What are repositories for Cydia

Today we will tell in detail what repositories are for Cydia. First of all, the meaning of this concept should be considered. Cydia is an indispensable program for Apple devices.


repositories for cydia
So, let's see what Cydia repositories (iOS 7) are like. Repositories are a specific repository in which information about applications is located - updates and other data. Note that content is often displayed as separate files. This information can be freely distributed due to the capabilities of the Internet.


add repository to cydia
Before listing the most significant repositories for Cydia, you should describe how the program works. It collects various data about applications from various kinds of resources. The latter are created specifically for this purpose. These resources are commonly called repositories. Anyone can create them by downloading their own selection of applications.


Repositories for Cydia are quite common, since there are a lot of them. In its basic form, the installed program already has several own repositories. The largest project of this kind is called BigBoss. It contains over a hundred different applications. To install the selected software on the iPhone, you must add auxiliary sources to Cydia. In other words, sites that contain the necessary addition.


cydia ios 7 repositories
To add a repository to Cydia, go to the program. We apply a function called Manage. It is located at the bottom of the display. Use the Sources item. Click on Edit in the upper right corner. Then click Add on the left. In a new window, specify the link to the required repository. Click Add Source. Go to the new window, a new one will appear in the list of all sources. Click on it. Thus, we will be presented with a list of all applications located in the source.

We strongly recommend that you do not install unknown programs from Cydia, as this can lead to the loss of all information on the device. Here are some of the largest sources: Darvens Repository (themes only), Hack & Dev (iCommander, some fixes), iClarified (settings, Volume Boost, iLog, Pysl), iFoneTec (Video ringtones).

Note that Cydia is an application for the iOS platform. It requires access to the file system of the device. Cydia is a graphical interface to APT and dpkg data management system. Most of the software packages in the system are free, but there are also several hundred files that are intended for commercial distribution and are sold through a special store.

The developers of Cydia are Jay Freeman, as well as his company called SaurikIT. The project name alludes to a garden pest. This refers to the codling moth of the genus Cydia pomonella. Vaults contain not only programs, but also interface themes, as well as add-ons for the proprietary ecosystem. Since packages work on “hacked” devices, they can provide the device with functions that go beyond the basic capabilities. The bulk of the solutions that are available in Cydia, created by independent developers. Jay Freeman himself did not provide himself with access to technology management, so some of the programs in the sources contain viruses. The main goal of the project is to create a graphical interface for owners of “hacked” devices running iOS. With this solution, they can install software that is not in the App Store.

The tool works as a storage aggregator to eliminate dependency on a specific host and provide software from various trusted sources. Anyone can add new sources to the program. Thus, iOS developers can be as open as possible. So we figured out what repositories are for Cydia and what they are used for.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26203/

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