Novostar Palmyra 3 * (Tunisia / Sousse): photos, prices and reviews of tourists

No more than five kilometers from the narrow cobblestone streets, colorful Moorish-style houses and luxurious Port El Kantaoui golf courses, the cozy Novostar Palmyra 3 * Club Hotel is located.

Here, not far from the exciting and alluring sails entering the harbor, and from the main entertainment centers of the resort, there are perhaps the best beaches in the Mediterranean. Here, on the picturesque coast in the Shot Meriem region, soak up the sun and plunge into the fresh milk of the sea inviting you to the hospitable Tunisia. Let's go there immediately!

Novostar Palmira 3 Tunisia Sousse

Tunisia: Novostar Palmyra 3 * (some geography)

Yes, El Kantaoui will not be able to boast of ancient history and ancient monuments, but in return he will offer vacationers unforgettable attractions: access to the sea on a pirate ship or on a boat with a transparent bottom, breathtaking somersaults on the slides in the water park and many more other entertainments, from which tourists, even when they talk about it on arrival home, take a breath.

Here you can also get to the port (marina), where up to 300 boats and yachts are located at the same time. And observe the boiling life of this amazing place, sitting in one of the many fish restaurants. Or take a stroll through the colorful souvenir shops, presenting the delight of those for whom you will buy gifts.

However, Sousse, a suburb of which El Kantaoui is, with its Medina thundering around the world, can satisfy even the most insatiable hunger of history buffs. But we will talk about it later.

What does a hotel look like

In 2008, Novostar Palmyra 3 * underwent a thorough reconstruction and now proudly shines with a snow-white flower among the dense green of slender palm trees, on the coast, which was recently completely deserted.

The four-story building turned towards the sea by the facade seems to be peering into the sea horizon from under the “palms” of its arched openings.

And it’s nothing that the hotel’s territory looks compact, it can please you with tennis courts that are perfectly placed here, with an archery ground, and even a football field. The hotel is waiting for athletes and is ready to provide them with all the conditions for a great pastime.

Those who prefer bliss and peace can comfortably sit in sun loungers around the pool or on the seashore and enjoy the sound of the surf or the flowering of hibiscus decorating the complex.

A bit about the features of the hotel

Previously, the hotel accepted only tourists from France and Italy, but since 2013 Novostar Palmyra 3 * has appeared on the tourist market as a holiday destination for Russian-speaking tourists. This, of course, brought him special popularity with them.

Imagine: you do not have to frantically recall English lessons at school, scolding yourself for unexplored irregular verbs in order to reach an understanding with the hotel staff. And the kids will be much more interesting and understandable animation in their native language.

There is a place for everyone in the hotel!

Hotel Novostar Palmyra 3 *, reviews of which we will bring to your attention, has 180 rooms, among which there are adjacent. Vacationers can easily find apartments for any number of people. There are rooms both double, and triple, and quadruple.

hotel novostar palmira 3

All of them welcome guests with impeccable cleanliness, bright, cozy interiors, have huge French windows, proudly looking into the blue of the sea, the azure pool or emerald lawns. And elegant forged details and rich color of textile elements give each room a unique Arabic flavor.

By the way, know that a double room can accommodate a family of two adults and a child not older than 13 years old.

A little more about comfort

All rooms of the Novostar Palmyra 3 * hotel, the photos of which we bring to your attention, are equipped with separate beds (so-called twin-type), a shower or a bathroom, a balcony, air conditioning and, of course, a telephone and a TV (it shows three Russian channels ) A safe (extra charge of 3 dinars per day), a hairdryer and heating are also provided. There is free internet access in the lobby.

If you need to accommodate three people, then the hotel has two accommodation options for this. Tourists are lodged in a room that has 3 beds in the basic configuration (2 stand close to each other and one separately), or in a room with two basic beds that are close to each other, but in this case they put a European folding bed. Do not worry, it has nothing to do with Soviet ones: a steel frame and a normal mattress like a stationary bed.

By the way, those who have settled in the room will be greeted not only with cleanliness and comfort, but also with fresh fruits and drinks.

Vacationers are provided with a free laundry room, where you can not only wash, but also iron your clothes. Considering that many parents with children spend their holidays here, this service is highly appreciated by tourists.

How is food organized

Novostar Palmyra 3 * provides all-inclusive meals. The hotel restaurant is always happy for guests, its buffets delight with an abundance of dishes, and those who love brunch can enjoy them in the lobby bar, after which the restaurant will again take over, this time with lunch. So for everyone who likes a tasty and plentiful meal, this process is almost uninterrupted.

The lobby bar and restaurant are not the only calorie growers, you can visit the bars on the beach or by the pool, as well as the Moorish cafe, exotic and cozy.

But it is important that you do not forget to take strict, proper clothes with you on vacation, since a dress code is a necessary component of a dinner at a hotel.

