Veteran of Labor - Medals for Civil Feats

Of course, the Soviet period in Russian history is very controversial. And yet he left contemporaries a great legacy. It’s very popular today to scold the ruling party of that state. And often in the case. And yet her rule brought, in addition to the negative ones, many positive trends and moments. After all, whatever you say, and before the civil war, Russia was a hopelessly lagging country behind European leaders - in the technical, economic and

labor veteran medals
social plan. Moreover, in the near future, the fate of Turkey, Iran or China could well have expected it - once great and fearful for the whole world accessible, but by the very beginning of the 20th century, due to archaic compared with Western production, turned into semi-dependent colonies. The thirties, and then the first post-war years, in addition to large-scale repressions, were also perpetuated by a grandiose jerk that allowed the state not only to avoid the sad fate of countries from the Third World, but even to make it one of the most highly developed on the planet. This could hardly have been achieved if not for the colossal work of the whole people. Literally his public cult. It is in connection with this that the concept of “labor veteran” appeared in the country. Medals of this format were recognition of the greatest merits to the Motherland. They were awarded to persons who have reached the seniority required for retirement.

History of the medal

USSR Veteran of Labor medal
The decree on the establishment of the award was adopted by the country's leadership in 1974. And its significance remained until the division of the republics in 1991. Over all these years, more than 39 thousand copies of the Veteran of Labor award have been issued. Medals, marking other merits, were usually not made in such numbers in the USSR, so this number is quite impressive. However, such a mass does not detract from the merits of the award. She was a very honorable and valuable insignia. And such a significant amount of circulation can be explained by the following fact. The Veteran of Labor medal was awarded in all fields of activity in the country: collective farmers, scientists, school teachers and directors of industrial enterprises, officers and workers. In the populace, regalia eventually received the ironic name "Order of Sutulov." This was a hint of a defect in posture caused by many years of work.

Awarding the Veteran of Labor Medal

Composition and appearance of the award "Veteran of Labor"

Medals were made of brass (a mixture of zinc and copper). Their surface was silvered. On the obverse of such a product, “USSR” was written in convex letters, and the state emblem - a sickle and a hammer - was placed on top. Under the image was a laurel branch, surrounded by an inscription in the semicircle “Veteran of Labor”. Medals on the reverse had absolutely no relief. However, it contained a matte inscription: "For conscientious long-term work." It is believed that products cast in different years had some minor varieties. All products were registered, therefore the medal "Veteran of Labor of the USSR" was necessarily accompanied by a certificate of its authenticity.


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