Tourism Morocco. Tourism industry of Morocco. Language, currency and climate of Morocco

The fabulous Sahara desert, harsh Bedouins, sandy beaches of the Atlantic Ocean and singing dunes, the legendary Fes, Marrakesh, Casablanca, Tangier and their surroundings, noisy bazaars with exotic goods, delicious cuisine and colorful national traditions - all this is Morocco. Traveling there is the dream of everyone who has read or heard about Africa. In this article we will talk about holidays in Morocco. We will highlight the subtleties of tourism in the most detail. It's no secret that any trip to another continent is always fraught with a lot of surprises and surprises. For surprises to be only pleasant, you need to know how tourism in Morocco differs from the same industry in other countries.

tourism morocco

General information

Before we talk about how to behave in an African country, what sights to see and how to be in a difficult situation, let's say a few words about how Russian tourism in Morocco began. History has preserved information that the origins of friendship between our countries lead to 1777. Sultan Muhammad III bin Abdallah arrived in Russia on a friendly visit. He visited Catherine II and proposed to establish business cooperation between our country and Morocco. Tourism (in the modern sense of the word) cannot be called trade trips at that time, but the beginning of mutual exchange was laid. And where there is trade, there is interest in the social structure, traditions, and history. Traveling, excursions, souvenirs and other attributes of camping life are something that have always been liked by inquisitive citizens who prefer to spend their free time with benefit and pleasure.

Morocco tourism

The modern tourism industry of Morocco

Morocco entered the network of tourist areas of the world with the development of the scientific and technological revolution. Progress in the mechanical field has led to the development of various modes of transport, as a result of which overcoming distances of thousands of kilometers has ceased to be an obstacle to travel across countries and continents. A curiosity and a passion for the new, as you know, in people in the blood.

The inhabitants of our country, or rather the general public, got the opportunity to discover Morocco only after the fall of the Iron Curtain. At the same time, the Ministry of Tourism of Morocco was created in 1985. King Hassan II blessed the government to develop measures to develop this industry and turn it into one of the main revenue items of the treasury. With this, we can say, the modern history of tourism in Morocco began. The country has intensified work on creating comfortable conditions for visitors to the country. A wide modernization of internal communications was carried out. New branches of railways and highways were laid, connecting the most interesting places for travelers. Railway stations, air and sea ports were rebuilt and equipped with the latest technology, hotels, catering places, hammams were built, beaches and other tourist facilities were built.

The Moroccan Tourism Authority has developed programs to attract foreigners by guest invitations and short shopping.

Despite the fact that Morocco has long been accustomed to guests from Europe and Asia, in order to avoid unpleasant excesses, one must carefully prepare for the trip. It is advisable to know as much as possible about Morocco in advance.

The subtleties of tourism, as experienced guides say, are answers to the same questions: what can and cannot be in the country you are looking for. If you can still somehow manage without knowledge of the first, then without knowledge of the second it is easy to get into a difficult situation, and in some cases even into trouble.

If the trip is organized by a travel agency, then possible surprises are almost always foreseen. During the organizational meeting, travelers are explained the peculiarities of the mentality of the local population and unusual ethical standards adopted for us in this country. They also say what can not be done so as not to be in the police. Our article is more intended for those who travel to Morocco for the first time and independently, as they say, savage. Without knowledge of some secrets it will be difficult for them.

Morocco subtleties of tourism

We are going to Morocco

The time difference between Moscow and Morocco is 2 hours. From Russia to get into this African state can only be by plane. It flies from Moscow to Casablanca for 6 hours.

There are ferry services with Spain, Italy and France. In addition, the major cities of Morocco are connected by rail with the international airports of these countries.

As for roads, the Moroccan routes are considered one of the best in the world. Car rental is possible for people over 21 years old with an international driver’s license and a credit card. For this reason, cars are often rented directly with drivers. Poor tourists use public transport, which is very cheap, and if you want to feel the delights of nomadic life, then for 10,000 dirhams (about 1000 euros) you can buy a camel and ride it all over Morocco. The subtleties of tourism in an exotic country are limited to camel travel.

Compliance with traffic rules is mandatory if there is a policeman in the driver’s field of vision. In its absence, the need to comply with the law automatically disappears. This applies to large cities. Other norms apply outside of them - motorists can stand at an intersection for an infinitely long time, giving way to each other.

Now a few words about the local currency: one ruble is 0.15 Moroccan dirhams, 1 dollar is 9.75 dirhams, 1 euro is 10.88 dirhams. All money transactions in Morocco can only be carried out with local currency, which is forbidden to be exported outside the country. Import of foreign money is not limited, but only dirhams can be paid. There are enough exchange offices everywhere. The course is about the same everywhere - international. Do not pursue profit and change money from individuals in the markets and in the gates. In 99% of cases, you will come across a hoax. At exchange offices, one must not forget to take certificates and keep them until the very departure. They will have to be presented at customs.