What will they offer you in the menu

The restaurant menu will not leave indifferent guests. By the way, this is evidenced by the huge number of enthusiastic reviews of those who visited Tunisia, Novostar Palmyra 3 *. It offers international dishes, themed dinners and snacks. Grilled dishes and a variety of pastries are very popular here, and salads are striking in flavor combinations.

The mode looks something like this: from 6.00 to 10.00 - breakfast in the main restaurant (buffet), from 10.00 to 12.00 - brunch (lobby bar), from 12.30 to 14.00 - lunch (main restaurant), then takes the baton snack barbecue ( these are salads, pizza, pancakes and fruits), they will please from 13.00 to 17.30. Dinner (main restaurant) - from 19.00 to 21.00, for lovers of a late meal, a late snack (mini-sandwiches) - from 22.00 to 00.00.

hotel Novostar Palmira 3 reviews

Once again about where you can eat at the hotel

Thus, several catering points on the territory of the hotel, which work in relay mode, are offered to vacationers:

  • main restaurant;
  • snack bar;
  • Jasmine Bar
  • Lobby bar.

At the pool you will be greeted by the Delia bar, another snack bar is by the beach. A special mention should be given to the Moorish cafe, which offers Tunisian tea with mint and sugar, and the Capitol disco.

By the way, in such a hot country, one should mention where to find drinking water. It can be taken without restrictions in bottles at the bar, as well as in coolers located in the dining room or in the hotel lobby. So don't be afraid to die of thirst!

A few words about outdoor activities

But, as they say, not by bread alone ... And the Novostar Palmyra 3 * hotel, reviews of which are encouraging with its optimism, will allow guests to have a great rest, not only savoring the endlessly delicious dishes from the menu.

At the hotel you will be given the opportunity to do aerobics, gymnastics, beach volleyball and table tennis for free (by the way, if you do not have a couple to play, you will be entertained by the company). And water sports enthusiasts can enjoy canoeing, catamaran and windsurfing on the hotel’s own beach (by the way, the most comfortable in the vicinity). For a fee you can rent a jet ski, parachute or banana.

Every day, on the beach and right at sea, animators conduct water aerobics classes and various competitions on the beach, which will give you the opportunity to pull yourself up and physically get stronger.

Sousse Novostar Palmira 3

Now go to the beach!

Private beach of the hotel Sousse Novostar Palmyra 3 * located on the first coastline, only fifty meters from the complex. On this snow-white fine sand, which is cleaned by hand every day, sunbeds, deck chairs, umbrellas and an equipped shower will wait for you (note - for free!). For beach towels you will have to leave a deposit (20 dinars).

The landscape of the coast is perfect for both squealing with delight kids, and for relaxed smiling adults. On the left is a gradual decrease to 200 cm, and on the right is shallow, the crumb can stand even at a distance of 30 m from the beach line. And there, by the way, curious gray fish swim, not far behind bathers.

According to vacationers, the water in the sea is very salty, and it can even pinch your eyes. And during a storm, algae sometimes appears in it. Some are also scared by the presence of small jellyfish, which, by the way, disappear as soon as the excitement begins. But, despite these very minor inconveniences, I don’t want to get out of the warm and gentle water. And if not for the team of fervent and active animators, to whom vacationers all leave admiring reviews as one, then no one would leave anywhere.

A little more about the advantages of the hotel

An unexpected plus, which has a hotel Novostar Palmyra 3 * (Tunisia, Sousse), is its location. Yes, satisfied tourists noticed that their place of arrival is the first on the way from the airport, and they get to their hotel earlier than others, and on the road for excursions the bus calls for the “Novostarovtsy” last, which allows them to sleep longer.

And, of course, proximity to the sea is an indisputable plus, which includes an enchanting opportunity not only to admire the endless distance from the balcony of your room, but also to fall asleep every night under the soothing rustle of the waves.

Parents who came to rest with their children consider the enchanting advantage of the hotel to be its enchanting animation, which can occupy a child almost all day, which, of course, allows mothers and fathers to be distracted and devote time to themselves.

Novostar Palmira 3 reviews

How can I spend time

Tourists are particularly delighted with the two-day trip to the Sahara. An impressive jeep safari, a camel ride, a visit to the location of the filming of "Star Wars" - this is something worth spending both money and time. You will be able to tell in more detail about it the arranging trips to Novostar Palmyra 3 * tour operator.

If you want to better consider life in Tunisia, then you should take a taxi in the evenings and go to nearby Sousse (13 dinars) or Port El Kantaoui (7 dinars). Those who find it an expensive pleasure will be helped by minibuses with a blue or yellow stripe, stopping on demand anywhere and taking you to the place for 1-2 dinars. The interval of their movement is 10-20 minutes. In cities, you can wander around the shops and colorful souvenir shops or just stroll through the colorful streets.

