Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul: description, history, photo

Traveling to different countries, every tourist wants to see the most beautiful places and breathtaking landscapes. Rest in this case will be memorable. One of the most popular tourist countries is Turkey. There are many attractions here. However, the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul deserves special attention. What a walk awaits travelers along this magnificent strait, interesting facts and reviews - all this will be discussed later.

general description

Istanbul and the Bosphorus (photo below) are two parts of one whole. They are inseparable.

Bosphorus Tours

If one of these names is mentioned, the second pops up immediately. Istanbul is the ancient capital of three empires. These are such powerful states as Byzantium, Ancient Rome, as well as the Ottoman Empire. This city stands at the turn of eastern and western civilizations. Their culture, color here is inextricably linked and intricately intertwined.

To plunge into the special atmosphere of this ancient city, you must definitely go for a walk along the Bosphorus. In Istanbul, this is the main waterway. It is at the same time the heart of the city and its main symbol. This strait holds many secrets.

When cruising along the Bosphorus in Istanbul, you can feel how the city depends on this waterway. He draws from it not only physical, but also spiritual forces. Therefore, the ancient city and the strait are one. They live for many years, merging inextricably into a single whole. A tourist who came to this country should definitely go on a trip along the most beautiful strait, which is the Bosphorus. There is an ancient legend about its appearance.

According to legend, the strait that now separates Europe from Asia appeared in time immemorial. Its name is symbolic. Tradition says that the legitimate wife of Zeus Hera wanted to shed her anger at her husband’s next lover. Her name was Jo. Zeus wanted to save her. Therefore, he turned Io into a white cow. So she managed to escape from Greece. Her path was directed precisely through this strait. Therefore, he was called "cow ford." Translated, this name sounds like the Bosphorus.

Geographical Information

A boat trip along the Bosphorus in Istanbul will be an unforgettable experience. This is an extensive water artery, which, together with the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Dardanelles, divides modern Turkey into European and Asian parts. Its length is about 30 km. Width varies significantly. In some places, it reaches only 700 m. At the widest point, the strait has 6 km. The length and width of the Bosphorus is 2 times less than that of the Dardanelles. However, the beauty of this reservoir is amazing. In Turkey it is called Istanbul Bogazy. This is translated as the "Strait of Istanbul."

Beautiful scenery of the Bosphorus

The Bosphorus Strait connects the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Marmara. Through the Dardanelles, the reservoir communicates with the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Therefore, merchant, oil vessels and cruise, passenger liners regularly go through the strait.

The water in it is saline-desalinated. It moves through the strait from the Black Sea to the Sea of ​​Marmara. Further, the waters fall into the Mediterranean Sea. This is a unique water system. The river valley is very old. It is flooded with water from the sea. Moreover, there are two opposite currents. The lower one carries salt water. The upper course is desalinated.

The view of the Bosphorus in Istanbul is so picturesque that tourists can not resist the opportunity to be photographed against the background of this natural attraction. Boat trips are very popular here. At the same time, the history of the strait and its bridges is very interesting. This body of water has been formed for many decades.

First bridge

One of the main attractions is the Bosphorus Bridge. It has a long interesting history. There is another bridge here. It is more modern. It is called the Sultan Fatih Bridge. A third bridge was recently built across the Bosphorus.

However, the history of the oldest message across a body of water deserves special attention. Attempts to connect the two banks of the strait were undertaken by mankind several millennia ago. A similar enterprise was dated 490 BC. e. The Persian ruler Darius wished to cross the Bosphorus. He wanted to ferry his numerous army across this water barrier. However, this caused a number of problems.

Bridge in istanbul

To carry out his grandiose plans, Darius ordered a resident of Samos, whose name was Mandroclus, to build a temporary bridge here. The ancient engineer coped with the task assigned to him. He tied several thousand boats connected by ropes, a pontoon. It was a grand construction for this time. It was huge.

The Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul today, of course, is significantly different from ancient structures. However, the attempts of mankind to come up with a land crossing through the strait are impressive. On the first ancient pontoon bridge, an army of 70 thousand fully equipped warriors was able to go to the other side. The design did not last long. People could reach the other side only by boat.

Follow up projects

A bridge over the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul was needed. This was clearly understood by the rulers of the past. They began to think seriously about the construction of such a message during the Russo-Turkish war (1877-1878). Projects of a similar design were created. However, the construction was delayed. Only in 1931 was the construction of the bridge planned. Istanbul, once the capital of the Ottoman Empire, has now become a developed city. His authorities sought to create a new infrastructure. New residential areas and industrial facilities appeared. In such conditions, the city was in dire need of a bridge.

Bridge over the Bosphorus

During this period, many innovative projects for the industrialization of Istanbul were created. One of them was the plan to build the first transport route through the Bosphorus. It was a suspension bridge, an example for the construction of which was the construction in San Francisco. However, even at this time, the project stopped at the development stage. It was never created.

Bridge construction

Only in the 70s of the last century the first modern communication was built between the two banks of the strait. The first stone in the construction process of the bridge was laid at the end of February 1970. The creation of this grandiose structure was entrusted to a Turkish company and two foreign companies. These were the construction organizations of Germany and England.

Walks along the Bosphorus

35 well-known highly qualified engineers, as well as 400 builders, worked on the creation of the bridge. The process dragged on for 3 years. Construction cost the Turkish government more than $ 200 million. The opening of the first bridge was celebrated on 10/29/1073. This date coincided with the half-century anniversary of the Republic of Turkey.