In Morocco, tourism after the production of phosphates is one of the main sources of income. Another source of income is the production and import of agricultural products. Maybe that's why the rest here is considered one of the most comfortable in the world - both cheaply and safely.

Another good news that can be said about tourism in Morocco is that Russian citizens do not need to get visas. This applies to those who do not plan to stay in the country longer than 90 days.

So that when crossing the border there are no problems with customs, you need to know that Morocco is a Muslim country, and there is a special attitude to alcoholic beverages. You can import free of duty only one bottle of strong drink and one bottle of wine per adult. The quantity of imported tobacco products is also under control: for one adult - 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of tobacco.

It is forbidden to import pornographic products, drugs and weapons. Professional hunting equipment and equipment for photographing must be declared.

It is forbidden to export objects of artistic or historical value from the country.

Morocco tourism reviews

East is a delicate matter

In the country, the official religion is Sunni-type Islam. Criminal punishment of imprisonment of six months to three years and a fine of 100 to 500 dirhams threatens people who promote any religion other than Islam, as well as those who prevent a Muslim from performing a religious ritual.

Speaking about tourism in Morocco, the particularities associated with religion, one cannot but mention the attitude of Muslims to their hands. This question is often ignored by travelers, but in vain.

In Islam, only the right hand is considered clean. They shake hands with each other as a sign of friendship and take food. They eat here with their hands, folding three fingers with a pinch, and scoop up a liquid dish with a handful. Before the meal, the right hand is rinsed in a bowl of pink water.

The left hand is unclean. And you don’t need to convince others that you are left-handed. With your left hand, after the toilet, they wash the contaminated parts of the body. Muslims do not use toilet paper. In the desert it is replaced by sand, and in cities by water. In latrines there are always jugs of water designed for washing after the toilet.

With a general goodwill towards visitors, Moroccans always maintain a certain distance in their relations with them. But if you have been singled out and invited to visit, you can’t refuse. This will be perceived as an insult. The main treat is green tea with mint. It is supposed to drink three glasses. They are filled to a third of the volume, and poured from a rather high height, so that the drink foams.

tourism morocco attractions

Spa life

In Morocco, it is pleasant to relax at any time of the year.

On the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the climate is subtropical, mild. The water temperature near the coast is usually around +20 degrees. Summer heat (up to +35) is easily tolerated due to the constant cool ocean breeze. In winter, air temperature rarely drops below +15. Rains in Morocco are uneven. In some years, precipitation does not fall at all. In the north and in the mountains, rains occur, and several cases of floods were recorded. In the southern part of the country, where the border is absent and lost in the sands of the Sahara, water is generally a rare value.

In the Atlas Mountains, at some peaks, snow lies for six months, and on snowless mountains the air temperature does not exceed +15 degrees.

The local population is quite tolerant of tourists, but familiarity, crony pats on the shoulder and hugs are unacceptable here. Moroccans are Arabs and Berbers. Europeans (French, Portuguese and Spaniards) are about 60,000, and the entire population is just over 34 million people.

The official languages ​​in Morocco are Arabic and Berber. In everyday life, Moroccans communicate in dialects, and in official institutions and in all tourist places, French and Spanish are accepted. English and German do not know here. It is much easier to find a Russian-speaking Moroccan - many of them studied in the USSR and the Russian Federation.

history of tourism in Morocco

What not to miss

Tourism Morocco is a superbly developed entertainment infrastructure with a pronounced, nationally colored flavor. Arriving in the kingdom, plan a visit to Marrakesh, Tangier, Agadir, Ouarzazate, Fez, Tarfai and the Atlas Mountains.

What is the most famous tourism in Morocco? Traveler reviews are full of excitement when it comes to windsurfing. Even if you have never stood on the board, there are plenty of schools for beginners. You will be taught to keep on the wave and rule the sail, and will also help you choose the right equipment. You can surf in the summer and winter. In winter, the waters of the Atlantic noticeably freeze, so everyone rides in thermal suits, and in summer it’s good. Surroundings of Agadir, Tagazut village - a paradise for surfers. The height of the waves is average, the direction is right-handed. Professionals and extreme enthusiasts will find spots without breakwaters where they can fly freely over steep ridges.

tourism morocco history


Well, what kind of tourism is Morocco without visiting the medina! This is a bazaar, the old city, a place where you can get acquainted with the traditions, material and spiritual culture of the local population. If you have not visited the medina, consider that you do not know anything about tourism in Morocco. The tourism industry of large cities is more focused on meeting the needs of Europeans in new and vivid impressions. Often this is not a demonstration of the national spirit, but kitsch, an attraction, Europeanized amusements with an oriental bias. Only the medina will reveal to the inquisitive travelers the secrets of the Arab way of life, show the beauty of local art and give unique impressions.

Morocco's largest medina is in Fez. In the 13th century, it was one of the most significant cities in the world. Currently, the medina of Fez is an area with more than ten thousand narrow streets and alleys. The narrowest - no wider than one and a half meters and often end in dead ends. Without an escort and without knowledge of the language (at least French or Spanish), it is not recommended to go there alone for the first time - get lost, panic, lose everything, God knows what this will lead to.

