Sicily, Agrigento: island location, history, beaches, hotels, attractions

This largest Italian island is well known to travelers from around the world due to the abundance of the sun, magnificent nature, clear waters of warm seas, many unique natural, historical and architectural monuments.

Sicily miraculously combines the hustle and bustle of city streets and calm beaches, the mafia and the friendly, cordial and welcoming citizens. It seems that it is woven from contradictions. Greeks, Arabs, Spaniards left here many outstanding monuments, which must be seen by the guests of the country.

Where is Sicily located?

The island of Sicily is located south of mainland Italy, between Europe and Africa. In the north, the Apennine Peninsula adjoins it. To the south of the island is Malta. Tunisia and Egypt are located a little further south. In the north-west direction is another island of Italy - Sardinia. Sicily's eastern neighbor is Greece, from which the Ionian Sea separates the island. In addition, Sicily is washed by the Tyrrhenian (in the north) and the Mediterranean (in the south and west) seas. For lovers of accurate numbers, we inform you that the geographical coordinates of Sicily are 37 Β° 45 '0 "N and 14 Β° 15' 0" in. d.

A bit of history

Today we offer you to take a small virtual tour to one of the ancient cities of Sicily - Agrigento, but before we get acquainted with some historical facts.

At different periods of its history, this city had different names. The ancient Greeks called him Akragas, the Romans, who built their mighty empire, renamed it Agrigento. Centuries later, the Arabs named it Kerkent Germenta. The name Girgenti was given to the city by the Norman rulers. The current name was officially adopted in the middle of the 20th century, when the fascist regime ruled in Sicily.

The first mention of the settlement, located on the lands where the city of Agrigento is now located in Sicily, dates back to the VI century BC. During this period, Rhodes and Cretan seafarers mastered the local shores and founded the city of Aragragas on the island. Very soon, he became an important colony of the Greeks, along with Syracuse, which are located to the south.

History of Agrigento

After several decades, the city occupied an area of ​​five hundred hectares. Residential and administrative buildings were surrounded by strong walls, which initially had nine gates. It was a fairly large city for its time. Aragragas was inhabited by more than three hundred thousand inhabitants. They included citizens of other colonies and Greek metropolises, and descendants of the first colonists, as well as slaves.

The heyday of the city, historians consider the V century BC. e., when he ruled the mighty Theron. He was able to constantly expand the zone of influence of the city. The Greek Temple of Zeus, which was surrounded by other religious buildings, can be considered a real breakthrough of the architects of that time. Some of these buildings have been preserved in the Valley of the Temples to the present day.

When the Western Roman Empire fell, the Byzantines came to power in Agrigento in Sicily, and then the Norman conquerors. Later, the city was captured by the Spaniards. And only in 1860 the city became part of Italy. Agrigento on the island of Sicily received its current name in the late twenties of the XX century.

Today, from the former greatness of a large and important administrative center, little remains. The area of ​​the city and its environs is only about 250 square meters. km The population is about 55.5 thousand inhabitants.

Getting to know modern Agrigento: city streets

The city perfectly conveys the spirit of the Middle Ages - narrow streets covered with paving stones, ancient architecture, exquisite fountains. Agrigento (Sicily) is especially good during sunset, the play of shadows turns it into a kind of theatrical scenery for the play of the great master.

Streets of Agrigento


Despite the turbulent history, Agrigento (Sicily) has preserved numerous ancient monuments that are of interest to tourists. These are fortifications, and medieval palaces, and several museums, cathedrals, churches and monasteries, large squares and miniature courtyards that keep the memory of ordinary people and nobles who lived in this city hundreds of years ago. The city has preserved the heritage of dozens of cultures and has incorporated all the best of them.

Sicily, Agrigento: holidays

One of the most popular and most visited resorts in the province of Agrigento is undoubtedly Schiaccia. This is a fairly large city, it is famous for its thermal springs and luxurious snow-white beaches, among which it is necessary to highlight the areas of Tonnara, Statzone, San Marco and Foggya. All these amazing places are ideal for a beach holiday and a serene pastime. Unique landscapes, warm and clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea and comfortable hotels - all this attracts tourists to the resorts of Agrigento (Sicily).

Holidays in Agrigento

Island holidays are very popular in the province of Agrigento. Hospitable open their arms to all who wish to sunbathe under the gentle sun, the Pelagian Islands.

Beaches of Agrigento

According to experienced travelers, here are the best beaches in Sicily. Thanks to climatic conditions, Agrigento allows you to enjoy a beach holiday throughout the year. However, the best time to visit the city is the beginning of summer or early autumn. First of all, we recommend you to visit the beach of San Leone, which is known to everyone who has been on the island. It is located near the famous Valley of the Temples, where the main historical monuments of ancient Greek architecture are concentrated. The sea is calm, however, in the high season there are quite a lot of vacationers.

San Leone Beach

Be sure to visit the beach of Scala dei Turki. Once upon a time, Turkish pirates lived here, thanks to which the beach got its name. This is a great place for a relaxing family vacation. Magnificent nature, comfortable climatic conditions and warm sea water.

Beach Scala dei Turki

What to see in Agrigento?

Having visited this city for the first time, we recommend visiting its historical center. It is here that the main attractions of Agrigento (Sicily) are concentrated - architectural and art monuments that illustrate the history of this ancient place.

