How to prepare for a photo shoot: useful tips. Ideas for a photo shoot in the studio and outdoors

A photo shoot is a highly anticipated event for both the model and the photographer. The result of the whole event depends on how well the survey will be conducted. So that everything goes smoothly and then does not disappoint, it is very important to know in advance how to prepare for the photo shoot. This article will be devoted to this.

What is included in the training and why is it so important?

In fact, the preparation process is not as complicated as it might seem. But the success of the entire meeting of the model and the artist depends on this preliminary stage. There are 3 main issues that need to be resolved immediately before shooting:

  • A place.
  • Style.
  • Clothing.

If all the important nuances are taken into account in a timely manner, then in the process there will not be any disagreements that can disrupt the entire shooting. And this, you must admit, is not necessary for either the photographer or the model.

ideas for a photo shoot in nature


Photography should convey the personality of a person. Therefore, it is worth choosing the style of clothing for the photo shoot that will reveal its nature and correspond to the idea of ​​the shooting itself. If you manage to create a complete image that combines style, texture and color, then this is already half the success. A well-designed image will harmoniously look in the frame, which means that the shooting process will go easily and naturally.

It is important that the style of the person in the frame is appropriate to his surroundings. For a photo shoot in the city, the casual style is ideal. Indoor shooting can be done in a discreet style (for example, a blouse and light blue jeans), but with the addition of a bright accent. A country photo shoot in nature has almost no restrictions at all - it can be a free summer cottage style or beach theme. If a photo shoot is planned for a girl in winter, then she can try on herself the image of a smiling Russian beauty with a bright shawl and rosy cheeks.

it’s important to decide on the shooting style

Clothes and shoes

The choice of clothing is directly affected by the style of the photo shoot and the venue. If the situation is key in the frame, then do not wear bright things and abuse the geometric print. It is better to opt for a dress or overalls with a simple cut. Often, photographers schedule a photo of a girl in a chic flowing dress. Here you need to be careful, because a lush outfit can merge with the landscape or divert all attention to yourself.

It is advisable for girls of short stature to choose high-heeled shoes for clothes that will visually increase growth. Tall ladies can wear sandals or wedges. Shooting outdoors may involve bare feet. Feel free to take off your shoes, because the studs on the field or in the garden will look extremely inappropriate.

The main rule for choosing clothes - it should be comfortable, otherwise the pictures will turn out an inanimate doll in a cocoon of fabric. Shoes and clothing for the photo shoot should be clean, ironed and tidy.

What you should not wear for photography

To protect you from possible mistakes when choosing an outfit, we have prepared some tips:

  • No need to wear dark-colored clothing when shooting in the dark. So you risk merging with the sky and become a nondescript spot.
  • Clothing that has rhinestones, sparkles and sequins on it looks cheap and can ruin the frame with its highlights.
  • Say no to leopard prints, large lettering and large vibrant prints. Such things look awkward in the frame.
  • It is advisable to wear a new new thing at least twice before shooting, so that the thing does not rub and does not squeeze the movement. This applies to both shoes and clothing.

It doesn't matter if it's a festive or ordinary photo shoot, but the outfit should not look tasteless. If you doubt the selection of clothing style, then use the help of stylists. They will help to avoid disappointment from the pictures taken.

on the eve of the photo shoot you need to sleep

Accessories and paraphernalia

Both in real life and in a photo shoot, do not abuse accessories. Putting on all your favorite and most expensive jewelry is not the best solution. With the help of small neat earrings and a thin ring, you can add an image of tenderness. But massive beads, bracelets and necklaces can ruin all the sophistication. Headgear should be treated with caution. They should not overload the plot. Another thing is if this is an autumn photo shoot for a girl, where a hat with wide brim, on the contrary, will emphasize the style.

For example, a neat handbag in a woman’s hand, a scarf or an umbrella will be appropriate for urban photography. A photo shoot in nature usually does not tolerate accessories, if this is not suggested by the idea. The only thing you can take is a light shawl, a small wicker hat or a mushroom basket. If you and the photographer have found beautiful places for a photo shoot, then accessories can not be used at all, so as not to distract attention from the key background.

do not abuse accessories at the photo shoot

Makeup and hair

Often, professional photographers work in a team with stylists, hairdressers and makeup artists. It is advisable if you seek help from them or third-party specialists. Yes, you can apply makeup for free yourself, but you will not do it so high quality, unlike professionals. An experienced makeup artist knows about the insidiousness of studio and natural light. If the make-up is incorrect, all the flaws of the skin may appear on the pictures, and shiny lipstick or illiterate application of foundation can completely age the face.

Do not forget about eyebrows! They focus on special attention. A week before the proposed photo shoot, visit a good master-browist who will correct eyebrows. It is not recommended to pluck out regrown hairs on the eve of shooting. Swollen and reddened skin, invisible in the mirror, can clearly appear in the pictures.

