What color is copper? Copper and its alloys

What color is copper? It is a red metal. If a piece of copper is broken, then a pink color can be seen at the site of the fault. Resists very high temperatures and begins to melt only at 1083 degrees Celsius. It also has a high density, which is 8.94 grams per cubic centimeter, which is much more than other metals. It is characterized by high and high-quality current conductivity. It can be of several types: MOO, MO, M1, M2, M3.

Roofing Copper

Copper has long been used for the manufacture of roofing. Her beauty captivates and catches the eye. But when such types of metal as iron and aluminum appeared, the use of copper for roofing significantly decreased. Now architects are reviving its use in the construction of houses. Not a single type of metal gives such a shade as the color of copper. Different grayscale differences in the color scheme is one of its main advantages. A copper roof, the strength characteristic of which allows it to be used on buildings with a flat roof, can withstand a large mass of snow if it could not be cleaned immediately.

copper roof characteristic

Interesting shades of copper

By the way, before, when there was no choice in copper plating, ordinary yellow-shiny copper was used. It was impossible to choose a color image for the whole house, since after a few years it acquired a dark shade, becoming oxidized. Then, after a few more years, the dark color was replaced by saturated malachite-green. Copper turned into a patinated type. From that moment, the copper roof became inaccessible to corrosion and served for many years. To date, the steps of progress have allowed the buyer to immediately choose what color copper he needs: oxidized, classic or patinated. A new direction in construction was the manufacture of copper facades of houses. Usually, aluminum sheets painted in the necessary color are used to decorate the facade of the house. But the use of aluminum is disadvantageous: firstly, from an economic point of view, and secondly, from the quality side. Copper has a wider range of shades than paints for aluminum and, in contrast, does not fade.

what color is copper

Copper alloys

Metal plays an integral role in the manufacture of alloys. Copper and its alloys can be of two types:

  • Bronze alloy. It consists of the main component, that is, copper and impurities of other elements. It is characterized by a high casting property, especially for parts of complex shape. But the disadvantage that specialists are struggling with is the emerging microporosity of the common alloy, if tin has been used. In general, bronze alloys have greater strength and are not susceptible to corrosion.
  • Brass Alloy. It consists of the main component, that is, copper mixed with other elements. But another constant component of the brass alloy is zinc. Strange as it may seem, such a material has a very high ductility and at the same time good thermal conductivity. These properties are possessed by alloys marked L06 and L90. If greater strength and low cost are required, then alloys with the markings L59, L60, L62 are used.

copper and its alloys

Copper hair

Girls who have their own copper hair color, shades can have from light to cognac. In addition, they are very beautiful. What color is copper and where does this color come from? Copper color is obtained in connection with a large amount of pheomilanin in the hair follicles. It has long been believed that only Scots and Irish have a copper and red tint from birth. But with the frantic pace of technology nowadays, such a shade can easily be obtained by purchasing hair dye. Cosmetic companies offer the largest selection of hair colors of different durability and tonal color.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26044/

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