If you decide on an adventure, then arm yourself with the most charged smartphone with the “navigation” function. Do not forget also about the rule of the right hand, which more than once saved the life of travelers who fell into ancient labyrinths.

In the center of the medina is a mosque. It is located at the intersection of the main, widest streets.

Before heading to the medina, find out what it costs in city stores. This will help you not to buy Chinese fakes for fabulous money. What can you brag about before returning from Morocco? Tourism (reviews confirm this) always implies the purchase of locally produced products. Moreover, it is very important that the national shade is preserved. Only in this case will a thing evoke pleasant memories of time spent in the land of the Bedouins for many years. From Morocco, it is necessary to bring objects made of metal and camel leather, as well as carpets. Artisans sit right on the streets and polish carved jugs and plates of yellow brass. Needlework is an activity for real men. So consider the Moroccans. Embroidery, leather weaving, the manufacture of metal jewelry, weaving, etc. - all this is purely male work. A woman should be engaged in pleasing her husband, raising young children, cooking and cleaning the house.

All products of manual labor are not too expensive, since the dirham is constantly becoming cheaper due to the high level of inflation, but you need to talk to traders and bring down the price.

The medina of Morocco is located in the medina of Fes. In huge clay tanks, the skin is soaked and stained. The water mill twists millstones, grinding the seeds of dyeing plants - the skin here is still dyed only with natural dyes.

tourism in morocco

The main attractions

What is good tourism in Morocco? Attractions are not far from each other. All of them are interconnected by excellent roads and highways. Comfortable buses run from one place to another. This type of transport is most in demand among local residents. Tickets can be bought in advance at the box office ticket offices.

Taxi rides are also quite acceptable - $ 1 per 1 km. Suburban taxis are designed for 6 passengers. The price is negotiated before departure and is divided equally into all.

In the southeastern part of Morocco, at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, there are tourist sites in the Sahara. First of all, it is the valley of a thousand sand castles, or the Draa valley. Draa is a river whose bed has long dried up. Here once boiled life. Numerous Berber settlements and ksaba fortresses, surrounded by picturesque oases and red sand dunes, look unrealistically beautiful. This area is well known under the name Ait Benhattu. In these places is the mausoleum-tomb of the holy hermit Benhatta, who lived in the Middle Ages. In the seventies of the last century, the great " Franco Zeffirelli " was shooting the film "Jesus of Nazareth" .

tourism morocco visa


Those who have not been to Casablanca know nothing about the tourism of Morocco. This city was glorified by the famous Hollywood director Michael Curtis. But even if there wasn’t his Casablanca, we would still admire the Hassan II mosque with a 200-meter minaret and the League of Arab States park.

Tourism of Morocco is actively developing, and all of the listed objects were created and built in the last century in compliance with the national traditions of architecture. There is even a modern medina (Habus quarter), built in the 30s of the last century by the French. It is a neat, a little toy Arabian macro district. Here is the Palace of the King, the church of Notre Dame de Lourdes and the Palace of Justice Macham du Pasha.

And whoever wants to plunge into genuine antiquity, let him go to the old medina, the one that is two kilometers from the new. There are still the customs of the ancient East. For example, if you want to buy chicken for dinner, then at your service are large cages with clucking cloaks. Choose any. In a few minutes, the seller will pluck it and gut it. An old man sits beside him, interpreting the Qur'an, and around him, listeners are squatting in circles. If you are not a Muslim, then do not sit next to them - they will drive them out. Waterwaters with jugs of pure water, merchants with silk scarves, brass bracelets and camel leather wallets roam here.

After lunch, when the heat subsides a little, it is pleasant to wander barefoot along the ocean or lie on the sand, feel the touch of cool salty water.

Morocco Tourism Authority


Marrakech is the pearl of Morocco. It is attractive for its many attractions. They begin with the square of Djemaa el Fna, with its unique atmosphere of buffalo, where the best artists of Morocco perform every day. Then we advise you to visit the Majorelle Garden, the oasis of Menard (an amazing green island with a bloody history of the cruel sultan and the concubines killed by him) and end your stay in the city with a visit to the medina.

Even in the city you can see two once magnificent, and now dilapidated palaces: El Badi and Bahia. At one time, both structures were looted and dismantled. But the guide will tell the story of both and devote to the secret planning. The grandeur of dimensions and the preserved fragments of the finish impress with the complexity of work and high quality materials.

From every point of the city, a 77-meter minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque is visible. She, like all other mosques in Morocco, can only be admired from afar. Muslims are not allowed to enter the mosque.

After an eventful day, it’s nice to relax and get a complex of thalasso procedures in a hammam (kind of bath), and then drink a cup of hot tea with mint and think about where to go tomorrow - to Agadir, Volubilis, Tangier, Essaouira or Ouarzazate.


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