Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich: short biography, history of government, interesting facts

In many historical sources you can find the fact that truly was a brave warrior and great commander, Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. A brief biography may tell that his term of office was short, but nevertheless during this period he managed to significantly increase the territory of Ancient Russia. According to his character, he was more likely a conqueror than a politician, so he spent most of his reign in campaigns.

Childhood and the beginning of the reign

Presumably, we can say that Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich was born in 940. His biography in this place is slightly different in different sources, so the exact date of the birth of the son of Igor and Olga is difficult to name.

At the time of the death of his father, he was only three years old, so he could not independently lead the state. The country began to control his wise mother.

Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich short biography
Princess Olga decided to take revenge on the drevlyans for the cruel death of her husband and went on them with a campaign. According to the tradition of those times, only the ruler of the state, who was the four-year-old Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich, could lead the campaign. A brief biography of the early years of life tells that it was he who then threw a spear at the feet of the enemy, after which he ordered his squad to advance.

In subsequent years, the affairs of the state and the domestic policy of the prince were not at all interested. The regent, who was his mother, has always dealt with all these issues. But that was until a certain point.

Further reign

The first independent action of the young ruler of Great Russia was the expulsion from his lands of the bishop and all the priests who came with him, invited by Olga for the baptism and Christianization of the state. This happened in 964 and was a moment of principle for a young man, so Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich decided to do just that. A brief biography tells of his mother trying to convert her son to the Christian faith, and he preferred to remain a pagan.

Being a great commander, he explained this by the fact that he could lose authority from his squad, becoming a Christian. At the same moment of life, the independent military activity of the young ruler also began, and he spent the following years away from home.

a brief biography of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich

Hike to the Khazars

Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich led his mighty army east against the Vyatichi. A brief biography of his conquering activity can tell that he conquered this tribe and went on. This time he decided to subjugate the Khazar Kaganate.

Having reached the Volga itself and having conquered many villages and towns on its way, the commander moved on to Khazaria, where he met a large army. In 965, the Khazars were completely defeated by the prince and his glorious squad, and their lands were ravaged. After that, a brief biography of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich tells that he won a series of victories and decided to return home.

a brief biography of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich years of rule

Bulgarian hiking

But the prince did not have to rest long, after some time the ambassador of the ruler of the Greek lands arrived to him and began to ask for help in the battle against the Bulgarians living on the Danube. Therefore, the ruler of the old Russian state went to the banks of this river, defeated the people living there and seized their territory.

The vile Pechenegs, bribed by the emperor of Byzantium, took advantage of the absence of the prince and his squad. They surrounded Kiev, but Olga still managed to summon the help of the old Russian governor Pretich, who at that very time was nearby with his army. Enemies thought that it was Svyatoslav himself who was in a hurry to rescue the city and hastily retreated. And then the prince himself returned to Kiev, driving the Pechenegs even further away from the capital of Russia.

After the death of his mother, the great warrior decided to go on another campaign in the Bulgarian lands, and instead of himself left his sons, of whom he had three, on the throne. This offensive was also crowned with the victory of the prince, and he even managed to capture the children of the king of Bulgaria.

But the new ruler of Byzantium did not like this, and he sent his messengers demanding that the prince leave this territory. In his reply, Svyatoslav invited him to redeem the Bulgarian territory. This marked the beginning of a war between these powerful states, in which almost the entire Russian army was destroyed.

Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich biography
The biography of Prince Svyatoslav briefly talks about the fact that for four months he was in the besieged city and, together with his squad, experienced deprivation, poverty and hunger. The Greek army was also exhausted by long wars, so the warring parties decided to conclude a truce. The prince of Russia promised to extradite all captured Greeks and leave the Bulgarian cities, and also not to start a war with Byzantium.


In 972, after the conclusion of such an agreement, the prince safely reached the banks of the Dnieper and went by boat to his doorsteps. At this time, the Byzantine ruler informed the leader of the Pechenegs that the great Russian commander was heading home with a small number of soldiers.

The Pecheneg leader took advantage of this situation and attacked him. In this battle, the entire squad and Prince Svyatoslav himself perished. A brief summary of the history of government tells us that after him, the son of Yaropolk ascended the throne.

Prince Svyatoslav

Board Results

He spent most of his reign in endless battles. Some historians can speak rather critically to the commander and say that he participated in various foreign policy adventures.

But, as a brief biography of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich shows, the years of rule (from 965 to 972) were not in vain. Hikes to the Khazars, as well as to Bulgarian lands, were able to ensure the access of the Russian state to the Caspian waters.

In addition, Kievan Rus acquired its own fortification post on the Tamakan Peninsula, and also gained recognition as a strong and powerful state.

Interesting Facts

Since the Grand Duke was also an experienced conqueror, he knew how to properly bring confusion into the ranks of the enemy army, in order to subsequently defeat him. Just before the start of the battle, he sent his messenger to the enemy with a message in which it was written: "I'm coming to you!" At first glance, it might seem that this is completely contrary to common sense, but the prince had his own calculation.

biography of Prince Svyatoslav briefly
Such a letter made the entire enemy army gather in one place for a decisive battle. Thus, Svyatoslav could avoid battles with individual groups of soldiers. We can say that he was one of the first to use informational and psychological warfare.

This great Kiev prince during his short life accomplished many deeds and remained in history as a wise and warlike ruler of Ancient Russia.


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