How to stick a film on the phone (photo)

Every mobile device, whether it’s a smartphone or tablet, today has a large touch screen. You can control such a gadget, of course, only with the help of taps on such a screen. And this, in turn, causes contamination of the perfectly clean display surface, the appearance of cloudy spots, traces of fat and so on. And this is not to mention the banal possibility of polluting the display due to external factors.

how to stick a film on the phone

The only solution that can help all of us in working with devices is a protective accessory - a film. About how to stick the film on the phone and tablet, we are going to tell in this article.

Why glue the film?

In addition to protecting the screen from dirt, dust and fingerprints, it also provides a protection function for the device’s display from mechanical damage. And this is, believe me, much more serious.

Indeed, in real life it is impossible to provide 100 percent ideal conditions for the operation of a phone or tablet - there can always be a situation when an object touching a screen leaves a scratch or scuff. Obviously, the appearance of the gadget will suffer from this, not to mention the operational qualities (and the transfer of the picture).

If you know how to properly stick a protective film on your phone, and do it in a timely manner, you should not worry about your device. You just remove the old film in the event that its appearance will no longer suit you, and replace it with a new one. Thus, the screen of the tablet or smartphone will remain unharmed.

Without a film, obviously, it will be possible to get rid of the scratches that appear only after replacing the screen.

How are the films arranged?

Realizing the benefits of a protective film, you should pay attention to how it is arranged. So, if you take one such film in your hands, you will see that there are two labels on it. The first may indicate that this is the number one protective layer; on the second, respectively, “layer No. 2”.

how to stick a film on the phone photo

That's right - modern films are delivered to the market in three layers. If you imagine them as a sandwich with two pieces of bread and a sausage inside, then the real film that will protect your screen is the very “filling” (sausage). The extreme layers - “bread” - will be removed during installation. They serve to protect the film itself from damage (both on the upper and lower sides). If you want to know how to properly stick a film on your phone, remember to remove them.

Prepare the screen

The guarantee that the film will hold firmly during use of the device is not only its condition and quality. In fact, the surface on which the film will be glued plays an important role here. In this case, we mean the screen of the phone or tablet.

In order for the film to hold, it is necessary to remove everything superfluous from the display surface: dust, specks, fingerprints, moisture. If anything remains, in the future the appearance of the gadget's screen will be a little spoiled.

how to stick a film on the phone fly 4403

Again, if you want to know how to stick the film on the iPhone 3q (as on any other model), do not forget to clean the display. This can be done with a soft cloth or cloth that does not leave fibers.

It's simple: rub the screen and look at it at an angle to determine if there is anything left on it or not. Ideally, the display surface should look flat and smooth. Then, after gluing the protective layer of the film, the screen will look great.

First step

So, after cleaning the display, the first thing to do is to try on the edges of the film to the border of the screen itself. According to the instructions on how to properly stick the film on the Fly 4403 phone (and not only on it), the indent between it and the display border should be approximately 0.5 millimeters.

This does not mean that you need to arm yourself with a ruler and measure the same distance - no. You just need to figure it out “by eye” so that a small gap remains from the film. This is normal, because the films are produced in slightly smaller sizes than the screen so that they lie more evenly.

After you have outlined the "beginning" - the line with which you will glue the film, you must proceed to its further gluing. This should be done gradually, slowly. However, read more about this later.

how to stick a film on the iPhone 3q

We put a film on the device

As you already understood, if you don’t know how to stick the film on the phone, start with a clear line, then gradually move to the opposite edge of the device. As experts say, you need to act on the narrower side of your gadget. So glue the film with a smooth "front" will be easier.

Next, you need to use tools to smooth the surface of the already glued layer of material. In particular, we are talking about a plastic card (although some scraper will do). By pressing it to the surface of the display, covered with a film, you can "expel" the air bubbles that have arisen there. Thus, the screen will look beautiful and neat.

Remove the top layer

After you have managed to cover the screen of the device with a film, we proceed to further actions, namely, remove its upper protective layer. This is done simply: you need to pull the tab that remains on the film, which says "Layer No. 2" or "Remove after sticking" (depending on the type of film). Do it gradually and carefully.

If you have learned how to properly stick a protective film on your phone (Gerffins is it or any other brand), after removing the top film you should have a perfectly even coating that protects the display of the device. Actually, after that you can start using your gadget.

Possible problems

A nuisance can occur if you, although you read how to stick a film on the phone, but did not do everything properly. For example, this applies to unevenly sticking film or air bubbles remaining on the screen.

how to stick a protective film on the phone

In the first case, you can just re-stick your film. This will take a little time, and if everything is done correctly, the accessory itself will not deteriorate, it can be used again.

Another problem is the bubbles, which will make your screen ugly. There are several ways to deal with them. We already described the first one - arm yourself with a scraper or a plastic card and simply “squeeze” them to the nearest edge of the device. This will help overcome large bubbles. As for the small ones, most of them, as practice shows, can disappear themselves. Therefore, do not be discouraged if you notice a couple of those. The main thing is that they should not be the result of a mote between the glass and the film.

The place where to glue the film

In addition to recommendations on how to properly stick the film on the phone (the photo is also a visual material), I would also like to give advice on a place suitable for sticking.

As already noted above, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of dirt, dust, hairs and other objects getting on the glass of the device. This means that sticking the film efficiently in dirty, dusty rooms normally will not work. The same applies to open space - the wind can ruin everything.

how to stick a protective film on a gerffins phone

We recommend choosing a room where it is clean and calm. If we talk about an ordinary apartment, then the bathroom is best suited for these purposes, for example. Due to the high humidity there is less dust.

Go to such a room and glue your film. Let's hope you succeed!


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