DVR Neoline X-COP 9700: specifications, instructions and reviews

Buying a DVR is relevant among potential buyers for almost a decade. However, the majority of future owners still have not understood that the main factor in such a device is quality, and not at all affordable cost. And there are many reasons for this.

Neoline X-COP 9700

In this article, the reader is invited to take a closer look at the Neoline X-COP 9700 video recorder, which is positioned in the expensive segment (15-20 thousand rubles). Features, instructions and user reviews will help a potential buyer to get all the necessary information about this device. And on the basis of his own conclusions, any reader can already decide whether he needs such a device in everyday life.

Double punch

The high cost of the Neoline X-COP 9700 is due not only to high-quality shooting and uninterrupted operation under abnormal conditions. There are several other positive factors that will certainly be appreciated by the future owner. Firstly, we are talking about functionality - as a bonus, the motorist receives a full-fledged radar detector, which understands all the detectors used by patrol services in the CIS countries.

The second advantage can definitely be considered the country of origin. Although the device is assembled in China, however, components for it are still produced at the factories in Korea and Russia. Yes, this is a joint project that was released specifically for the Russian market. Hence the multifunctionality, high quality shooting, fault tolerance and many other, no less pleasant bonuses for the future owner.

Undeclared navigation?

There is one function that customers who look for their Neoline X-COP 9700 video recorder first of all pay attention to it. User reviews in the media in unison reiterate that the manufacturer announced the availability of GPS, but did not implement the navigation functionality. Naturally, developers quickly reacted to such statements.

Neoline X-COP 9700 reviews

It is written in black and white on the official website of the company that global positioning in the device is needed only to identify the car on the country's roads. This is done so that the smart device focuses on stationary monitoring cameras installed on the main highway. Naturally, the device receives information about surveillance cameras from the Internet (at home, when updating software).

Letters of happiness

Any car enthusiast already probably came across the fact that fines, along with a photo confirming the violation, came to his mail. Most likely, it was such a “letter of happiness” that caused the desire of the car owner to buy a Neoline X-COP 9700 radar detector. And what is the peculiarity of this particular device? It's simple - the device was originally created to work with the Strelka and Avtodoriya detectors. Yes, some Russian engineers created the detector, and their colleagues from a neighboring department came up with a radar detector. It's Russia!

video recorder Neoline X-COP 9700

Judging by their reviews in the media, many users consider the “Turbo” mode to be a bonus in this device. It is rather strange that the manufacturer does not focus on the attention of buyers, because this is a very interesting function. This mode enhances the operation of the radar detector, increasing the power of the sensor, and eliminates all kinds of interference and interference with the filter. In simple terms, in the “Turbo” mode, the device will fix any radar when the car moves at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour and above.

The main characteristic

Finally, the domestic buyer realized that in any DVR, the main factor is not the price, but the quality of the shooting. After all, it is the recorded video that ultimately solves all the problems of the motorist. Only high-quality video will allow the car owner to prove to the law enforcement authorities his innocence.

That is why the choice fell on the device Neoline X-COP 9700. Reviews of the owners of a positive nature about the device can be understood, because not every manufacturer presents on the market a product that can conduct linear video recording in FullHD resolution (1920 × 1080 dpi) at 30 frames per second . In fact, this is an action camera that is able to capture the smallest detail in motion.

Additional equipment

Decent optics are good, but any optical device will still depend on the matrix with a central processor. The larger and more sensitive the matrix, the higher the quality of shooting, even professional photographers will not argue with this. The Neoline X-COP 9700 dashcam features praiseworthy matrix features - a real Japanese EXMOR IMX 322 from the world famous Sony manufacturer is installed.

video recorder Neoline X-COP 9700 reviews

But the central processor is responsible for processing the footage and its quick preservation. Judging by user reviews, installing the Ambarella A7 chip is a bust. It is generally not clear for what purpose the manufacturer equipped his product with the most powerful processor in the lineup, which is too demanding on resources (it consumes a lot of electricity when running on battery power).

