Board game "Jackal": reviews

Board games are a great option on how to diversify your leisure time and have fun. This is not only children's fun - a large number of fairly adult and independent people love desktops. We'll talk about the Jackal game, reviews about it, the rules and everything else.

Who invented?

Before talking about reviews of the Jackal board game and its rules, mention should also be made of developers - that is, those people in whose bright minds the idea of ​​its creation once flashed.

The creator of Mosigra Dmitry

According to legends, students from Moscow State University of the seventies of the last century invented the “Jackal”. They supposedly had such fun in the hostel, although, of course, their original version was somewhat different from what is now. Reviews of the Jackal game were enthusiastic then - it quickly scattered throughout the university and went beyond it. It is impossible to verify now for certain whether this was actually so. But legends and legends to believe them!

Modern version

However, this was only the background. And the story of the modern “Jackal” is this: in the 2010s, a young man from Moscow named Dmitry decided to launch this game into development. He loved her very much in childhood, and when he grew up, he wanted to give joy from a fascinating pastime to others. It was this desire - to convey the Jackal to the masses - that helped Dmitry, along with friends, establish a board game store called Mosigra.

Mosigra Shop

Today it is already a huge chain of stores across the country. "Mosigra" enjoys great love and popularity among the people who do not skimp on the store for laudatory reviews; board game "Jackal" in the ranking of network sales is always a leader.


To date, several versions of The Jackal have already been released: the first, the original, is called Treasure Island, in addition to it there is also the Jackal. Archipelago and the Jackal. Underground. And also numerous additions to these versions are sold in the form of additional cards and chips. Further, before moving on to reviews of the game "Jackal", we will tell in detail about its rules.

How to play?

In the "Treasure Island", participants will find a playing field of more than one hundred small square cards. This is the island, the same Treasure Island that is beaten in the title. And the treasures on it, too, are, of course, hidden.

Board Game Jackal

Cards need to be laid face down on a flat surface. At the same time, spying on what is shown below, on the other side, is strictly forbidden. There, by the way, there may be a green canvas - this is just grass on the island; mountains, deserts, caves, traps and other obstacles that always interfere; as well as treasure chests - they need to be found.

Who to find? Yes to the pirates, of course! And it is for the pirates that the players are in favor. You can play a maximum of four, sitting on opposite sides of the island. Each player has a ship and three pirates of his own color.

First, they are all on the ship, and then they land on the shore and scatter in search of treasures. One move is equal to one card - you need to turn it over and do what is drawn there.

  • The green field is beauty, nothing needs to be done, but just wait for the move to return.
  • Mountains or a cave - you must go through them for several moves.
  • Trap - you have to wait until your friend rescues himself not to get out.
  • And also, by the way, you can fall into the clutches of a cannibal - but then death at once, because a cannibal with pirates does not stand on ceremony.
  • However, a pirate may rise again if another pirate from his team meets a beautiful Amazon and spends the night with her.

And what to do when the chest fell out? Coins, by the way, are also present in the game - plastic; there are 38 in all. Each picture with a chest shows how many coins there are from one to five; this is the number of plastic circles and you need to put it on this card.

This is where the most interesting part begins, which is the whole point of the game: you need to drag coins to your ship as quickly as possible and definitely before your rivals. You can carry one at a time, and opponents, of course, not only try to steal the coins found, they also strive to rob, take away treasures from each other. The one who gets the most coins wins the game.

This is just a brief retelling of the rules, but in general the kit comes with a very detailed and colorful instruction book. There are even pirate curses! According to reviews, the game "Jackal" perfectly develops attention, logic and quick wit, wonderfully suitable for friendly fun gatherings. By the way, you can play it in pairs - two for two, which perfectly strengthens the fighting spirit.

What is the difference from the "Archipelago" and "Dungeons"?

By and large, nothing dramatically changes in the rules. In "Dungeon" the whole game takes place not on the island, but in mazes that can lead into unknown wilds. And in the "Archipelago" the playing field is not just an island, but a group of islands.