Unfortunately, there are not too many left from the former grandeur of the Old City, however, tourists with great pleasure roam the old streets and visit places where the spirit of antiquity hovers. The city has several beautiful temples, monumental palaces, spacious squares and shady alleys. In Agrigento (Sicily), the photo of which we posted in this review, will certainly appeal to everyone who loves the unique fabulous beauty of small old towns.


Probably, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the museum complex of the city, since it is visiting the museums that allows you to better learn the history, culture, traditions of an unfamiliar place. The largest and most visited is the Archaeological Museum.

Agrigento: Archaeological Museum

You should definitely visit the Civico Museum, where a huge number of paintings and sculptures are collected in huge galleries that have come down to us from the Middle Ages.

In 1963, the Diocesan Museum, built by the architect Minissi, began work in the city. Here are relics of the nearby Cathedral and the seminary adjoining it, as well as exhibits testifying to the history of the local church, rites and traditions.

There is another unique establishment in Agrigento (Sicily). This is a gem museum. Here you can not only enjoy the beauty of precious stones, but also learn to distinguish between natural and artificial minerals, feel like a real gemologist, work on professional equipment.

Valley of the Temples

Undoubtedly, this is the main attraction of Agrigento (Sicily). The huge temple complex, which amazes and fascinates with its scale and unsurpassed magnificence. Hundreds of thousands of tourists come here from different parts of our planet to take a look at ancient buildings and temples with their own eyes, which, despite the past centuries, are perfectly preserved.

To get here, you need to go to the southeast area of ​​the city. You will be surrounded by monuments that symbolize the former greatness of the Greek colony. The first temples on this earth were built in the 5th century BC. e.

Valley of the Temples

Temple of Zeus

Initially, it was planned to construct a structure measuring 56 x 112 meters with twenty-meter columns. The temple was to become the largest Doric building of the ancient Greeks. But the assault on the city by the warriors of Carthage did not allow to complete the construction, and a strong earthquake almost destroyed what had been built by that time. Today, in the middle of the ruins is an 8-meter sculpture of King Telamon, who raised his hands to the sky.


The temple was built in the XI century. He received serious damage from a landslide (1244), but was reconstructed. In the XVII century it was rebuilt in the Baroque style. The south side of the temple is decorated with double Norman windows, and in the western part of the building is the episcopal seminary. Steps from the majestic bell tower lead to the main entrance to the cathedral. The three-nave basilica, which was restored after the devastating earthquake of 1966, adorns the interior.


The nave has been preserved, the front part of the structure is made in the Gothic style, the wooden ceiling was decorated in the XVII century.

Sanctuary of Kaloger

A unique building in Agrigento (Sicily) was built between the 13th and 14th centuries. With two colonnades it is divided into three parts. A rectangular apse with three chapels crowns its center. The altar was made in the XIV century of wood with pearl inserts. The building is decorated with gilded multi-colored mosaics, the work of Michele Amiko.

Sanctuary of St. Kaloger

Agrigento (Sicily): where is the best place to stay?

The city can be divided into three areas:

  • the historic center, which is located on a hilltop;
  • lower part, at its foot;
  • central street - via Atenea.

You can choose the hotels of Agrigento (Sicily), located in the valley. They offer stunning views of the orange gardens and the Valley of the Temples.

Among the hotels in the historical part of the city, a small but very cozy B&B Bibirria should be highlighted. It only offers four rooms. Each has a dining room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. The rooms are equipped with air conditioning, necessary appliances.

Agrigento Hotels

You can pay attention to another hotel in the historical part of the city - B&B Liol, which is located next to the Cathedral. It is also quite small (three apartments) with a shared kitchen with a refrigerator, which stores snacks. In the mornings, the hotel serves a rich and delicious breakfast, which can be served in your room.

In the lower part of the city there are most shops, restaurants and bars. Several hotels located in the area overlook the Valley of the Temples. The B&B Portatenea, for example, is located right on the main street (via Atenea) and there is public parking nearby. Breakfast at this hotel is served on the terraces.

Located next door to B&B Marchese Sala, this is a real palace that was built in the 18th century. Its terrace and rooms offer amazing views of the Mediterranean Sea and the Valley of the Temples. Hotel owners organize and conduct excursions.

Of the hotels located in the valley, we recommend that you pay attention to the Colleverde Park Hotel, which is surrounded by a magnificent Mediterranean park, and the windows overlook the Valley of the Temples.

B&B Villa San Marco is 500 meters from the temples and is also surrounded by a beautiful garden where birds chirp cheerfully. At any time, you can refresh yourself in the swimming pool located on site.

Hotel Villa Athena is the most luxurious hotel in Agrigento (Sicily). It is located in a villa built in the XVIII century. In 2012, the hotel was recognized as the best on the island. Some of its rooms overlook the wonderful garden, and some - to the Valley of the Temples. Each room has its own bathroom, decorated with natural marble, bedroom and living room, furnished with classic-style furniture.

Villa athena

What travelers say

About Agrigento (Sicily) tourists reviews are different. Most vacationers are happy with the trip. They liked the wonderful nature and climate of Sicily. Agrigento attracts with a calm, measured lifestyle, a great opportunity to combine a beach holiday with an excursion.

Someone believes that Agrigento in Sicily is suitable for lovers of history and ancient architecture. The city has a bit of entertainment, so many go to clubs and discos located in the nearest resorts.


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