How to make a bracelet out of thread bright and original?

Bracelets are a popular jewelry. They are made of various materials: beads of different textures, beads, natural stones. Women of all ages like to wear them, and not only them. The easiest and most original option is to make beautiful bracelets from threads. It is both simple and fashionable. With this decoration, your image will become individual.

how to make a bracelet from a thread

Excellent material is mouline thread. They have not only juicy colors, but also strength. To make jewelry out of them, the following materials will be required: a pin, four wooden beads and a nail driven into a hard surface. Work will be attached to it.

Here is a description of how to make a bracelet from a thread. Fenichka will turn out very bright and remarkable. First, you need three threads of different colors. Their length should exceed the length of the future product in six to seven times. Then the threads must be folded in half and, retreating nine centimeters, knit together with a knot. Now they should be fixed on the nail. You can create jewelry using two main methods: oblique or direct weaving, which is done by creating loops. First, you need to take one thread on the left, insert it by the next one, under it, and then thread the selected first into the resulting loop. Agree that this method of how to make a bracelet from a thread is quite simple. For the second nodule, it will be necessary to draw the same thread under the one lying nearby and above it, then again pass it into the formed "arch". Then continue weaving with the left thread, creating 2 knots on all strands. After completing the work, we must move on to the next thread - the one that is closer to the finished row. This will produce the same color vapor. It is possible to change colors during weaving and complete the work as the required length is reached. An ornament created by the oblique weaving method will come out .

thread bracelets

Now a few words about how to make a bracelet with nuts from a thread. Imagine there is such an original way of making beautiful and unusual gizmos! It will require nine nuts of the same size, thread and scissors. The weaving technique is very similar to the technique described above. Two long threads need to be bent in half, knit together with a knot. Then skip the end of one for the two main ones (they do not need to be touched). Lying in the neighborhood, in turn, lead under the first and pass into the resulting loop. It will turn out a knot. Then continue, alternately changing the threads on the left and right. Now you know how to make a bracelet from a thread and get a wonderful jewelry. To complete the model proposed above, it will be necessary to evenly weave the nuts, separating one from the other with knots. Then again it is necessary to return to weaving a drawing similar to that which was at the beginning.

From threads and large beads you can make a very fashionable jewelry - Shambhala bracelet. It is equally suitable for both women and men. These adornments are also popular among teenagers. There is a belief that they are able to protect their owner from misfortune.

beautiful bracelets made of thread

They will show you how to make bracelets from threads, product designs, and photographs. Successful needlework for you!


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