Board game "Jackal. Treasure Island": reviews

So it's time to talk about what consumers think about the above fun. However, it has already been repeatedly mentioned above that they think a lot of good - otherwise would the Jackal have remained popular for so many decades, not even years?

Jackal. Treasure Island

People write that the Jackal meets many requirements. This game is, firstly, interesting, secondly, uncomplicated, and thirdly, as an undoubted plus, buyers indicate a versatile playing field. Cards are not glued together, this is not a “monolithic” piece of cardboard, therefore, every time the playing field is laid out differently, always in a new way, there is no way to remember the location of certain pictures, which means that it will always be interesting to play - after all it is not known in advance whether the cannibal is hiding under the shirt of another card or are waiting for untold wealth.

Reviews of the game “Jackal. Treasure Island” also say that it has fairly easy rules that are easy to understand and remember. The advantage is the ability to play together. "Jackal" is also called a wonderful gift for a birthday or any other holiday.

However, one does not need to think that people do not find minuses. Find, and how! So, for example, some express dissatisfaction with the fact that when the cards are turned over, the playing field shifts and it is necessary to constantly correct it so that it lies flat.

Board game "Jackal. Archipelago": reviews

Treasure Island is a more popular version of the cycle - perhaps because it is the first and therefore more publicized and more often bought. However, does this mean that the reviews about the Jackal. Archipelago game are worse and people like this option less?

Jackal. Archipelago

Not at all. This game, which, incidentally, is a continuation of the “Treasure Island,” buyers eagerly recommend for purchase, and some call it a “bomb." Of course, she has her pluses and minuses. Consumers include uncomfortable pirate figures to the latter (they were modified and they lose in convenience in comparison with the first option).

Still, people do not like the extra character added to the game, which, according to them, does not have any special interesting functions. But the pirates in the "Archipelago" have additional properties that were not there before. They can be "activated" and then the pirate will walk by his own rules. This is an undoubted advantage of this version of the desktop. An even greater advantage, according to buyers, is the ability to purchase add-ons that expand and diversify the game, making it even more lively and exciting. And some people compare the Jackal. Archipelago to the Monopoly, noting that the last strategy loses the first.

Board game "Jackal. Dungeon": reviews

As for the part about the underground searches for wealth, opinions about it are somewhat worse than about the previous parts.

She is considered rustic and boring, moreover designed more for children than for adults. Buyers write that the kids just won’t get bored with the game - because it lasts no more than an hour. However, the undoubted advantage of this board is that it can be played in an amount of up to six people - that is, two more than in other versions. The "Dungeon", unlike the "Archipelago", is not so much a continuation of the "Treasure Island", but rather its kind.

Jackal. Dungeon

As a plus of the game, some note the ability to mend enemies. But as for the rules, opinions differ: for some the game seemed easy and understandable, for others it took literally a pound of salt to understand the concept of the table.

Card game "Jackal"

Despite the fact that Jackal has nothing to do with cards, this game also has a card option - compact and pocket-sized, very convenient on the go. In a train or plane, you can’t put out a big box with a playing field, you can easily get a set of “jackal” cards.

The rules of the game are not significantly different from the rules of the original desktop. Among the cards there are special ones with directions of movement, with the help of which you need to pave yourself the most convenient way to the maximum number of coins. And, of course, to train them yourself more than others. By the way, you can also play together, as well as four, so the pocket “Jackal” is perfect for brightening up time for both a couple and a group of friends.

Card game Jackal

Reviews on the card game "Jackal" are much more positive. People like both the compactness of the game and its price (approximately 500-600 rubles), and the design of the cards and boxes themselves. Among the pluses, understandability and ease are noted even for children, among the minuses - the lack of special excitement.

This is information about the Jackal game, reviews about it and its rules. Be sure to play it at least once - and it will certainly hit your heart!


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