Reich is ... Third Reich: history (briefly)

The Third Reich is the informal name of Germany in a chronological period from spring 1933 to May 1945. Despite such a short life, he played a significant role in the history of the last century, leaving behind a lot of unrevealed secrets. Let us try to briefly describe the most significant stages of the fate of the state at that time. Naturally, one should start from the moment when Hitler came to power, remember what ideas he conquered the hearts of many Germans and poisoned their minds. But war is not the only thing that distinguished this politician. Under his wing, he gathered many prominent scientists and gave them the opportunity to work and invent. This decision allowed Germany to acquire the most extraordinary technical devices, thanks to which the country quickly recovered from terrifying destruction.

origin of name

The phrase Drittes reich translated from German means "Third Empire." Interestingly, this definition is translated into Russian in different ways. The term "Reich" can be interpreted as "state" and "empire", but it is closest to such a concept as a "power". But even in German, it can acquire a mystical meaning. According to him, the Reich is a "kingdom." The author of this concept was the German figure Arthur Möller van den Brook.

Reich is

First and second reichs

Third Reich ... This term is familiar to almost every person. But few can explain why the state was named that way. Why the third? The fact is that van den Brook understood by this word an indivisible power, which was conceived as a haven for the entire German people. According to him, the First Reich is the Roman Empire of the German nation.

Her fate began in 962 and was interrupted in 1806 as a result of the defeat that Napoleon inflicted on her. The Second Reich was called the German Empire, created in 1871, during the period when William I ruled . Its history ended after the 1918 revolution. This is the so-called Kaiser Germany. And the Third Reich, according to van den Brook, would have succeeded the weakened Weimar Republic and should have become an ideal integral state. Already from him this idea was taken by Adolf Hitler. Thus, the history of Germany, in short, just fit into successive Reichs.

hymn of the third reich

Short story

By the end of the 20s - the beginning of the 30s. the world economy was ruled by a global crisis, which weakened, including Germany. The beginning of the fate of the Third Reich in 1934 is connected with this. The political situation has become extremely aggravated in the state. Then the importance of the National Socialist Workers Party increased. In the July 1932 elections, she won 37% of the vote. But, although she surpassed the other parties, still this was not enough to form a government.

In the next election, the result was even lower (32%). All this year, President Hindenburg encouraged Hitler to become a member of the government, and offered him the position of vice chancellor. However, he only agreed to the post of Reich Chancellor. Only next winter Hindenburg succumbed to these conditions. And already on January 30, Adolf Hitler took over as Chancellor.

In February, the Communist Party was banned, and harsh persecution of its leaders began, which suffered almost half of its members.

They immediately dismissed the Reichstag, and the VATAP won in the elections held in March. The newly created government already at the first meeting, on March 23, approved Hitler's emergency power rights.

In July, all existing parties with the exception of the Nazi were banned. The trade unions also dissolved, and the German Labor Front was formed in their place. 1938 marked the beginning of the arrests and extermination of Jews.

Kaiser Germany

Hitler's popularity was constantly growing. Propaganda played a noticeable role in this: Kaiser Germany and the weak Weimar Republic were condemned, and recalled the defeat in the First World War. Also, the popularity of the Fuhrer was due to the end of the Great Depression and marked economic development. It is particularly noteworthy that it was during this period that the country took a leading position in the production of metals such as aluminum and steel.

In 1938, Austria joined the Reich, and Czechoslovakia in 1939 followed. The following year, the heads of the USSR and Germany signed the Nonaggression Treaty.

World War II and the Third Reich

In September 1939, Reich soldiers entered Poland. France and Britain responded by declaring war on Germany. Over the next three years, the Reich defeated some of the European countries. In June 1941, Germany attacked the USSR, occupying some of its lands.

In the conquered areas, the regime of intimidation was established. This provoked the appearance of partisan detachments.

In July 1944 an attempt was made to coup (crashed) and a failed attempt on Hitler’s life. Partisan underground detachments were organized in the state.

May 7, 1945 concluded the act of unconditional surrender of Germany. May 9 was the day of the end of hostilities. And on May 23, the government of the Third Reich was arrested.

Reich weapon

State and territorial structure of the Third Reich

The head of the empire was the chancellor. Executive power was concentrated in the hands of the government. The legislative body was the imperial Diet, which was elected by the people. Within Germany, only the activity of the National Socialist Workers' Party was permitted.

The Third Reich was divided into fourteen lands and two cities.

Reich soldiers

Countries that entered the state as a result of expansion, and those in which mainly ethnic Germans lived, were included in it as imperial districts. They were called the Reichsgau. So, Austria was divided into seven such entities.

In the remaining occupied lands, the Reich Commissars were organized. In total, five such formations were created, four more were planned to be formed.

Symbols of the Third Reich

Perhaps the most famous and familiar symbol of the Third Reich is the red flag with a swastika, which is still prohibited in many countries. By the way, she was portrayed on almost all state attributes. Interestingly, the Reich’s weapons, primarily cold weapons, were created taking into account the characteristics of the uniform and national symbols. Another attribute was an iron cross with widening ends. The coat of arms was an image of a black eagle, in whose claws there was an oak wreath with a swastika.

"Song of the Germans"

The anthem of the Third Reich is the Song of the Germans, created almost a century before the start of Hitler's reign. The text was written by Hoffmann von Fullersleben. Musical accompaniment was written by Joseph Haydn. The anthem of the Third Reich is now the main composition of a united Germany. It is interesting that the “Song of the Germans” these days does not cause such strong negative associations, for example, as a swastika. However, this does not apply to the military marches of the Third Reich.

history of Germany briefly
In any case, parts of them. For example, a composition written by Horst Wessel was a march of assault troops and a hymn to the ruling party. Nowadays, it is prohibited by the criminal laws of Germany and Austria.


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