Antenna "REMO": review, reviews

The REMO antennas of the Saratov Electromechanical Plant are in demand among buyers interested in watching high-quality digital terrestrial television programs. The model range includes products intended for use both in a residential environment and for placing them outside buildings. Antennas produced by the enterprise can be passive and active. The first of them use directional and selective design properties without the use of signal amplifiers. Active REMO TV antennas suggest the use of additional amplifiers. The article will help potential buyers make the right choice, taking into account individual requirements for the location of the antenna and its removal from the translator of the digital television signal.

Bit of theory

Television broadcasting is carried out in the ranges of meter (MV) and decimeter (DMV) waves. The latter of them are used for broadcasting digital television programs packages of the DVB T2 standard by telecentres. To ensure the best conditions for the antenna to receive a television signal, the geometric dimensions of its elements should be commensurate with the wavelengths of those ranges for which it is intended to operate. The MV range corresponds to wavelengths from six to one meter. Broadcasting of programs is carried out on 1-12 television channels, which corresponds to the frequency range (48-230) MHz. In the UHF range, the wavelength is from one meter to ten centimeters. Television programs are broadcast on 21-69 television channels in the frequency range (310-860) MHz.

Outdoor antenna REMO

The most effective antennas are those whose linear dimensions satisfy the ½ or ¼ requirement of the received wavelength. The main vibrators can take the form of a "mustache", with the possibility of changing their length and angle of the solution, open frames, rings, ellipses. Additional elements used to improve the directional properties of the antenna are transverse plates or metal rods. They are located on a common horizontal traverse, the longitudinal axis of which is directed to the television signal translator.

Types of products manufactured by the plant

Antennas produced by the manufacturer of REMO differ in the range of received waves. Most often, the catalogs present samples that carry out reception only in the UHF range, and all-wave antennas. Products designed to operate in the decimeter range are of the type “wave channel”.

Antenna for REMO TV

Their narrow radiation pattern is provided by numerous directors located one after another in the horizontal plane. The angle of the main lobe of the diagram is directly related to the coefficient of directional action and the gain of the band antenna.

The design can be performed on the type of "log-periodic antenna" or "Z-antenna" (zigzag antenna). Reflectors are used in designs to increase efficiency. They are made in the form of a frequent lattice located behind the main active vibrator. Reflectors are used to reflect waves received from the direction to the telecentre towards the main vibrator.

All-wave antennas for receiving programs of the MV range are supplemented by a half-wave dipole. The length of his shoulders ("mustache") corresponds to half the wavelength of the middle of the MV range. The length of the vibrators can be changed manually.

Indoor Devices

Indoor television antennas can be successfully used in large settlements near television transmitting centers. Their use at a distance of more than 10 km from the translators does not allow to achieve high quality viewing and sound accompaniment of the TV show. A digital television picture may fall apart into separate fragments or not appear at all.

REMO indoor antenna

Indoor antennas often have an original design that fits into the overall interior of an apartment. They can be all-wave and range. To obtain high-quality reception of programs in the MV range, telescopic antennas are used. The setting is to change their length and angle between them. Indoor antennas are available in active and passive versions. Passive antennas achieve acceptable reception quality through competent design decisions. Active antennas use electronic amplifiers of the total received passive antenna signal. For their operation, a DC voltage supply is required.

Indoor antenna with amplifier

When choosing a room antenna, you should focus on its technical characteristics indicated in the accompanying documentation. The main one is the magnitude of the gain, expressed in units of decibels (dB). For a passive antenna, a value of 12-14 dB can be considered acceptable. In the case of using the built-in amplifier, the total coefficient, which is usually indicated in the manual, can reach 40 dB. But this value does not reflect the directed properties of the indoor antenna. It is advisable to choose a device having adjustment elements of this indicator. By changing its value (often in the direction of reduction), a high-quality and stable image can be achieved.

It is worth paying attention to the length of the coaxial television cable. Having a sufficient margin will allow you to choose the optimal location of the antenna in the room to ensure stable reception.

Mini Digital Review

Mini Digital is the English definition of a digital miniature device. The antenna vibrator is made in the form of a frame, the ends of which are connected inside the case from white plastic to the input of the built-in antenna amplifier. The amplifier can be powered through an additional external network adapter with a constant voltage of 12 V or via a television cable using a separator from the USB connector of a set-top box or a TV with support for the Smart TV function. The REMO Mini Digital antenna can be fixed on the window pane using suction cups located on the lower surface of its housing. At the same time, direct visibility should be provided in the direction of the telecentre.

The UHF UHF gain of the active antenna is 33 dB, which corresponds to a signal gain of 45 times compared with an isotropic emitter (a vertical pin with a spherical radiation pattern). Its operating range is 470-862 MHz.

Outdoor TV Antennas

Antennas for outdoor use allow, when correctly positioned, to provide viewing of television programs in high quality with a significant distance from the transmitting centers from the receiving location. The narrowest antennas with a large coefficient of own gain allow to achieve the greatest effect. Multi-element antennas of the "wave channel" type or log-periodic designs are capable of using the effective reflectors to achieve a gain of 25–26 dB.

To receive high-quality pictures on the TV screen, the external REMO antennas have to be raised to a considerable height above the earth's surface. In this case, most of the power of the received signal is lost in the coaxial connecting cable with wave impedance. Losses depend on the type of cable used and the distance from the receiving antenna to the installation location of the television receiver. A television cable with a standard impedance of 75 Ohms has a linear attenuation of the signal in it of the order of 0.15-0.7 dB / m.

This necessitates the use of active antennas with a built-in amplifier. The antenna for the REMO TV using an additional stand-alone amplifier and splitter can provide the operation of several television receivers.

Antenna amplifier

Their gain should compensate for losses in the cable, taking into account its length. In addition to the gain, the amplifier must have a low level of intrinsic noise. A noise figure of 1.7-3.0 dB is considered acceptable.

Introducing REMO Triton

In the Triton line from REMO there are models for various purposes.

Antenna REMO Triton DMV

Among them are all-wave antennas and antennas designed to receive only DVB T2 digital television in the decimeter wavelength range. All-wave models can be distinguished by the presence of a half-wave vibrator in their design. Antennas of both classes are active. Their impressive dimensions - a traverse length of 1.3 meters - indicate a high value of the gain. Its value is 40 dB. The amplifier stores this value in the broadcast frequency range of 1-69 television channels.

Triton All-Wave Antenna

The REMO Triton antenna is equipped with special filters to suppress the signals of GSM second-generation mobile operators.

Factors Affecting Television Signal Quality

The remoteness of the transmitting center from the receiving point is the main, but not the determining factor, for stable reception and high-quality image on the TV screen. The terrain, the presence of obstacles in the form of massive reinforced concrete structures on the path of the linear propagation of radio waves of the meter and decimeter ranges have a great influence. For indoor antennas, even furniture and window grilles can be an obstacle. An undesirable factor is the presence of sources of electromagnetic interference.


Reviews on REMO antennas of customers who have been operating these products for a long time have a great influence on the decision to make a profitable purchase. The positive nature of the opinions of the overwhelming number of users indicates the high quality and reliability of the manufacturer’s products. This applies to both indoor antennas and outdoor antennas.


After reading the material presented in the article, the reader who is going to make the choice of antenna for watching high-quality television broadcasts will be able to competently evaluate the characteristics of the proposed product and determine the seller’s qualifications. REMO antennas, taking into account the relationship between price and quality, as well as numerous positive reviews, can be his choice.


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