type of electric motor for a bicycle.


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