Resort Park, Kislovodsk: description and photo

This interesting corner in Kislovodsk is a kind of pride of the city. The landscape of the park is simply amazing in its beauty, based on a skillful combination of human imagination and the beauty of nature. Resort Park (Kislovodsk) is the second largest park among European parks, but the best in terms of aesthetics. The park’s green compositions are distinguished by their amazing beauty, which also have medicinal properties. The same can be said about the air of the park, which is literally saturated with the aroma of flowers and other flora growing here. Where is this unique resort park (Kislovodsk) located? His address is unusual. The park begins in the central part of the city and ends with the Small Saddle Mountain.

A bit of history

park resort kislovodsk

This place was founded back in 1832 by order of military general Yermolov, recognized as its legal founder. The park zone was erected on the banks of the Olkhovka River, which has a stone-ridden surface. The soil in this area is imported. It consists mainly of black soil, on which all kinds of trees, both coniferous and deciduous, grow with great success. By 1837, the park zone in the city of Kislovodsk already occupied an area of ​​about 10 hectares. This park was then and to this day is a great place for romantic walks that inspire a poetic mood.


Resort Park (Kislovodsk) is located in the southeastern and southern parts of the city, on the banks of a beautiful river, which is surrounded on all sides by the highest peaks of the Dzhinalsky ridge. The height of this place is approximately 800 meters to 1 kilometer above sea level. The relief of the park area is multi-layered. Conventionally, it can be divided into high, middle and mountain tiers. Kislovodsk Park is considered to be a magnificent example of the cooperation of human hands and naturalistic art, which nature itself creates. This territory maximally retains the wonderful properties of volatile, contained in large quantities in the local creations of the flora.

resort park in Kislovodsk

The green “inhabitants” of this park help the natural drainage of groundwater, which automatically contributes to the preservation of humidification of the air and land of the parkland. Another plus of drainages is that they help restore the balance of mineral water, beating with a fountain from under the bowels of the earth.

Park today

Today, the resort park (Kislovodsk) occupies about 1000 hectares of area. Green spaces surprise with variety. About 300 varieties of various trees safely coexist on the territory. Among all green spaces, both familiar and exotic species of trees and shrubs are present. Also at the disposal of the park there is a magnificent rose garden where buds of any color and species flaunt, the aroma and beauty of which cannot leave a single passer-by indifferent. It is not for nothing that this park zone is called a medical one.

The main attraction that should definitely be visited by every tourist who comes to Kislovodsk is a resort park. The photo displays only a small fraction of the beauty and grandeur of this place.


The sanitary function of the Kislovodsk park is very important for the city. It helps to increase comfort, has a positive effect on the composition of positive and negative ions in the air, which makes breathing in the park as pleasant, deep and free as possible. In addition, the park area of ​​the city of Kislovodsk has a very important function in organizing the process of medical tourism and air therapy, which is necessary for the successful treatment of many diseases of the respiratory and other systems of the human body. The climate of Kislovodsk is very popular among asthmatics, cores and people suffering from pathological processes of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Scientists have proved that interesting fact that the healing air of the resort can slow down for a long time, and sometimes even reduce to zero the risk of developing pathologies of small and large vessels of the brain, which can lead to death if treatment is not completed on time. This resort area is an excellent independent means of healing with plants and air. The therapeutic routes created especially for Scandinavian walking and running are very popular among visiting tourists.

But not only for the sake of treatment, it is worth visiting a spa park in Kislovodsk. Attractions are also available. The architectural fullness of the park space is very interesting: all sorts of monuments and small landscape forms cannot fail to delight with grandeur and grace!

List of architectural structures

resort park in Kislovodsk attractions

The architecture of the resort park of the city is diverse and always attracts attention. This is a cascading staircase of flowers, and a narzan gallery, and a colonnade, and the favorite platform of the great silver age writer Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov, and a bridge for young girls and women under the poetic name Ladies' whim, and much, much more. Recreational areas such as the Glass Jet, the Mirror Pond, the Temple of Air and, finally, the famous Red Sun give a unique flavor to this park. Resort Park (Kislovodsk) with a rich landscape plays the role of a kind of nature reserve, which is closely monitored by many cameras and sharp watch. The objectives of this facility are very ambiguous, as the interest of scientists does not subside in this place, at the same time, the authorities want to keep all the resources in their original form.

