Description Jinga Hotz M1 smartphone: owner reviews, specifications and features

Some processes are constantly taking place on the mobile market, aimed at lowering the overall price bar and expanding the range of available devices. A vivid evidence of this can be called a smartphone Jinga Hotz M1. Reviews describing him claim that the model is not a trivial "next Chinese." It is endowed with completely individual characteristics, which will be discussed in today's article.

Market positioning

Jinga Hotz M1 reviews

We will begin, perhaps, with how exactly this model is presented on the modern electronics market. It clearly refers to the budget class, since its cost is only 9 thousand rubles. As we already know, for this money it is hardly possible to purchase any worthwhile device. However, the Jinga Hotz M1 model (we will prepare reviews about it in the following sections of the article) refutes this. Despite the budget filling and technical equipment, the device is kept at a decent level.


It’s best to start describing the device precisely from its appearance, because by the way the device looks, you can talk about the approach of developers to its release. Actually, if we analyze the Jinga Hotz M1 phone , reviews say that the design of the model clearly indicates a low cost. This is shown by the materials used in the device case (in particular, low-cost plastic) and the general layout. Due to this, the device was not the most fashionable and advanced.

smartphone jinga hotz m1 reviews

However, they clearly worked on its ergonomics. At least it seems that the designers of this product tried to make it as comfortable as possible. In some moments, they really succeeded: the device, for example, fits comfortably in its hands, does not fall out and does not outweigh during a conversation. Perhaps this is just the case when you need to meet not on clothes.


The smartphone has the classic three control keys located on the front surface at the bottom of the case. They are presented differently in all phones. Somewhere, such buttons, for example, are part of the screen, periodically appearing and disappearing in the process. Here, on the contrary, they have a physical form. That is, the user constantly sees them and can touch them, using as navigation. As the reviews describing Jinga Hotz M1 (black) are noted, this is very convenient, since there is an understanding of where to click and what will happen in the future. With dynamic system buttons in this regard, various errors that occur during interaction with the device are really common.

phone jinga hotz m1 reviews

In addition to these, you can also name the keys located on the side face. In particular, this is a classic set of volume control and unlock buttons located on the right and left side panels, respectively. They have a pleasant stroke and are pressed with a distinctive click.


The next would like to touch on the theme of the display installed on the Jinga Hotz M1 mobile phone. Reviews note on a positive side the presence of an oleophobic coating, which, as a rule, is not found on models of this class. Due to it, pleasant tactile sensations are created: the finger easily glides along the sensor, improving the overall impression of interaction with the device.

As for the display itself and its characteristics, according to the technical descriptions, high-precision HD picture technology is used here, and the module has a resolution of 720 by 1280 pixels. Considering the MiraVision technology used here, it is possible to note the high accuracy of image colors and its saturation. This becomes noticeable immediately after the device falls into the hands. Describing Jinga Hotz M1 reviews recall that it uses a standard-sized display with a diagonal of 5 inches.

operating system

I was pleasantly surprised by the software filling that the developer installed. We are used to the fact that devices from the most budget category work, as a rule, with the older generations of Android - most often the fourth version. At this time, the fifth-generation Lollipop 5.1 OS was installed on the Jinga Hotz M1 black smartphone (user reviews confirm a huge plus from this). This greatly simplifies the work with the device. The graphical shell is used standard, but the set of programs is supplemented by several of the most useful applications, which can be easily removed if desired.

mobile phone Jinga Hotz M1 reviews


Of course, the graphical interface is very important for working with the device. But hardware stuffing can also be called no less significant, namely, the processor responsible for the performance of the smartphone. As the reviews describing Jinga Hotz M1 show, the model has a 4-core MTK processor, which supports the work of the most attractive simulators available on Google Play. Even user recommendations indicate that with the phone you can enjoy playing the most colorful shooters and racing without freezes. Given the class of the device, you must pay tribute to its developers. Not the least role in this success is played by the Mali-T720 video accelerator. As for RAM, it has a capacity of 1 GB. This, of course, may not be enough if you run applications that are too bulky for the CPU.


