MasterCard Gold plastic card: service, advantages and disadvantages

MasterCard Gold - prestigious premium gold cards that open up a lot of opportunities for their owners. This is an excellent service and ease of use, no matter where in the world the owner is located. “MasterCard Gold” provides holders with many pleasant bonuses in the form of discounts, an increased withdrawal limit and high-quality service in restaurants and hotels around the world. It is easy to get a gold card in any bank of the country. Consider the conditions for its receipt and features of use.

About MasterCard and Premium Cards

MasterCard is an international payment system that is popular all over the world. There are several types of cards that have their own characteristics and are suitable for certain purposes and users. They differ in annual service cost, package of services and withdrawal limit. Regardless of which type of card the user has chosen, with MasterCard he gets many advantages:

  • You can pay for purchases in 210 countries of the world;
  • 24-hour support service is always ready to help;
  • convenience of using non-cash money in any currency;
  • high level of security of storing funds on a card account;
  • long term of card servicing - from 2 years with further reissue if necessary.

mastercard gold

Each of the payment systems has a series of gold or platinum cards. In Europe and the USA, their owners are wealthy and successful people, because registration is carried out only with proof of income of a sufficient level. Card service really costs a pretty penny, but at the same time, services are provided that are very useful to a businessman. In Russia, any interested citizen can issue a debit MasterCard Gold. Sometimes they purchase this banking product not only for work or travel, but also to emphasize their status. Any premium card is a kind of part of the image of a successful person.

What is so enticing "golden" credit cards? Gold type product of any payment system guarantees high quality service and maximum useful services. The user will find pleasant bonuses and discounts, participation in discount programs, an increased limit on cash withdrawals, free medical insurance in foreign countries. In each bank, the premium card holder will be a privileged customer.

Types of Plastic Cards

There are a lot of payment systems, as well as the products they offer, but the main difference between them is the type of bank card: debit, credit or overdraft. Let's consider each of them separately.

A debit card allows the holder to manage funds held in a bank account tied to it. Money can be transferred to it by third parties or by the holder. For example, most organizations transfer salaries to a bank account. The employee draws up a debit card, with which he receives the calculation. Service fee is charged once a year. Its size depends on the type of card and the issuing bank. An adult citizen can apply for a card upon presentation of a passport. At the same time, it is possible to link an existing bank account to it or create a new one. The owner can dispose of the funds already on the day of the application for opening an account / issuing a card. And getting the latter takes about a week or two.

A credit card allows you to use bank funds by loan on certain conditions. It can only store borrowed money. Getting a credit card is a bit more complicated than a debit card. To do this, it is necessary to confirm the solvency of the applicant by providing relevant certificates (about income, from the place of work, about pension contributions). This is a very convenient way of lending: you do not need to constantly run to the bank and wait for the execution of the contract for a particular purchase. Having issued it once, you can use the funds until the end of the limit.

There is also a combined plastic card with overdraft, which is also called credit in Russian banking practice. However, it is debit, but with the possibility of using borrowed funds. Initially, the user's money is stored on the card. If there is not enough money for the holder when making a purchase, the missing amount will automatically be withdrawn from the bank account. Overdraft has a limit.

A MasterCard Gold card can be issued in any of the above types. Moreover, the limit on cash withdrawals and loan use for it is much higher than other banking products (Maestro, Standard).

MasterCard Products

To appreciate the offers on the MasterCard Gold card, you should familiarize yourself with other products of the payment system. Among them are common:

  • Maestro, Electronic - the simplest cards, cheapest to maintain (150-300 rubles). In this case, the surname and name of the owner are written, but not squeezed out on plastic. With this card you can make any payments, except for Internet operations. Often they are intended for beginners.
  • Standard is one of the most common cards of the MasterCard system. This is the best combination of services and cost of service. Both debit and credit are issued. There are Internet payments, a system of bonuses and discounts.
  • World is a godsend for avid travelers. A special service program provides for an insurance system, bonuses and discounts when paying for various services.
  • World Black Edition - provides a special level of comfort. Access to a private travelers club is provided to help organize trips to any country. Concierge service is available.

Thus, MasterCard Gold is a cross between standard and high-end cards.

MasterCard Gold: Benefits

With MasterCard Gold, the user receives many privileges. For example, a credit limit may be more than 300,000 p. with a grace period (use of the amount without interest) 50 days. The annual interest rate has also been reduced. For holders of a "golden" card, it is 23%. The monthly payment when repaying a loan with a Gold credit card is 5% of the total.

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When using a debit card holder, pleasant bonuses are also waiting. For storage of funds accrued interest. It is worth mentioning that the “golden” MasterCard card has a high degree of protection. It supports 3D Secure, which provides secure online payments. If the card is lost, it is blocked, and the account holder has the right to receive their funds under the "emergency money" service.

In addition, the “golden” MasterCard has the following advantages:

  • the ability to pay for services and goods around the world;
  • cash withdrawal from ATMs of any country in the required currency;
  • medical insurance;
  • discounts and bonuses when paying for purchases, hotel reservations;
  • favorable conditions when renting a car.

You can apply for a card at one of the country's banks. The conditions for its receipt and use may vary somewhat.

Sberbank Gold Cards

Many citizens trust Sberbank of Russia to keep their money. The financial institution, in turn, offers customers participation in bonus programs and discounts, as well as providing convenient services. The bank draws up gold cards such as Visa Gold, Gold MasterCard. From the conditions of receipt - age from 18 to 70 years, the presence of a passport and registration. Perhaps the opening of an additional card for a child aged 7 years.