Sousse is the embodiment of history, it is filled with sights that will not leave indifferent lovers of antiquity. In the old city (Medina) there is the 9th century Great Mosque. with a functioning minaret (which, however, can only be entered by Muslims) and a museum (for everyone), a fortress-monastery of Ribat, an archaeological museum decorated with ancient mosaics, Christian catacombs - you can see for yourself how much Sousse can offer you. Novostar Palmyra 3 * also offers various excursions: a trip to the zoo, the Aqua Palace water park and the botanical garden, a trip to Carthage, El Jem with its famous amphitheater and the capital. Choose to your taste and opportunity!

Experienced travelers are advised to organize excursions on their own, going there with a company of about 8 people in a hired taxi. Such trips cost 2-3 times cheaper than organized through an agency.

What you need to take with you on excursions

So that you do not feel discomfort when meeting new places in this amazing country, do not forget to bring along everything you may need on this trip:

  • a bottle of water;
  • money for souvenirs and other expenses;
  • camera;
  • medical insurance policy.

If you have a long stay in the open, do not forget to grab a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen! And be sure, if you are going to visit any religious buildings, dress correctly.

On a boat trip, do not forget to grab towels, bathing suits and tablets from motion sickness. And if the walk is planned for the evening, then be sure to take a sweater or cardigan, since evenings here can be cool.

On all excursion routes it is impossible to exchange dollars for Tunisian dinars. You should worry about this in advance. By the way, the Novostar Palmyra 3 * hotel, reviews of which you read here, provides its guests with an exchange office.

Novostar Palmira 3 reviews 2014

Separately about the attitude towards children

To the joy of parents, in Tunisia they are great for children. And, as tourists have repeatedly emphasized, the kids here are kissed and always under the close attention of adults.

Hotel Novostar Palmyra 3 * (Tunisia) offers an excellent relaxation program for children of all ages. Children from 4 to 8 years old have free access to the mini club.

Its important advantage is the presence of its own lawn with a shady arbor and a large trampoline. The lawn is surrounded on three sides by the walls of the hotel, which makes staying on it absolutely safe. Professional children's animators vying to offer restless kids relay races, board games or sit down with them to draw and prepare gifts for mom.

For those older, there is a maxi club (we are talking about children from 8 to 12 years old). There is also an animator. Children have a great time with peers, play sports and board games, without complaining of boredom or fatigue. Indeed, contests, discos, cooking shows are being held for them - this will not let anyone get bored!

Separately about the prices of rest

You understand that you can talk about the prices of such trips only approximately, since in different cities and regions they can differ significantly. So, a tour for two adults (without children) in September for 8 days will cost a young family about 2000 dollars. This also includes the cost of a one-way flight, medical insurance and transfer.

We hasten to inform those who have not yet been on vacation in Tunisia that from October 1, 2014 all, regardless of citizenship, tourists who leave the country will have to pay a tourist tax of 30 dinars (about 13 euros). To do this, travelers will need to pre-purchase a special brand of the specified cost, which the passport control officer will subsequently paste into the tourist's passport. These brands are supposed to be sold at the airport, in post offices and in resort areas in special kiosks.

Last few tips

Upon arrival in Tunisia, try to exchange a little money for small coins of 1 dinar (by the way, this is about 20 Russian rubles), such tips left in the room will arrange maids for you. Although the reviews left by the Novostar Palmyra 3 * guests delightfully emphasize that the service staff at the hotel is invariably friendly, attentive and impeccably honest, and the manager is generally above all praise!

And, as experienced travelers insistently advise, before flying to Tunisia do not be too lazy to still learn a few words in Arabic or French. Then you will notice how the attitude of the local population changes towards you. And if you still don’t skimp on a smile, and don’t go with the expression of a strict examiner, then the prices in the local market will be less likely to be reduced, and the hotel staff will treat you with special warmth.

Novostar Palmira 3

Novostar Palmyra 3 *: 2014 reviews will certainly be relevant in the next seasons!

According to those who have visited this hotel, there is nothing to complain about here. Of course, if you go in search of a broken outlet or in anticipation of some dirty trick, it will certainly become a reality. But if you go with a positive attitude, anticipating a great vacation, you will be provided with it at the Novostar Hotel.

By the way, a very pleasant surprise, according to vacationers, is the ceremonial takeaway to music by the chef of the cake to the birthday people. Anyway, the hotel treats its guests so that when leaving, they feel an urgent need to return here again. After all, tourists finish their vacation here with a firm conviction that they are loved and will be happy to meet again. And this, you see, does honor to any hotel!

Many of our compatriots choose Tunisia, Novostar Palmyra 3 * as their vacation destination. The reviews that they, without stinting, left, we hope, will help you make the right choice and not regret later on the money spent. Have a nice rest!


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