Blue Lake (Abkhazia) - a unique natural attraction

Abkhazia is a land of miracles and unique nature. Some attractions have made this country world famous, for example, Blue Lake. Abkhazia annually receives a huge number of tourists who want to see this creation of nature with their own eyes, as well as visit the nearby Lake Ritsa. What are the reservoirs of this state unique to?

Why is the lake blue?

Blue Lake Abkhazia
It got its name due to the unusual color of the water. Depending on the time of the year, it looks either sky-sapphire or bluish-green. And it is not surprising that Blue Lake is changing its color. Abkhazia is a magical country. Here you can make wishes at almost every step, and they all come true. Not far from the lake you can tie a ribbon, thinking about the most intimate, and be sure that everything will be fulfilled soon. The size of the reservoir is small - about 180 square meters. m. But about the depth that the Blue Lake has, Abkhazia has been forming legends for centuries. There is even a beautiful story that there is no bottom. And no less romantic legend, which claims that the color of water gives lapis lazuli, which covers the bottom.

What is the nature of the reservoir: legends and truth

Blue Lake in Abkhazia photo
This lake is a karst well. Curious is the fact that high mountain waters flow into the reservoir, but the surface of the water is always calm. Another inexplicable fact is that the lake does not overflow even during periods of heavy rain. As for the depth, according to scientists, it is not less than 76 meters. If you decide to visit the Blue Lake in Abkhazia, the photographs of which you see in front of you, you need to go in the direction of the more famous Lake Ritsa, and at 16 km of the road you will see Blue. Due to the great depth, the water in this pond is always cold, even on the hottest summer days. Its average temperature is +7 degrees.

Interesting facts about Blue Lake

Lakes of Abkhazia photo
Swimming in this pond is prohibited, but sometimes daredevils from tourists for a dispute jump into the water directly from the observation bridge. Serious sanctions are not applied to violators. There is a belief that it is enough to drink water from the lake in order to never get sick, and wash her to gain eternal youth and beauty. However, many lakes of Abkhazia, photos of which are easy to see in colorful guidebooks, are famous for their magical properties. Tourists who have tasted the water of the Blue Lake, confirm that it is perfectly invigorating, especially on a hot summer day. Interestingly, even in winter this lake does not freeze. Despite this fact, fish and other representatives of the animal world are not found in it. The surroundings of the lake have excellent nature. You can admire the pond itself from above (there is a bridge near the road) or standing directly at the water's edge. Around the water bowl there are various attractions for tourists who decide to visit the Blue Lake. Abkhazia is a hospitable country - here you can take pictures absolutely free of charge against the background of stuffed animals or for a symbolic reward - in national dress. If you decide to visit this unique natural monument, do not be too lazy to drive a little further and stop near the huge Ritsa Lake - another iconic landmark of the country.


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