Pleasant little things in the video

The Neoline X-COP 9700 dashcam is equipped with a wide-angle lens that has a 137-degree capture angle. Yes, this is not 170 degrees, as stated by competitors, but motorists should not worry about this. The viewing angle of the device is honest - no rounding at the edges and other deformations of the picture in the form of "Panorama" or "Fisheye."

Finally, at least one manufacturer came up with the idea to equip the camera matrix with WDR technology, which in the midst of video enthusiasts has a second name - “starry sky”. Yes, we are talking about a full night shooting. No backlights in the form of infrared lamps and matrix illumination - all for real, as it is implemented in professional technology.

Registrar Features

Speaking about the functionality of the device, I would like to draw the attention of potential buyers to some features of the Neoline X-COP 9700 DVR. For some reason, owner reviews rarely contain detailed information about the recording itself. Perhaps this is taken for granted, but still, the user should get to know the functionality more closely.

Neoline X-COP 9700 Owner Reviews

Firstly, a shock sensor is built into the device (we are talking about a conventional G-sensor). Naturally, in the camera settings there are additional settings that can be set for this event. Also, the user can control the recording itself. You can adjust the duration of the clip and record some events in a separate file (which is not overwritten).

Ergonomics device

The convenience of use, most buyers do not pay attention at all. As practice shows, for most Russian-speaking users in the first place are price, quality and functionality, but there are things that will still be able to interest future owners of the Neoline X-COP 9700. Customer reviews describing the presence of a touch screen are full of positive emotions. After all, the device is much more convenient to control in this way than with ordinary buttons.

Radar detector Neoline X-COP 9700

The buyer will also like the small size of the device. The miniature device does not claim to take up much space on the windshield of the car, and this cannot but rejoice. Along with its small size, the DVR has sufficient strength, so the owner does not need to worry that with his inept actions he will simply break the device.

Mounting Features

The high cost of the device is justified by its rich configuration. Again, remembering the GoPro action camera, I just want to compare the equipment of two interesting products. The kit includes everything you need: a charger (car), a base mount with a suction cup (for glass), several adapters to set the recorder's optimal viewing angle and a large set of hooks with a self-adhesive tape for cable laying. According to the inscriptions, the manufacturer equipped the hooks with adhesive tape from the 3M company. Many experts claim that in construction it is the best brand in the world and its products of absolute quality.

The instruction that comes with the Neoline X-COP 9700 recorder contains all the information necessary for the owner on the operation of the device and on how to configure it. Moreover, the manual is present in the kit in three languages: English, Russian and Korean. From this it follows that this device is not only sold in the CIS countries.


First of all, the applause of the buyers went to the built-in X-COP function, which is capable of controlling the operating modes of the Neoline X-COP 9700 video recorder without user intervention. The device can use the camera to determine the vehicle speed and transmit the received information to the built-in computer. That, in turn, includes the desired mode of operation (city, highway, turbo or silence).

Neoline X-COP 9700 manual

The owners of the device also liked the implementation of the recording modes. We are talking about sorting the footage into special catalogs. So the user can easily view the videos separately from the parking place, in emergency situations (activation of the G-sensor) or in normal driving mode. Naturally, you can configure events for cleaning each folder individually in the absence of free space on the memory card.

But the reader will not find negative reviews in the media. Even the high cost of the device was ignored. And if we talk about the shortcomings of the DVR, then some users believe that a full-fledged navigator would be a nice addition to the GPS module.


After reviewing such an interesting device, there is only one conclusion: the Neoline X-COP 9700 device can really interest the end user, because it is one of the few products on the domestic market that has such a large and popular functionality. The device is convenient, interesting and high-tech - it has practically no flaws. It is this list of advantages that allows the author to call this DVR the real dream of any motorist.


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