Wireless, burglar GSM alarm system to the country: an overview, description, specifications and reviews

The use of personal protective equipment and our property lies with each of us. It is important for owners of large cottages and owners of small private houses to protect themselves from those who were not called. To do this today, in general, is not difficult: a GSM-alarm can become an instrument here. At the cottage, it is installed easily. How exactly it connects, how it works and which of the options is better to choose - we will consider in the article.

Why choose a GSM-alarm?

Alarm can be remote, autonomous and GSM.

The latter option is the most effective and modern, comparing favorably with other devices. He is able to instantly respond to penetration into the premises and at the same time notify the owner about this.

gsm alarm system at the cottage

That is why the GSM-alarm system to the cottage is installed most often, it is very popular and features to implement direct communication between the control unit and the owner’s mobile device. If necessary, the security device is able to dial phone numbers, send appropriate SMS, broadcast video and listen to the object of protection. Of course, not every model has all of these functions.

How to choose

Before looking for an alarm system, decide at what temperature it will have to work. Many country houses are not heated in the winter. It is worth taking into account the possibility of duration of work in a mode independent of electricity, as well as understanding the parameters that seem necessary for you to gain confidence and peace of mind.

Budget models

GSM security alarm system for a summer residence may have different functionality. For example, budget options are usually endowed with the ability:

  • find out the operating status of the device by remote request;
  • arm or disarm using a mobile phone;
  • program special numbers for alerts;
  • record alarm messages;
  • adjust voice notification;
  • listen to the home.

gsm burglar alarm

Advanced models

Wireless GSM alarm system for a summer residence may have other features. For example, a device:

  • able to choose a language for the interface;
  • may give a separate signal in case of problems with electricity;
  • notifies if there is no signal;
  • has the ability to communicate with those who are in the room, due to the microphone and speakers;
  • sets different passwords.

In addition, the GSM burglar alarm for a summer residence may include a function of notifying of the opening of a door and the operation of motion detectors. The most advanced models provide features such as sensors for leakage of water, gas, smoke, glass spoilage, air vibration and room temperature changes. All this can provide wired and wireless GSM-alarm. For giving it is an irreplaceable device.

Multiple zoning can sometimes be provided. So, for example, surveillance of a neighboring house can be carried out or the function of controlling movement around the territory is activated.

gsm alarm system for giving with a video camera

If the GSM-alarm system for giving with a video camera, then when the alarm is triggered, the owner will be notified of the danger not only by auto redial and sending messages by phone, but also by sending photos via MMS. This is especially true for large areas, which will allow you to control both the house and the area around it.


Installation of the device is very simple. However, in most cases, repairs will not be damaged. Often, a GSM alarm system at the cottage is installed wirelessly. In this case, it is enough to only strengthen the sensors with double-sided tape or use the self-tapping screws included.

However, here you should take into account some nuances:

  • secrecy of details must be ensured;
  • in the event of a power outage, backup sources should be taken into account;
  • fastening must be provided reliable, able to withstand precipitation;
  • other additional details are possible, and implementation with other security systems.

Dismantling the device will not cause any problems. Removing installed equipment is all that is required.

gsm alarm for a garage

GSM-alarm system for a summer residence, a garage will become an indispensable tool protecting your property from uninvited guests and unauthorized entry.


Understanding the variety of choices can be very difficult. It all depends on the capabilities that a GSM alarm system should have for giving. The price will ultimately depend on both the manufacturer and the functionality you choose.

Good demand are Russian devices. Let's consider some of them.

"TAVR GSM Cottage 01"

An alarm system called "TAVR GSM Dacha 01" (model price - about six thousand rubles) gained fame. If you look for reviews about the device, then most of them will be positive. It has simple functionality, and therefore is inexpensive in cost. The security complex consists of a panel with a built-in motion sensor and a GSM module.

This GSM alarm system can be safely installed in the country. It has the following characteristics:

  • the ability to work offline for up to one year;
  • the ability to function at temperatures from minus twenty to plus sixty degrees;
  • temperature response function.

But the device is not without flaws. So, for example, in one case both a motion detector and a control unit are provided at the same time, because of which it must be installed closer to windows, doors - that is, places through which they penetrate into a house. In addition, it does not have sensors for opening doors and breaking windows. Therefore, there is a risk that attackers will be able to enter the room, while remaining undetected, through those paths to which additional detectors are not connected.

"TAVR GSM Cottage 02"

wireless gsm alarm system for a summer residence

All defects were eradicated in the modernized model "TAVR GSM Dacha 02" (the price of the model is about nine thousand rubles).

Positive in this device is:

  • the possibility of both online and offline operation;
  • several different wireless modes;
  • lack of sirens.

Not less popular among consumers is the Sentinel S200 MMS system. The system provides:

  • IR camera
  • relay output for monitoring via SMS;
  • The Central Bank is able to send photos to five phone numbers and additionally to two email addresses.

The weakness of the device is the ability to operate offline only for eight to twelve hours. But if there are no interruptions with electricity, then the best option for a summer residence can be no longer sought.


Another well-known GSM alarm system for a summer residence, garage is Express (the cost depends on the model). She is just able to work offline for a long time, namely six months. The device is convenient and compact, capable of delivering not only a loud sound in the presence of danger, but also light. Attackers will obviously be scared by such an alarm. It is often used in garages and for small buildings.

gsm alarm for garden Price

If the owner of a country house is important at the time he wants to receive MMS with an image, a GSM-alarm for giving with a Samsan camcorder will be a good option for him. Using infrared illumination, an object under protection will make the image visible even in complete darkness. Thanks to the eight-meter cable, the camera can even be placed in the yard to monitor the territory adjacent to the house.

A speaker and microphone make it possible to communicate with the room on both sides. Opening and movement sensors, a siren and remote controls are also provided here. The ability to function will be possible even at thirty degrees of frost.

Tips from knowledgeable people

The usual set of functions for signaling can become useless if no one is among the neighbors. Installing a GSM alarm system in the country with the possibility of photo and video shooting will be a completely different matter.

Of course, the best option here is to conduct the wires directly during the construction of the structure, so that you can hide them under the skin.

Another parameter that you should pay attention to is the ability to work at low temperatures.

Options will also be convenient, the installation of which can be done independently.

Given the risk of disconnecting electric power outside the city, when restoration can take a considerable amount of time, you should choose options with the possibility of long-term operation in offline mode.

installation of gsm alarm in the country

Well, of course, it is better if the setup is intuitive. Therefore, preferred options with communication through a radio channel, and not using wires.

Such an alarm can easily be installed both after construction and after finishing work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26137/

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