What is the deepest sea in the world?

Have you ever thought about where the deepest sea in the world is? What are its features? Who lives there? Not? Would you like to?

Answers to all these questions can be obtained by reading the materials in this article.

Section 1. What is the sea?

the deepest sea in the world
Before telling about the deepest sea in the world, we suggest defining the very concept. So, the sea means a part of the world's oceans, separated by land or elevations of underwater reliefs.

In general, it should be noted that the seas differ from the world ocean in climatic, meteorological and hydrological regimes. This is due to the fact that they are usually located at the edges of the oceans, and due to the limited connection with the open part of the water expanse, they slow down water exchange.

And the definition from the geography textbook says that the sea should be understood as a huge amount of salt water, which is connected to the water shell of the Earth, or a large salt lake, completely isolated from the oceans and has no outlet.

From each other, the seas, of course, are distinguished by their flora and fauna.

Section 2. Philippine Sea

the deepest sea on earth
Now, perhaps, any student can name the deepest sea on Earth. This is the Philippine, which is located between the islands in the west of the Pacific Ocean. Due to the warm currents, the water here has an average temperature of 25 ° C, and its salinity in places reaches 35.1%.

The greatest depth is recorded in the Mariana Trench or in the so-called Mariana Trench. Probably everyone at least once in their life had heard of this point on the map. And the directors of modern cinema often inhabit it with unprecedented monsters, outlandish fish, shrouded in mysticism and mysteries.

The depth of this trench is 11,022 m. But these data are approximate. Some scientists insist that in fact the figure can be much larger, just humanity is still not technically ready to measure such segments.

Meanwhile, the deepest sea in the world has more than seven thousand very picturesque islands with rich flora and fauna.

Among its advantages, one can also distinguish unique Pangaskhan waterfalls, lakes, volcanoes, caves and a rich underwater world represented by whales, sea ​​cows, turtles, sharks, dolphins, huge stingrays, Japanese eels, etc.

Section 3. Coral Sea

what is the deepest sea
If we talk about what is the deepest sea in the Southern Hemisphere, then we can not fail to mention Coral. It is located in the tropics of the Pacific Ocean and covers an area of ​​more than 5 million square meters. km Some depressions discovered by scientists in its abyss reach a depth of 9000 m.

Geographically, it stretches from the coast of Australia to the Solomon Islands, the islands of New Guinea and the New Hebrides, and in the north-west goes to the Indian Ocean.

The water in the sea is warm all year round. The average monthly temperature ranges from +20 to +28 .

The name of the Coral Sea is far from accidental. Due to the abundance of coral colonies, reefs, atolls, islands from petrified coral polyps in it, it received this name.

By the way, do not forget that in this part of the world's oceans there is the largest coral structure of the planet - the Great Barrier Reef. Today, its width is from 60 to 80 km, and it stretches parallel to the coast of Australia at a distance of 30-60 km from the coast more than 2000 km. Scientists argue that this is far from the limit, because from year to year the reef becomes only larger.

In addition to different types of corals, sharks and crabs, many representatives of the underwater world live here: sea anemones, stars, cows, hedgehogs, flying fish, trepangs, huge sea turtles, tridaknas, poisonous stone fish, sticky fish, pteroes, etc.

Section 4. Tasman Sea

the deepest sea in Russia
Between the shores of the island of New Zealand and Australia, in the south of the Pacific Ocean, there is another deepest sea in the world - Tasmanovo.

Its area is 3340 square meters. km and resembles a diamond shape. In some places, its depth reaches colossal numbers of 6,000 m. It’s even hard to imagine that this is exactly the distance that an airplane flying, for example, from Moscow to Khabarovsk has to travel.

The climate in different parts of the sea is significantly different. Why it happens? The thing is that it lies geographically in different climatic zones.

The surface of the sea water in the north warms up to +27 ° C, in the south - only +15 ° C in summer, and in winter drops to +9 ° C. It should be noted that the species of inhabitants of the Tasman Sea is very similar to the variety of Coral species.

The underwater world consists of corals, sharks, atolls, sperm whales, whales, killer whales, tuna, mackerel and many other sea creatures.

Section 5. Sea Banda

the deepest sea washing Russia
In the west of the Pacific Ocean is the Banda Sea, which is connected by straits to other parts of the world's oceans.

Its area is 714 thousand km 2 . In principle, this sea is considered to be deep-sea with a maximum depth of 7440 m, although the average is 2737 m, i.e., it is practically the same as the deepest sea washing Russia - Beringovo.

Scientists have found that there are 6 basins in the Banda that go deeper into the distance above 4000 m. All of them are separated by ridges and rapids.

Another characteristic feature could be called the fact that the sea is located in an area of ​​active volcanic activity, so most of the islands are of volcanic origin.

The Banda Sea has a diverse flora and rich fauna, represented by many fish of different sizes, colors and shapes. Marine living organisms mainly live in the shallow coastal zone.

Among the representatives of the underwater world, there are different types of bottom and reef sharks, stingrays, moray eels, corals, ofiuras, sea anemones, sea snakes, hedgehogs, stars, etc.

Section 6. The Caribbean

the deepest sea in the world
In the west of the Atlantic Ocean, in the equator region, there is the Caribbean Sea with many islands, sandy beaches, clear water, a tropical climate, a rich underwater world and picturesque places.

It is unlikely that any modern traveler realizes that, going here on vacation, they simultaneously get the opportunity to visit one of the deepest seas of the planet.

The sea average water temperature remains almost unchanged throughout the year and ranges from +23 o C to +28 o C.

About 500 species of various fish live here, among which one can note goliath fish, angel fish, parrot fish, moray eels, several rare species of sharks, dolphins, sperm whales, whales.

Section 7. The Bering Sea - the deepest sea in Russia

the deepest arctic sea
The Bering Sea is one of the most biologically productive and diverse ecosystems in the world.

It is located between Russia and Alaska and rightfully bears the title “The Deepest Arctic Sea”.

Its area is about a thousand km 2 .

In general, the sea consists of arctic and subarctic waters. Surprisingly, it is very rich in its living organisms. True, of course, by those who physiologically can dwell at such low temperatures.

Experts note that there are all conditions for the existence of more than 450 species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans, whales, dolphins, walruses, seals, fur seals, polar bears, more than 200 species of birds from all over the world and 26 species of marine mammals.

The Bering Sea is one of the most extensive semi-closed reservoirs, limited by the coasts of two continents, which is considered the northern extension of the Pacific Ocean.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G2607/

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