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Sberbank prepares MasterCard Gold on the following conditions:

  • annual maintenance cost - 3000 r .;
  • daily withdrawal limit - 300 000 p., € 9000, $ 12000;
  • credit limit of 15–600 thousand rubles with an annual rate of 17.9-23%;
  • grace period up to 50 days;
  • card validity - 3 years;
  • commission for withdrawal from Sberbank ATMs - 3%, others - 4%;
  • penalty for loss of card - 3000 p.

In addition, the user will receive bonuses and discounts on the MasterCard + and “Thank you” programs from Sberbank. Among the amenities in service are Mobile Bank and Sberbank Online, the possibility of paying for housing and communal services and the creation of auto payments, linking to electronic wallets.

Gold MasterCard in other banks

In Russia, there are a huge number of financial institutions that offer the design of payment cards. Alfa-Bank, for example, offers special types of insurance and an attractive interest rate on "gold" credit cards - from 17% per annum with a limit of 210,000 rubles.

"VTB 24" Gold Cardholder provides a free concierge service, insurance cover for purchases and increased security of funds storage. This bank offers special conditions for credit cards: the rate is not more than 18% per annum with a limit of 600,000 rubles.

Gold cards at Russian Standard Bank

In the Russian Standard Bank, in addition to the usual plastic cards of MasterCard or Visa payment systems, you can also get American Express and Diners Club cards distributed in the USA, Canada and some European countries. These offers will appeal to inveterate travelers and businessmen who are often abroad.


What does the bank offer to users of MasterCard Gold? The card is issued with a contact chip and a magnetic strip. The holder automatically takes part in the “Discount Club” program, with which you can get a bonus of up to 30%. If Sberbank provides concierge services only to holders of a “golden” Visa card, then Zolotoy Standard Bank provides it to all MasterCard holders. With its help, it is easy to organize a trip to any country, and the information service will tell you the nearest food establishments.

Credit card MasterCard Gold in the "Russian Standard" has an increased limit - up to 750 000 p. But the annual rate is also slightly higher than in Sberbank - up to 28%.

AmEx gold

An alternative to the “golden” MasterCard can be American Express Gold. The payment system is very popular in the USA and European countries. They are increasingly acquiring it in Russia and the CIS countries. It can be issued by citizens aged 25 to 65 years with a passport and an additional document at the discretion of the bank. Annual card maintenance will cost the holder 4,000 rubles.

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The user is offered the following package of services:

  • Travel accident insurance (up to $ 250,000) that extends to the cardholder, his wife (husband), and children under 23 years of age;
  • the opportunity in an emergency to get a free consultation with a lawyer, doctor and other specialists;
  • insurance of purchases against theft and damage for 90 days (reimbursed $ 1,000 for each case or $ 50,000 per year);
  • insurance for loss of baggage (up to $ 1000), cancellation or delay of a flight, other travel inconvenience (up to $ 250);
  • Membership Rewards
  • access to a travel agency that will support the holder worldwide;
  • benefits when booking a hotel;
  • discounts up to 30% and special offers when making purchases and paying for services;
  • free statement on the use of funds for the year;
  • round-the-clock free service (technical support, Mobile Bank, Internet Bank, SMS notifications.

An American Express credit card holder is granted a grace period of up to 55 days, and the interest rate is from 19.9%.

Premium Diners Club Card

The products of this payment system are designed for travel lovers and avid restaurant visitors. Diners Club (DCI) cards are a high level of service. A member of the club is a welcome guest in all the prestigious institutions of the world. Among the advantages of a DCI card: a low percentage of fraud, the absence of restrictions on a one-time transaction, privileges from the best hotels, cultural and entertainment centers and food chains, life insurance.

credit card mastercard gold

You can withdraw funds at any ATM with the MasterCard Maestro (Cirrus) logo, paying 3.9% commission (minimum 200 rubles). However, using Diners Club in Russia is inconvenient and expensive: it is easier to purchase a card of the more common Visa or MasterCard payment system. With great success they take her with them on trips, since all prestigious establishments are waiting for the holder with outstretched hands.

With a DCI credit card, you can take out a loan of up to 750,000 rubles. with an annual rate of 29%. A grace period of 55 days is provided, however, it applies only to purchases.

Visa, MasterCard, AmEx or DCI?

Having considered the offers of various payment systems, it is easy to make sure that they are all interesting and beneficial to the user in their own way. In order not to miscalculate the choice, it is worth deciding clearly with the purpose of registration. For example, American Express or Diners Club premium cards are the best choice for traveling. They have extended insurance programs and privileges when issuing tickets, visiting hotels, restaurants and entertainment complexes. It is worth considering that it will be more profitable to use them in the dollar currency zone.

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If you plan to use the card in Russia and the CIS countries, it is more rational to use Visa or MasterCard systems, since almost all banks work with them. Finding the necessary terminal is also not difficult. Golden Cards offer services for travelers, including medical insurance, hotel reservations and airline tickets. MasterCard Gold discounts reach up to 30%; bonuses of the issuing bank also supplement them.

Gold cards of the MasterCard system are a great option to get the maximum comfort from using non-cash money. The owner will be satisfied with great offers, bonus programs and constant discounts. For business and traveling with family, life and health insurance, a convenient service for booking hotels and tickets, a privileged attitude in all institutions of an international level are provided. With “MasterCard Gold” you can not only emphasize your status, but also make life more comfortable both at home and abroad.


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