Expect from a 9,000th device that it will take high-quality pictures, of course, not worth it. However, it is also impossible to say that everything is bad with this model. The reviews characterizing the Jinga Hotz M1 White smartphone note that the photos here are quite good, without blur and irregular colors. Perhaps in some places there is not enough saturation, but in general, the device copes well.

smartphone Jinga Hotz M1 white reviews

Photo lovers may like the presence of a flash on the front camera (the resolution of the matrix, as described, is 5 megapixels). With such an addition, the phone can really create good pictures even in low light conditions. If we compare the capabilities of the model with what other devices of the same class have, the Jinga Hotz M1 will be in a better position. Reviews about it in general positively characterize photos and videos taken by the device.


An important role in the description of any device is its autonomy. We all know how unpleasant it is to find that in the middle of the day your gadget has lost its charge and has become completely unusable. This happens if there is no optimization between the level of charge consumption and the battery capacity.

jinga hotz m1 blue reviews

In this regard, the Jinga Hotz M1 Blue (reviews, at least, confirm this), everything is fine. The device has a fairly large battery compared to other representatives of the smartphone line. Its capacity is 3 thousand mAh. As for consumption, given the relatively simple processor, the model can be called hardy and long-lived. For one full day of active work, according to the characteristics of users, the model should be enough with a margin of 20-30%.


In our review, it would be advisable to mention the communication modules installed on the Jinga Hotz M1 device. As noted by technical information, there is one set that is present on any other Android gadget: the LTE signal reception function (which will appeal to lovers of high-speed mobile Internet), the Bluetooth module, WiFi support, and GPS-based navigation system. The phone also works with two SIM cards, which makes it more universal, allowing you to combine the tariffs of different mobile operators for the greatest benefit to the user.


In its basic configuration, the model is equipped with only eight gigabytes of memory. This is the built-in disk space on which applications and, in principle, any type of content can be installed. Of course, such a volume is often not enough for a full-fledged work with the phone, so manufacturers have also provided support for a memory card, which allows expanding the space for multimedia content up to a maximum of 64 GB. This space will be enough even for the most active users downloading bulky files to their mobile gadget.

smartphone jinga hotz m1 black reviews


Of course, a review of any gadget is good, but best of all, the opinions of users will tell about the real capabilities, advantages and disadvantages of the device. Therefore, to complete our characteristics, we will provide customer reviews describing Jinga Hotz M1. As follows from most of the characteristics left by people, the main trump card of the model is value. At a price of 9 thousand rubles, many owners of the gadget simply do not expect to get anything worthwhile (we mentioned this at the very beginning of the article). Of course, this opinion is erroneous. And this phone confirms this.

As for the advantages that real buyers of the device emphasize, they include high performance, a colorful screen, and good technical equipment. Regarding the minuses, everything is not so clear: each review indicates those different flaws, preventing the possibility of creating some kind of overall picture. In particular, someone, for example, does not like the too bright light coming from physical buttons. True, it’s not difficult to solve this problem: in the settings, this glow can be turned off.

Another example is the small amount of RAM. Due to one gigabyte, the model can work in everyday mode without delays and freezes, but when you start some bulky programs, the processor is unstable. The same goes for the camera: for some it may seem very cool, especially for the money that a mobile phone costs. Another user will call its quality of work unacceptable and put a fat minus for it. Also in the reviews you can find complaints about the touchscreen, which supposedly incorrectly recognizes the touch of the owner of the phone. Because of this, it can be quite difficult to get to the necessary button on the display.


In fact, there can be many opinions about the phone. However, the fact is this: the gadget has a low cost. At the same time, despite the availability and budgeting, it is capable of qualitatively performing a wide range of tasks. Due to this, the model is already worthy of our attention. Therefore, those who are interested in a device of this class can safely think about purchasing it.


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