Wellness Hiking

Kislovodsk resort park routes

At the end of the distant 19th century, a doctor from Germany by the name of Ertel patented a method of therapy using therapeutic walks in slow motion. According to his assumptions, this type of physical activity should contribute to a speedy cure for cardiovascular diseases, and also have a general strengthening effect. Over time, this method took root among people and was called terrenkur.

Water and walking are the key to health

Kislovodsk resort park photo

This type of therapy was first mentioned within Russia back in 1901. The resort park in Kislovodsk offers visitors as many as 6 paths for practicing terrenkur, from 1.5 to 6 kilometers. Such useful routes have become a chic additional advantage of Kislovodsk along with the use of the local useful mineral water “Narzan” and natural sun baths, which are accompanied by the inhalation of intoxicating air, literally filled with ions. As for the legendary "Narzan", for the sake of using this healing mineral water, a huge, almost inexhaustible flow of tourists annually strives to Kislovodsk. In these places, no one will remain tired and nervous, because the very wonderful atmosphere of the resort has a measured relaxation.


How to get to the spa park in Kislovodsk

Those who prefer wellness walking to a hospital should definitely visit the Kislovodsk spa park. Routes have a certain number of control points, which indicate the height, length of the entire route, the distance traveled earlier, etc. Control stations are located at a distance of 100 meters from each other, their number depends on the length of the path. At these points, the person’s walking pace, the angle of the mountain, and atmospheric pressure are measured. According to the severity of the passage and the presence of obstacles, the paths are divided into several levels, the first of which is the easiest, the second is medium, and the third has the largest number of obstacles, which, incidentally, is the most popular!

How to get to the spa park in Kislovodsk? Arriving in the city, it is best to use the taxi. Almost all of them can be taken to one or another part of the park.

Route number 1

It is considered the easiest of the proposed. The angle of inclination of the distance is only 3-4 degrees, the length is a little more than 1.5 kilometers. The route originates in the area of ​​the Narzan Gallery, passes through the embankment on the Olkhovka River, then the road extends to the Glass Stream, ending with a return to the starting point in the upper park. The route is sparing and assigned to correct minor health problems. It is applied at the very beginning of the rehabilitation cycle of the newcomer.

Route No. 1a

It is optional and is assigned to consolidate the result obtained from the treatment. The climb starts from the corner of the avenue, named after Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin, then you need to go near the health facilities named after Semashko and Kirov. Having passed this point, you can see that the route in this zone is connected to the additional one under number 2a. Further, the path brings to the health resort named after Ordzhonikidze and returns back to the place where the journey began. The length of the route is 1 kilometer 640 meters.

Route number 2

It is considered the main one, and it is distinguished by the fact that the road rises steeply upwards, then gradually slopes downward, which gives the body a huge amount of adrenaline, which provokes a surge in the hormone of happiness. The route originates at the Narzan Gallery, passes through the square of roses and approaches a pine hill. Further advances closer to Pervomaiskaya glade. Then the route leads to the station at number 34, located at the Temple of Air. From there, the road leads to the upper park, then leads to station No. 58 and ends at the temple of the Red Sun. This treatment route has about 11 control points. The total length of the path is 5 kilometers 800 meters. The level above the sea is 810 degrees, and the angle of inclination is 5-7 degrees. The severity of the route is average, the passage is recommended for gentle training of the body. At the height of a stunning view of the reservoir, which, of course, improves mood and gives a charge of positive emotions.

The most difficult is route number 3. It includes the passage of 56 stations. Only trained people can choose this path. There is also a hiking trail along the hiking trail. But it should be chosen only after the appointment of a doctor.

resort park Kislovodsk address

Everyone who cares about their health should visit Kislovodsk at least once. Sanatoriums in the resort park offer the best conditions for healing the whole body under the supervision of qualified personnel. Real professionals work in each of them.


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