The length of the bridge over the Bosphorus (Istanbul) is such that it allowed the construction to take 13th place in the ranking of such buildings in the world. Opening it was a grand event. It was so important for the country that the president of the republic, Fakhti Kortyuk, personally came to the ceremony to celebrate this event. Also at the opening of the bridge was attended by Prime Minister Mehmet Naim Talu.

Bridge features

It should be said that subsequently other bridges over the Bosphorus were built. But the first building was the most ambitious. Its throughput remains the largest today. More than 200 thousand cars pass through it per day. More than 600 thousand passengers are transported over the bridge during this time. The length of the bridge is 1560 m, and the main span is 1074 m. The width of this grandiose structure is 33 m. From the water to the carriageway, the distance is 64 m. The height of the bridge over the Bosphorus in Istanbul is 165 m. This distance is determined at the highest point of the structure.

Bosphorus Cruise

Travel on the bridge today is paid. Pedestrians are not allowed here. You can cross the bridge only by transport.

Together with the construction of this great bridge, the goal was achieved not only of the Turkish government, but also of many residents and guests of this country. The great rulers of Antiquity could only dream of building such a large-scale facility. Modern technologies have made it possible to implement plans that have been hatched over the years.

The bridge allows you to get from one part of the world to another in a few minutes. Since the strait had not seen such structures before, the structure was called the first Bosphorus Bridge. It has 3 lanes for moving vehicles in both directions. One of them is reserved for emergency services. This is not only unique, but also a beautiful construction of the strait.


The Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul today has several bridges and tunnels. They are designed to move different types of vehicles. The first Bosphorus Bridge was renamed in 2016. Today it is called the "Bridge of Martyrs June 15th." This decision was made in order to honor the memory of victims of the attempted coup.

Now the second bridge is functioning. It is called the Sultan Fatih Bridge. This structure was built in the narrowest spot of the strait. Here, the pond has a width of only 660 m. This message was opened in 1988. The event was dedicated to the conquest of Istanbul, which took place 535 years ago. The length of this bridge is 1510 m. But the width of this structure is greater than that of the previous building. It is 39 m. The height of the roadway is at a height of 64 m above the water level.

Tourists claim that these bridges are worth a look in the evening. They are especially beautiful at night. Bridges are illuminated by a huge number of bulbs. This gives them a special romantic charm and charm.

Relatively recently, it was decided to build a third bridge over the Bosphorus. It is called the Bridge of the Sultan of Selim the Terrible. Construction began in 2013. The construction was erected in 2016. The opening of the movement took place on August 26, 2016. This structure is located north of Istanbul. In 2017, the building was renamed. Now it is called the Bridge of the Sultan of Selim Yavuz. It is part of the Northern Marmaria Ring Road.

The design is combined. One part is supported by guys, and the other by guys and cables. In the middle, the bridge is suspended on ropes. It is the widest suspension bridge in the world. It provides only 8 lanes for traffic. There are also 2 tracks for moving trains. Record is also the height of the pylons. She is 322 m.


The Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul also provides tunnels between the shores. The first of these is called Marmaria. This is a railway connection that runs in a tunnel under water. Its construction began in 2004. The opening of the tunnel took place on 10/29/2013.

The length of the Marmaria Tunnel is 9.8 km. The underwater part is 1.4 km. The tunnel is located at different depths. Rail vehicles pass here. At its deepest point, the tunnel is 60 km from the surface.

The second equally important message is the Eurasian Tunnel today. It was opened on 12/20/2016. Its length is inferior to the first tunnel. It reaches 5.4 km. Directly under the Bosphorus lies 3.34 km of this message. Considering the length of access roads, the Eurasian tunnel is longer than the Marmaria. Its total length is 14.6 km.

The Eurasian tunnel lies at a depth of 106 km. This tunnel is designed for bus and road transport. Freight transport is not allowed here.


Tours of the Bosphorus in Istanbul involve visits to various attractions. You can go for a walk on public transport (vapura). Also, voyages, pleasure boats and yachts, and steamboats constantly circulate through the water. Huge tourist liners also come here.

Sights of the Bosphorus

A walk along the Bosphorus in Istanbul will be unforgettable. On one of the pleasure boats you can see both of its shores. The population density here is quite large. You can make a route yourself, based on the schedule of city ships.

One of the places most visited by tourists is the Maiden's Tower. It is located on a small island. Here the strait connects to the Sea of ​​Marmara. Palace complexes, chic villas from the time of the Ottoman Empire are located almost at the very water. Today these are the most luxurious hotels in Istanbul.

In the narrowest point of the strait, on both sides of the strait are two fortresses opposite each other. These are Rumeli Hisary and Anadolu Hisary. The architecture is fascinating. Spectacular scenery like to enjoy numerous tourists.

Halich Bay

A walk along the Bosphorus in Istanbul is recommended to complement a visit to the Golden Horn. She is also called Halich. It is located on the European side of the strait. Here, the great ancient city of Byzantium once existed. He was also the capital of the Roman Empire. Also, the city was called Constantinople.

The favorite place for tourists here is fishing boats, which cook freshly caught fish. The local delicacy is Balyk Ekmek. This is red mullet served with bread. Fried hamsa is also popular with tourists.

Having examined the features and attractions of the Bosphorus in Istanbul, you can go on a trip along this magnificent strait. This time will be pleasant and unforgettable.


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