G-sensor in the DVR. What is it and what is it for

Many modern motorists prefer such a useful function in the DVR as the G-sensor. What it is and what it is intended for will be discussed in the article.

What is the g-sensor for?

Gadget culture

In modern society, it is difficult to imagine a driver who has not installed an auto-recorder. Using these appliances has become as natural as exercising in the morning or drinking coffee.

Typically, car owners choose budget options for gadgets solely for fixing what is happening and do not wonder why they need a G-sensor in the DVR. But before the first "ingenious" accident.

It so happened that large cities are overloaded with cars and the likelihood of an accident is very high. Therefore, drivers install video gadgets on the windshields to capture what is happening on the road. To subsequently recreate thoroughly all the details of the accident (if necessary).

And the G-sensor function in the DVR will also help to fix the point in time when the collision occurred.

g-sensor in the dvr

Operating principle

Electronic accelerometer, shock sensor, shock sensor - all these are the names of the same module. The G-sensor detects a sharp increase in the load on the vehicle at the moment of an instant drop in speed. Of course, we are talking about indicators that are not natural and can occur only in the event of a collision.

If the car was at rest (for example, parked in the parking lot), then the time of a sharp increase in load and shift from the place is recorded. At the same time, recording events on the DVR is turned on.

The G-sensor function also includes protection of the recorded data from being erased by moving the file to a special area on the memory card. The option is also able to track vehicle vibrations while driving to accurately determine where the shock came from.

The downside is that in some DVRs, the electronic accelerometer is too sensitive and can work if the car is hit by a bump.

g-sensor designation

About what is a DVR with a G-sensor

It's hard (at first glance) to believe this, but outwardly a gadget with a shock sensor looks the same as without it. To determine the presence or absence of a function, you need to read the product description. Differences will be in price.

The packaging has appropriate labels indicating the presence of an electronic accelerometer. In addition, any sales assistant in the store will tell you what it is. G-sensor in the DVR - it's like Fairy when washing dishes - without it you can, but difficult.

For example, a Karkam M1 registrar will cost a motorist a price of 8 to 10 thousand rubles (depending on the store). The model has the specified function and is noted by good reviews of motorists.

The same company launched the Karkam A360 gadget with a circular view. There is no longer any need to turn the camera to a police officer, the device removes everything that happens on its own.

Another example is Smart Mirror - a 10 in 1 recorder that looks like a rearview mirror. This is a convenient and multifunctional author's solution, which has become an integral part of the car interior and looks succinctly at the windshield.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that such "miracle mirrors" must be selected for the car. There are universal products, but there are also those that are suitable only for individual cars. For example, in an economy class car, a bulky recorder taking up a lot of space on the windshield would be inappropriate.

mirror dvr 10 in 1


Summarizing, it should be noted: first you need to decide on the optimal set of gadget properties before purchasing. In order not to purchase the product, not knowing what a G-sensor is in the DVR. This is unreasonable, because unexplored and unknown options will hang dead weight and cause the buyer to think about wasted money.

After all, there are drivers who need the usual cheapest device that can only record video. Not surprising for residents of rural areas with minimally busy roads. The same is with the functions of detecting radars and video cameras - they are mostly in demand only in large cities.

To choose the right DVR, you should read the reviews on the Internet, determine the required functions, price and act.

But an option like the G-sensor is better not to neglect! Good luck to everyone on the road!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G261/

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