Lunskoye Lake in the Sormovsky District of Nizhny Novgorod: how to get there, rest, fishing

Everyone who likes to relax in nature will surely learn with interest about new places for himself or with pleasure recalls those where he has already visited. Many have chosen Lunskoye Lake as their favorite for beach holidays, fishing and just a pleasant pastime near the water surface. Let's find out in more detail where it is located, what is the infrastructure and features of this recreational area.

moon lake

beauty of nature

Surely all Novgorodians know where Lunskoye Lake is located in Nizhny Novgorod. But if the residents or guests of this glorious (and one of the five largest in terms of population in the Russian Federation) cities have a knowledge gap regarding the location of this reservoir, we will tell you a little further how to get to it by personal or public transport.

Now it is worth paying attention to the lake itself. This is a body of water that has an irregular, curved shape. Its depth is very uneven. In some places it reaches seven meters, but mainly Lunskoye Lake is shallow. This statement is especially relevant in relation to its parts remote from the beach area. In that area, the depth is about one meter.

It is noteworthy that the coastal zone is mostly very picturesque and convenient for vacationers. The slope is mixed, there are places with gentle and spacious areas, but in some places there are slides to the shore. There are practically no dense thickets near the water itself. Rare trees with razlogny crowns and special fungi create a shadow here.

Lunskoye Lake Nizhny Novgorod

Approach paths

Now let's find out where Lunskoye Lake is. Nizhny Novgorod is a very large settlement with a long and rich history. In the north, in its river part, one of the oldest districts is located - Sormovsky. This is the industrial part of the city, which was created as a working settlement, where many industrial facilities are now located. Nevertheless, there are also wonderful oases of pure and untouched human nature. One of them is Lunskoye Lake. Nizhny Novgorod, Sormovsky district, the village of Koposovo, st. Lunskaya, 16-a is the exact address where this pond can be found.

It can be reached by public transport. To do this, take the minibus number 172, which travels from the center of Nizhny Novgorod. "Lunskoye Lake" is a stop at which vacationers need to go. The trip will take approximately 35-40 minutes. Another minibus, No. 176, also follows, but those who go to Lake Lunskoye on it will have to walk a little more.

Those who wish to visit the pond in a personal vehicle need to head to the highway leading to Ivanovo from Novgorod.

fishing in nizhny novgorod

Rest with a peppercorn

Immediately make a reservation that sometimes the road here can be a serious test for a driver who dared to go by personal car to Lake Lunskoye (Nizhny Novgorod). How to get to it and not lose some parts of the car, we will now tell our readers.

In general, good access roads lead to the reservoir, you need to go along the normal asphalt road almost to the destination point. However, when you need to turn to the lake, you have to go on a dirt road. Overcoming it during the summer heat poses absolutely no difficulty, but during spring floods or prolonged downpours, which are not uncommon in June-July, the road is heavily flooded and eroded.

Not any SUV will pass the sticky mud, let alone passenger cars with low landing. Nevertheless, this lake is very popular among fans to sit with a fishing rod on the shore, and fishing in Nizhny Novgorod for many means a trip to Lunskoye. It isn’t empty here, so you don’t have to get stuck here for a long time - someone will definitely help you get out of the mess. Yes, and the puddles themselves leave very quickly, and the road returns to its normal passable condition.

lunskoye lake nizhny novgorod how to get there

Landscape and surroundings

Lunskoye Lake is located next to the picturesque pine forest, so vast that it is easy to get lost in it, so that vacationers should be careful while walking. The proximity of green spaces is a significant factor determining the microclimate and atmosphere of the territory adjacent to the reservoir. It is always very comfortable there - the air is fresh and moderately humid. In the heat there is where to hide from the scorching sun, and in bad weather there will be places to hide from the rain.

The area on which the lake stretches is quite picturesque, on quiet calm days the water surface fascinates with its purity and transparency. The coast is mostly grassy, ​​in the cultivated parts of the reservoir its slopes and recreation areas are converted into good beaches.

is it possible to swim the lunar lake

Terrain infrastructure

As you can see, it is not in vain that the Lunskoye Lake described by us is especially popular among vacationers. Nizhny Novgorod is a big city, within its borders there are quite a lot of beaches and places for fishing, but it is this pond that has a special flavor. The minus of the lake is its relative remoteness, but there is always enough space for everyone who wants to relax by the water.

The necessary infrastructure is equipped for them. In the swimming season, visiting trade is provided where you can purchase food, water, sweets. In addition, there is a rescue team and emergency room on the beach. It is worth considering that the work schedule of these services is limited to the period from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Directly on the beach there are changing cabins, there are fungus umbrellas for those who do not want to be in the sun. Importantly, several public toilets are installed on the territory.

In the near future, the authorities of the Sormovsky district plan to make recreation on the beach of Lake Lunsky more diverse by organizing motor boat rental there. At the moment, an excellent volleyball court has been created.

where is the lunar lake in nizhny novgorod

Note for beach people

Many vacationers are primarily interested in another important question about Lake Lunskoye. Is it possible to swim in its waters? The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service regularly takes fences of both water from the lake and the soil surrounding it. As of 2017, their quality is fully consistent with the standards, and therefore the beaches located on the shores of Lake Lunskoye, as well as places reserved for swimming in this reservoir, are absolutely safe.

People who often come to the lake share their impressions about the rest in this place. According to them, the water in the pond is quite clean, pleasant. At the height of summer it is sometimes muddy, but this is a consequence of the fact that silt rises from the bottom of shallow water. In those parts of the lake where there is sufficient depth, the bottom is sandy.

Entry into the water is not good in all places, in places the coast is steep, covered with grass, and the bottom itself is muddy. Therefore, for those who want to splash in the water, and especially if they plan to relax with children, it is better to settle down on the official beach located on Lake Lunsky. Another advantage of this resting place is the complete absence of any harmful living creatures in its vicinity, and since there are no dense bushes and trees near the reservoir, there are practically no insects there.

Lunskoye Lake Nizhny Novgorod Sormovsky District

Cooking fishing rods

Inveterate hunters for underwater inhabitants are regulars of this lake, because there can be quite good fishing. In Nizhny Novgorod, in general, there are many places where you can fish a little; inhabitants of not only the region but also Muscovites come here. There are many representatives of the underwater world on Lake Lunsky, among the most common - tench, perch, bleak, pike. In addition, crayfish are often found here.

Experienced fishermen recommend coming here ahead of time in order to feed prey in the evening, then in the morning there will be a good catch. In addition, it will be more convenient to fish from a boat, since noisy vacationers are usually located near good approaches to the water, and where there are none, the coast is difficult to pass and often flooded. However, you should be aware that in the spawning season fishing from a boat in this pond is prohibited.

People, be human!

The territory of the beach on the lake is periodically cleaned by utilities, but not always they get it quickly. The situation is aggravated due to the fact that often vacationers themselves do not want to leave the coast clean. Also, the coastal zone is cleaned up by volunteers who organize and travel to Lunskoye in large groups. Local residents often turn to those who come to the lake with a request to be careful and careful about nature, respect other people's work and just be people.


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