How to make bookmarks for your own books

Every book lover knows the importance and necessity of bookmarks. This is very convenient, since with their help you can always return to the desired page. For how to bookmark books, read this article.

From which just do not make bookmarks in our time! Various materials are used for their manufacture. You can find articles made of paper, metal, fabric, magnets, polymer clay or even plastic bottles. Various options are also sold in office supplies. But how to make bookmarks for books with your own hands?

Bookmark made of paper

Perhaps one of the most familiar and classic forms. There are many options for making paper bookmarks. It can be animal figures, flowers, hearts and much more. There are also origami schemes for creating original bookmarks for books. One of these schemes is shown in the photo.

how to bookmark books

As a result, you will get a nice bookmark in the shape of a heart, which is worn on the corner of the sheet you need.

Original bookmarks for books are obtained if you cut out any element you like from paper and make an incision inside it, with which it will be fixed on the desired page.

original bookmarks for books

Bookmarks from paper clips

Paper clips with various bows and figures look very funny. They will become your assistants in fixing the necessary pages. How to make bookmarks for books from ordinary paper clips? This is completely easy and does not require any specific costs. All you need is paper clips and beautiful ribbons. To start, tie a bow from ribbons. Then pull it through the paper clip and lock it on top. To prevent the bow from being untied, you can additionally make several stitches on the knot. That's all! The bookmark is ready! In the variant with paper clips, you can replace the bow with small paper figures.

original bookmarks for books

Bookmark for books from a plastic bottle

Plastic bottles are truly an indispensable material in the arsenal of craft enthusiasts. Their application was found even in the manufacture of bookmarks for books. It turns out very original. How to make bookmarks for books from a plastic bottle? In addition to the bottle itself, you will also need 1 m of thin tape, scissors, an awl and any beautiful picture or postcard. You can also use your photo or card with formulas or a multiplication table. Cut the central part of the bottle with scissors, and then cut out two identical strips the size of your picture from it, adding 7 mm of allowance on each side. Round the corners. Punch holes with an awl at a distance of 5 mm from the edge. The distance between them should be about 1 cm. For convenience, you can put a piece of paper on which marks are drawn. Use a large eye needle to thread the tape through the holes. Do not forget to put your picture between the plastic strips. Tie the tab to the end by threading the ribbon into each hole. At the end, leave some tape to tie a bow. The bookmark is ready!

Bookmark Bookmark

It will be very convenient to bookmark the ribbon, which is attached to the inside of the back cover of the book. Such a bookmark will always be with the book, will not fall out and will not be lost. Simply attach a beautiful ribbon to the top of the back cover and fix it with tape or stick a piece of paper.


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