It is advisable for girls with colored curls to refresh the color a few days before meeting the photographer. Overgrown roots are not the best that should be captured in the picture. Under certain lighting conditions, a strong contrast will be noticeable between your own and your acquired hair color. It will also be useful to pre-register with a hairdresser who will make a beautiful hairstyle.

makeup for a photo shoot

A few more tips on how to prepare for a photo shoot

Important conditions for proper preparation before shooting:

  • Good manicure. Clean and well-groomed nails complete the look. This is especially important when taking portraits. Due to unkempt nails, the whole frame may “collapse”.
  • Tan line. This moment is required for a photo shoot in a swimsuit or without clothes. Sign up for a tanning bed about a week before shooting. Unburned strips of linen look ridiculous.
  • Experiments with appearance. If you want to appear in photos in a new way, then any changes must be made at least a week before shooting. So in case of unsuccessful conversion, you will have time to correct the situation, because the experiments do not always end successfully.
well-groomed nails

What is better not to do before shooting

How to prepare for a photo shoot physically?

Before the upcoming photo shoot, you need to get enough sleep and gain strength! A sleepy look, bags under the eyes and a lethargic state will become a serious obstacle to normal photography.

Do not load yourself with chores on the eve and on the day of shooting, it is better to rest and relax. At the photo shoot you need to give all the best, so you need a lot of energy and good mood. If music raises your mood, then you can take a player with your favorite tunes with you.

On the eve of the day of shooting it is not recommended to eat a lot of salty food. It will provoke thirst, and a large amount of drunk fluid can lead to swelling of the face. Also refrain from alcohol.

Do not forget about the time

A photoshoot, like any other creative process, takes a lot of time. Ideally, it’s better to free all day for shooting and not plan any serious business. Even the simplest photography takes at least 3-4 hours. And if your photo shoot involves the use of several images and travel out of town, then it will take even more time. Think about this situation beforehand so as not to worry about filming.

It usually takes about 40 minutes to get used to the camera and surroundings. Only after that the model will be able to fully relax and pose freely. Frames will turn out to be more interesting and natural.

In addition, time for a photo shoot includes the necessary breaks for the model and photographer. Despite the apparent simplicity of the filming process, it takes a lot of moral and physical strength. Do not forget to add here the time that the photographer will spend on choosing a favorable angle, setting up light and composition.

count a few hours for a photo shoot


How to prepare for a photo shoot mentally? Often this question is asked by people for whom this will be the first serious shooting by a professional. Of course, if possible, it is necessary to meet with the photographer in person. This is necessary in order to establish contact and discuss all points of interest. If you meet a photographer for the first time already at a photo shoot, then the likelihood of isolation and shyness of the model is high. In this case, good frames can be forgotten.

It will be useful to learn and rehearse at home, in front of a mirror, poses for photography. Of course, the photographer will tell you good angles, position of the body and limbs. But you should have at least three options that, in reflection, seemed beautiful to you. Trying different poses at home, you will save yourself from excessive stiffness at the photo shoot itself.

how to behave at a photo shoot

How to avoid pinching on the set:

  • Do not worry about every failed frame.
  • Set yourself to overcome constraint.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Watch the position of the arms and legs.
  • Listen to the advice of the photographer.
  • Try to relax and enjoy the process.

Winter photo shoot

There are many options for ideas for a street photo shoot in winter. For example, you can have a picnic in the forest, under a snowy tree, on a warm blanket. Complete the story with a mug of hot coffee and fluffy mittens. Even a girl sitting alone on a chair in the middle of a winter forest and wrapped in a bright scarf is already an interesting idea for the frame.

Good shots can be taken against a vast white field or a frozen river. This place is ideal for shooting in the style of a love story. For portrait photography, a winter rural landscape or abandoned buildings can be used as a background.

A great option for a photo shoot in the cold season can be winter fun. A model or several people in the frame can sculpt a snowman, play snowballs, ride a sled. Such active games will present many interesting and lively pictures.

winter photo shoot on the street: ideas

Before you plan to shoot in the cold, you need to know how to prepare for a winter photo shoot on the street. Having come up with an image and details, it is important to have extra baggage with you, which includes:

  • A few thermos with a hot drink.
  • A hearty and nutritious meal for a snack.
  • Extra pairs of mittens and socks.
  • Folding chairs for relaxing.
  • Extra batteries for photographic equipment.

If possible, it is advisable to take additional warm clothing that will allow you to quickly warm up after lengthy filming.

A great alternative to a winter photo shoot on the street can be a studio shoot. There you can completely surrender to the filming process, without thinking about the cold. A big plus is the availability of scenery and professional lighting. You can use family photography as an idea for a photo shoot in the studio. In a cozy comfortable room you can come with young children and the elderly.

A photo session is a complex but exciting process that you will remember for a long time. In order for the memories to be positive, it is important to responsibly approach the stage of preparation for the shooting, especially if this is your first experience. Now with the help of our tips, you know how to do it right.


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