What is zoology? What does science study zoology?

Organic world of today with all its diverse biomass can be divided into five kingdoms of nature :

  • animals;
  • plants;
  • mushrooms;
  • bacteria
  • viruses.

Each of them is studied by a whole complex of sciences. We will consider which sciences study the representatives of the animal kingdom, how these disciplines are called, from when they arose, and what results they have achieved to date.

Science of zoology

The main science that has devoted itself to the study of the diversity and lifestyle of animals is zoology. It is she who is the foundation on which knowledge of our smaller brothers is held.

What is zoology? To answer with one sentence is unlikely to succeed. After all, this is not just one dry science, built on the theory, it is a whole complex of sections and sub-sciences that collect materials about everything related to the animal world.

what is zoology

Therefore, the answer to this question can be approximately as follows: zoology is the science of that part of the biomass of our planet that relates to animals. Thus, the study of zoology is all animals - from the simplest unicellular to multicellular mammals. The subject of this science is the study of the external and internal structure, physiological processes, distribution in nature, lifestyles and behavioral patterns, interactions between themselves and with the outside world.

The goals and objectives of science

A more complete understanding of what zoology is, its goals and objectives as a science will help . The objectives are as follows:

  • to study the features of the functioning, structure, embryonic and historical development of all animal representatives;
  • to consider ways of adapting to environmental conditions and to trace the features of ethology;
  • determine their role in the organic world system ;
  • to reveal the role of man in the protection and protection of the animal world.

In connection with the goal, the objectives of zoology are the following items:

  1. The study of the external and internal structure, as well as the physiological characteristics of all representatives of animals.
  2. Comparison of their needs and their habitats.
  3. Establishing the significance and role of individual groups in nature and human economic activity.
  4. Conducting an analysis of the systematics of the animal world, identifying the most vulnerable groups, ensuring their protection and protection.

Having examined the goals, objectives, object and subject of zoology, we can say with confidence that the animal world in all its manifestations is studying zoology.

what zoology studies

Classification of zoological sections

Over two million animal species are known. Each has its own unique features, and when interacting with each other, they generally represent a unique system. Studying such a system requires a lot of time and effort. This is the work of a huge number of people. Therefore, all science is a special section of zoology.

Their classification is based on two basic principles: the object of study and the tasks for science. Consider both.

Classification of objects for study

  1. Mammology (theriology) is the science of animals of the mammalian class.
  2. Herpetology is about reptiles and amphibians.
  3. Ichthyology is about fish.
  4. Ornithology is about birds (birds).
  5. Entomology is about insects.
  6. Acarology is about ticks.
  7. Arachnology is about arachnids.
  8. Malacology is about sea and ocean mollusks.
  9. Carcinology is about crustaceans.
  10. Protozoology is about unicellular (protozoa).
  11. Helminthology is about parasitic worms.

the importance of zoology

Classification of zoological sections by tasks

There is also a classification of zoological sections according to tasks for science. It represents the following categories:

  • systematics - a section dealing with the classification and determination of a place in the organic world system for each animal representative;
  • zoogeography - a science that studies their distribution and distribution across the territory of our planet;
  • morphology - a science that studies the features of the external and internal structure;
  • phylogenetics - studies the basics of the origin and historical development of the animal world;
  • genetics - considers patterns of heredity and variability in all generations;
  • histology - studies the cellular structure of tissues;
  • paleozoology - the science of fossil remains and extinct animals of all periods of the planet's life;
  • cytology - the science of the cell and its structure;
  • ethology - studies the features of behavioral mechanisms in animals in different situations;
  • embryology - deals with the examination of embryos and the establishment of similarities and differences between all representatives of the animal world based on embryonic analysis, as well as features of ontogenesis;
  • ecology - studies the interaction of animals among themselves, as well as adaptability to the conditions of the surrounding world and interaction with humans;
  • physiology - features of all life processes;
  • anatomy - studies the internal structure of animals.

