Kombed is an organ of revolution in the countryside

In 1917, the Great October Socialist Revolution completely changed the class component of power in the state. Instead of the big bourgeoisie, tsarism, representatives of the proletariat and the poor came to power. To implement the policy of the Bolsheviks in the village, a combative was created (deciphering the name - committee of the poor).

The manifestations of the revolution in the villages

As you know, during the years 1917-1920. a very strong struggle continued between the Red Army and the troops of the counter-revolutionary forces. Despite the fact that part of the territory of Russia was initially controlled by the Soviet troops, not the entire population of the regions under control supported the new government. The communists were opposed by wealthy villagers who had grain stocks, because at one time they were able to earn money for the purchase of primitive agricultural implements for growing grain.

Creation of poor committees

Kombed is a body that was created in every village controlled by Soviet power. It included the poorest villagers. Also, the middle peasants could take part in the work of the committee. The comedies were created in the second half of 1918 with the aim of practical implementation of the policy of "war communism" in the countryside.

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Goals of the poor committees

Before the revolution, poor peasants were practically powerless. In modern language, in the village there were classical market relations, and the one who was stronger won.

Kombed is an organ of struggle against kulaks as a social class. One of the elements of the policy of "war communism" was the surplus-appraisal. It was believed that to provide the city with grain reserves, it was necessary to take it from the rich peasants. The fists, of course, did not want to give up their reserves earned by honest labor. The committees of the poor as organs of the dictatorship of the proletariat on the spot did their utmost to help the communist forces.

jumpers were created

In addition, kombed is functionally like a village council in a certain territory. These bodies resolved issues of the economic plan, because it was necessary to collect a new grain crop. Such a task in the conditions of poor organization of power in the early post-revolutionary years was very important. It was also considered a duty of the committee members to seek volunteers to join the Red Army and increase the size of the army of the Soviet state.

Kombed is an important organ of Soviet power

The ideological importance of the committees of the poor is emphasized by the fact that these bodies engaged in educational work in their communities. The problem of illiteracy of the population at that time was not yet resolved. In order for people to be able to read the propaganda leaflets of the Leninist party, they had to be taught the basics of writing. Educational work carried both educational and ideological burdens.


Without the creation of committees of the poor in rural areas, conducting an additional appraisal, recruiting volunteers and fighting the kulaks would be more difficult. The Soviet government acquired a social base in each village, formed in the association, which helped to maximize the pursuit of the policy of communism.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G2622/

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