How does a car dvr work? The principle of operation of the DVR

The car DVR performs the function of shooting video while the car is moving or parked. This is mainly done in order not to miss unique moments or present the moment of the video as evidence of innocence in a car accident. This article talks about how a car DVR works.

car dvr

And before considering the principle of its work, you should familiarize yourself with its functions and varieties.


Automobile devices are developing and improving rapidly, therefore, in addition to recording road events, the recorder can be used for other purposes:

  • CCTV camera for visitors in a store or restaurant.
  • Car control in the parking lot.
  • Monitoring traffic on the territory of organizations.
  • A simple shot of everyday life.

The demand for DVRs is increasing. This is not even due to direct advertising of these devices, but due to videos on the network with unique fragments shot on a car camera.


All car DVRs can be divided into several types, depending on how the car DVR works, and on its structure:

  1. Portable devices.
  2. Devices with multiple channels.
  3. Other gadgets acting as a car registrar.

Consider the first view. It is the simplest and most versatile device that is most often used by drivers. The device is a camera with one or two lenses, with which you are shooting. Such DVRs are relatively cheap and easy to manage.

portable camera

A "multi-channel" DVR means that it has many camera outputs. Thus, you can install a DVR with a rear view camera and a navigator, as well as a camera with a road shot.

many channels

Of the minuses, only the price of such a device can be distinguished: it is quite high.

Smartphones or tablets can also act as a car DVR. It is only necessary to come up with a mount so that the device remains stationary and does not interfere with the driver in the cabin.

smartphone as a camera

In fact, this method of shooting motion has many advantages: access to WiFi and GPS, high quality video, easy operation, etc. The main plus is that there is no need to buy additional equipment; you just need to download certain software and use it.

Shooting Permission

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with a car DVR recording motion pictures, but in some countries this is prohibited. This type of shooting is considered hidden, therefore violates the rights of other citizens. Countries where registrars cannot be used include Austria, Belgium and Portugal.

prohibition of filming

In Russia, the use of registrars is not prohibited, but rather recommended. In the event of a car accident, you can present a record at the time of the accident and thereby find out the culprit.

Principle of operation

How does a car dvr work? Consider the main components of this device:

  1. Camera. This element captures and transmits a signal for further information processing.
  2. Control block. Here comes the information from the camcorder, and all the necessary operations with the roller are performed: installation, overlapping date and time, etc.
  3. Storage medium (external memory card or integrated). After processing, the video is placed in the memory of the DVR and held there until the user transfers or deletes the files.

This is how the full video processing is done. However, it may seem that this is a standard set of elements that any other camera has. But there are some features of how a car DVR works that distinguish it from conventional cameras:

  • Shooting takes place under shaking conditions, especially if the road is rough. The car recorder has a certain stabilizer that allows you to make the movie as comfortable as possible for viewing.
  • Also, the registrar on the machine has a property that makes it possible to shoot video in the dark. Ordinary cameras do not have this ability.
  • The DVR also protects files from being overwritten so as not to lose important frames.
  • The viewing angle on automotive devices is much larger than on simple camcorders. It can vary from 80 to 130 degrees. Such indicators are present in order to capture the largest possible space during movement or parking.

Camera mode

It is also worth considering the mode of operation of car DVRs. Devices have sensors that allow you to start or end shooting automatically. So, when the car starts to move, the recorder starts shooting. Accordingly, stopping the machine ends the video recording. You can configure the device so that it records video when moving objects while the car is parked. All settings are selected by the user.

As you can see, the principle of operation of the DVR is quite simple, and any driver can handle the setup.

Main characteristics

Now consider the properties of automotive appliances that should be considered when buying:

  • Resolution.
  • Frame rate.
  • Viewing angle.
  • Sensitivity.

How does a car DVR with different characteristics work? Let's get acquainted with the first quality - permission. It represents the number of pixels contained in a unit area of ​​the screen. That is, the higher the screen resolution, the clearer the image will be during recording, which means that it will be possible to consider the small details captured during shooting.

Frame rate is the number of frames that changes every second. Measured in frames per second or FPS. Thus, the higher the frame rate, the smoother the picture will change when recording video.

The viewing angle, as already mentioned, characterizes the vastness that the camera can capture. The larger the angle, the more space the device will record.

The sensitivity of the DVR means the degree of illumination, namely: the higher the sensitivity, the less light will be needed for clear video recording. That is, for night shooting, you need to choose a device with a high sensitivity indicator.

Rating of the best DVRs

Among the best models are the following:

  • Xiaomi Yi WiFi DVR DVR. This DVR stands out with one of the largest shooting angles - 137 degrees. It also has a WiFi module, which allows you to control the device from another device.
  • DVR Artway AV-390. This model has high quality shooting, as well as a convenient interface, so that everyone can figure out the settings.
  • Models of SJCAM SJ4000 Wi-Fi and Sho-Me A7-GPS video recorders are distinguished by their convenient mount, as well as low prices

It is worth noting that manufacturers often equip their devices with many unnecessary functions, which makes management very difficult. Before buying, you need to decide what qualities come in handy when shooting, and then choose a DVR.

road record


In this article, the question "How does a car DVR work?" Was considered. Having studied all the features and characteristics, it will not be difficult to choose the right device. It is definitely useful for long trips, if only to record the whole trip.


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