Zoology of Vertebrate Animals

What is vertebrate zoology ? This is such a section, which deals with the study of all representatives of the animal world that have a chord (during life it transforms into a spinal column with a spinal cord).

development of zoology

The objectives of this discipline are to introduce students to the external and internal characteristics of all classes of vertebrates, their behavior and lifestyle, distribution and role in nature and human life.

The main distinguishing features of vertebrates, which are characteristic only for this group, are the following:

  1. Only they have a chord - the progenitor of the spine. In some species, it remains for life, but in most it grows into the spine.
  2. The nervous system of such animals is clearly differentiated into the brain and spinal cord (with the exception of strictly chordates, in which it always remains as a nervous cord over the chord).
  3. The digestive system in representatives of different classes opens outward with a mouth opening on the front of the body, the end of the digestive tube is transformed into marine gills in marine life. In terrestrial, lungs form inside.
  4. All representatives have a heart - the center of the circulatory system.

It is to such animals that the zoology section on vertebrates is devoted.

Invertebrate Zoology

What does invertebrate zoology study? These are the features of the structure, lifestyle and significance in nature of all animals that do not have the above characteristics. Such animals include representatives of the following types:

  • sponges;
  • coelenterates;
  • annular, round and flat worms;
  • mollusks;
  • echinoderms;
  • arthropods (arachnids, insects, crustaceans).

Invertebrates make up the majority of all known animals. In addition, they play an important role in human activities.

modern zoology

Also, many representatives of invertebrates are pests, causing great trouble to people (parasitic worms, eaters of crops and crops, and so on).

That is why the study of invertebrates is important and of great scientific interest.

Zoology of protozoa

The simplest are all unicellular animals. Namely:

  • sarcomastigophores (amoeba, radiate, foraminifera, sunstrokes);
  • flagella (volvox, euglena, trypanosome, opaline);
  • ciliates (ciliary and sucking ciliates);
  • sporozoans (gregarins, coccidia, toxoplasma, malarial plasmodium).

Some amoeba, ciliates, and all sporozoans are dangerous causative agents of serious diseases in both humans and animals. Therefore, a detailed study of their life cycle, methods of nutrition and reproduction is an important part in the search for methods of dealing with them. That is why protozoal zoology is no less important section of science than all the others.

zoology is the science of

A brief outline of the development of science

This science is very entertaining. Zoology has fascinated and seduced many minds at all times. And this is certainly justified. After all, observing our smaller brothers is really a very interesting and useful activity.

The main stages that the development of zoology went through are not much different from those in other sciences. These are the main four periods:

  1. Ancient time. Ancient Greece - Aristotle, Ancient Rome - Pliny the Elder.
  2. The Middle Ages is a time of stagnation. All sciences were under the influence of the church, the study of all living things was strictly prohibited.
  3. The Renaissance is the most active period in the development of zoology. A lot of theoretical and practical data on the life of animals has been accumulated, the basic laws are formulated, taxonomy and taxa, and a binary nomenclature of the names of animals and plants are introduced. The loudest names in this period were: Charles Darwin, Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Karl Linney, Georges Cuvier, John Ray, Saint-Hilaire, Anthony van Levenguk.
  4. New time belongs to the XIX-XX century. This is a period of development of knowledge about the molecular and genetic structure of animals, the discovery of biogenetic laws and mechanisms of embryonic and physiological development of animals of all types. The loudest names are: Sechenov, Haeckel and Muller, Mechnikov, Kovalevsky.

Modern zoology

The 21st century is the time of digital technology and the triumph of a unique super-powerful technology. This gives great advantages to all sciences that study wildlife, but at the same time poses new challenges for them.

entertaining zoology

What is zoology of the modern stage of development? This is a science that is preparing to give answers to questions:

  • What is the animal world?
  • By what laws does he live and what features does he have?
  • How can a person, without harm to nature, use the animal diversity of the world for his own purposes?
  • Is it possible to artificially recreate lost (extinct) animal species?

The search for answers will take scientists a lot of time, despite the possession of such perfect technology.

The importance of zoology is difficult to overestimate. It has already been mentioned more than once about how big a role it plays in people's lives, their health and economic activity. It has been studied for centuries and will always be studied, because there are still very many unresolved questions about animals.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26084/

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