How to knit picks: a step-by-step master class

In anticipation of the cold weather, many beautiful people are wondering how to knit beret. And all because knitwear is currently very popular. But sometimes it is not possible to find the desired model on store shelves. For this reason, we have prepared the material presented below. In it we will tell in detail about how novice masters turn an idea into reality.

Model selection

On the Internet and on the pages of needlework magazines you can see a huge number of spectacular and original products. Moreover, not only the pattern, the presence of decorative elements and other details, but also the styles of berets varies. That is why needlewomen, wise by experience, telling about how to knit berets, strongly advise beginners to think over the necessary wardrobe item. Ideally, depict the idea on a piece of paper. You can even in color.

knitting description

Buying yarn

Focusing on the pattern of the conceived product, we select the most suitable knitting threads. According to experts, for braids, tows, various ornaments and other complex patterns, it is better to choose pastel or plain yarn. Indeed, in this case, the product will attract attention due to the texture. Another thing is if the master is just beginning to master the technology of knitting berets for women. Knitted products will look interesting even if they are made with front stitch or garter stitch. The main thing is to get interesting yarn. For example, a plush or one that itself develops into a drawing.

Knitting needles

Experienced needlewomen advise beginners to pay due attention to buying a tool. Because the success of the work will depend on its quality. In general, you can knit a beret with any knitting needles. However, metal is more suitable for beginners. Especially for those who are in the habit of tightening their loops. And all because such a tool provides a good glide of the thread. Thanks to what, it is possible to knit faster and better.

In addition, for those who decide to knit berets for women using knitting needles, it is important to choose the right size of the tool. For patterned items, knitting needles are more suitable, the diameter of which is equal to the thickness of the thread. But the front surface can be varied using spokes of a much larger size.

knitting needles

Measurement of required parameters

Many beginners use standard values ​​when knitting various wardrobe items. However, experts are convinced: in order to link a really beautiful thing, you need to take measurements from a specific person. Only in this case will it be possible not to make a mistake with the size. For this reason, the next stage of the β€œHow to knit with knitting needles” workshop requires the preparation of a centimeter tape, a notebook and a pencil. After that, we schematically depict the conceived thing and indicate the necessary parameters.

In this case, it is:

  1. Beret height. A value that changes through the crown from one ear to the other and divided by 2.
  2. Girth of the head. The circumference of the head, centimeter are horizontally slightly above the eyebrows.

Studying the pattern scheme and calculating the necessary units of measurement

It is impossible to tell in detail how to tie takes a novice master, if you miss this step. It is necessary to prepare a fragment of the selected pattern on it. It should be square and not too big. Experienced knitters say that ten centimeters long is enough.

For knitting we use prepared yarn and knitting needles. Having made a fragment, we consider the number of loops and rows in it. Then divide the head circumference and beret height by 10 (or another number, depending on the size of the square). Then we multiply the first value by the number of loops in the sample, and the second by the number of rows in it. We fix both parameters in our records.

master class takes knitting

First stage

If you consider the different models of knitted berets, you can see that many of them begin with a single or double elastic band. However, professional masters say that this feature is not so important and may vary depending on the wishes of the needlewoman. But in most cases, patterned products are decorated with this part, but decorated with hosiery or garter stitch - not.

So, how to knit picks:

  1. We collect on the hosiery knitting needles the number of loops equal to the girth of the head.
  2. We knit with an elastic band or other pattern 10-15 rows without additions or decreases.
  3. Then we begin to evenly add loops in each next row. In general, there are no strict recommendations regarding beret width. But experts believe that the ideal width is equal to two girths of the head. It follows that we need to add as many loops as we have now. Therefore, we divide the number of additional loops by the remaining number of rows (beret height - rows already knitted). So we find out how many additional loops are in each row. Having understood this, we proceed to knitting.
  4. Moving in a circle, we raise the sides of the beret to the desired height, gradually expanding the circumference of the product.
  5. At this initial stage of beret knitting ends.
knitting needles step by step

The final stage

Now we proceed to the final step of the instructions on how to knit picks:

  1. Subtract from the current number of loops 8. They should remain at the end.
  2. Next, divide the new value by the number of rows that were knitted at the very beginning.
  3. After making simple mathematical calculations, we find out how many loops you need to reduce in each row.
  4. Then we proceed to the final stage.
  5. We knit, moving in a circle and evenly reducing the loop.
  6. When at the end there are 8 loops, we break off the thread and stretch through them. Tied from the wrong side.
mk takes knitting needles

If the reader managed to cope with the task described in the article, then the master class is over. All the most difficult is left behind, and next to the needlewoman lies a spectacular beret. Which needs to be shown to girlfriends as soon as possible.


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