Lee Oswald, the only suspect in the killing of John F. Kennedy: biography and photos

The tragically ended attempts on the first persons of the states and famous politicians often changed the course of history. Often the killers were never found, and sometimes the blame for such crimes was blamed on those who were not involved in them. In particular, to this day, disputes over whether Lee Oswald is a "Dalassian shooter", or whether he was not at all involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, do not subside. To understand this issue, hundreds of researchers around the world scrupulously studied the biography of this man, which, admittedly, is quite unusual.

killer Lee Harvey Oswald


Lee Harvey Oswald was born in the United States, in New Orleans, in 1939. The boy’s father died shortly before his birth, so the mother was forced to raise three sons alone.

When Oswald was only 2 years old, the woman sent all the children to the orphanage, as she did not have the means to support them, but a year later they returned to the family.

At the age of 16, Harvey left school and went to work first as a clerk in the office, and then as a courier. The mother of the young man did everything so that his son again appeared on the school bench, but in October Oswald left his studies and entered the United States Marine Corps. Thus, he never received a high school diploma.

Despite this, the young man read a lot and until the age of 15 loved to tell others that he was a Marxist.

who killed Lee Harvey Oswald

In the service of the Marine Corps

As soon as he was 17 years old, Oswald entered the US Marine Corps.

At first, he was trained as an operator of a radar station, then he was sent first to the Makas El Toro base, and later to the military airfield in Atsugi (Japan).

During this period, he, along with other marines, was trained in sniper shooting. It is also known that Lee Oswald was able to score 1 point less than the value that allowed him to qualify as a well-aimed shooter.

During the service, the young man repeatedly fell under the tribunal. The first time he shot himself with a pistol, the second he fought with a sergeant, for which he was imprisoned, the third, during the guard in the Philippines, for no reason shot from a rifle in the direction of the jungle.

whether oswald

Relocation to the USSR

In October 1959, a few days before his 20th birthday, Lee Oswald went to the Soviet Union. It is known that he had been preparing for this trip for a long time. In particular, he sent several applications to universities in different countries in order to obtain a student visa. In addition, Oswald spent 2 days with his mother in Fort Worth, and then traveled from New Orleans to French Le Havre, from where he crossed to England.

In Southampton, he told customs officials that he intended to stay in England for a week and then leave for Switzerland to study at a local university.

Confusing the tracks in this way, the same day the young man went by plane to Helsinki, where he was given a Soviet visa. A day later, he was already in Moscow and announced his desire to obtain Soviet citizenship. It was rejected, prompting Oswald to attempt suicide. He was rescued, but imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital.

A few days later the young American was forced to release, and he appeared at the United States Embassy in Moscow to declare that he intends to renounce citizenship.

Life in the Soviet Union

Oswald had a desire to go to study at Moscow State University, but he was sent to Minsk and hired by a turner at the Minsk Radio Plant. Lenin, who was engaged in the production of consumer and military-space electronics. At the same time, the Soviet state granted him benefits, and also allocated a furnished one-room apartment. Moreover, during his entire stay in the USSR, the young man was constantly under the supervision of the KGB.


Soviet "romance" annoyed Oswald very quickly. Especially depressing was his “gray work”, as well as the lack of bowling and night clubs. Soon, a young man who had never officially renounced American citizenship wrote to the embassy of his country in Moscow a request for the return of his passport and announced his desire to return to his homeland if no charges were brought against him.

While Lee Harvey Oswald was waiting for an answer, he did not waste time and met Marina Prusakova. Just a month and a half later, they signed, despite the fact that the marriage of Soviet citizens with foreigners was not encouraged. Lee Oswald's wife came from an ordinary family. She was only 19 years old, and before becoming acquainted with Harvey, she studied as a pharmacist.

In February 1962, the couple had a daughter, June, and soon their family received documents at the US Embassy that allowed the couple to emigrate to the United States, which they did immediately.

children Lee Harvey Oswald

Life in Dallas

Returning to the United States, the Oswald family settled in Fort Worth, not far from their brother and mother Harvey. The former marine soon came up with the idea of ​​writing memoirs about his life in the USSR. To be more reliable in his descriptions, Oswald began to make acquaintances with emigrants from the Soviet Union. As they later recalled, the young man seemed rude and rude to his wife's compatriots, so they sympathized with Marina Oswald.

In New Orleans

In 1963, the Oswalds left Fort Worth. Harvey joined the New Orleans company of William Reilly, who was a member of an organization opposing the communist regime of Fidel Castro. However, Oswald was not able to stay there for long, as he showed little zeal and spent a lot of time reading magazines about hunting and weapons.

In Mexico

On September 23, 1963, Oswald's wife left with her daughter for a friend in Texas, and he went to Mexico. In Mexico City, a former marine contacted the Cuban Embassy for a transit visa. At the same time, he indicated that he was going to visit this country before returning to the USSR. Diplomats from Liberty Island demanded to provide a document confirming the consent of the Soviet side to the arrival of Oswald.

Going to the USSR Embassy in Mexico City, he asked for asylum. During a conversation with a representative of the KGB, Oswald was extremely nervous and could not even finish writing a letter to the Presidium of the Supreme Council, as he began to get hysterical when he found out that he had to wait about 4 months for an answer. Subsequently, the Soviet intelligence officer, who spoke with him, expressed doubt that Oswald could have shot at all with a sniper rifle, since he was in a state of extreme nervous excitement.

Having run out of the Soviet embassy, ​​the man again went to the Cuban diplomatic mission, but he was expelled, saying that his help only harmed the revolution.

Return to Dallas

After returning to the United States, Oswald got a job at a book warehouse. Soon after, his second daughter was born. Lee Harvey Oswald's wife and children lived during this period in Irving, where he visited on weekends.

Lee Harvey Oswald

On the eve of the Kennedy assassination

In November 1963, in the absence of a spouse, FBI agents visited Marina Oswald twice, suspecting that she was an agent of the KGB. Enraged, Harvey went to the FBI Dalas branch to meet with special agent J. Hosty. Not having caught him in his place, he left him a note in which he threatened to blow up the office of the bureau and the police department if one of the federals dared to bother his wife.

Killing kennedy

The route of the presidential motorcade during a visit to Dalass was published in local newspapers a few days before the visit. The path was supposed to go past the warehouse where Oswald worked.

According to government commissions investigating Kennedy’s assassination, on November 22, at about 12:30, Harvey fired three rifles from the sixth floor of a school textbook warehouse. As a result, the president was killed and the Texas governor injured.

the killing of John Kennedy Lee Harvey Oswald

Immediately after the shots, Oswald allegedly hid the rifle and went down the back stairs. There he ran into a policeman, but the warehousekeeper accompanied him, reporting that it was his worker.

Leaving the building, Oswald drove home and changed clothes. About one o'clock in the afternoon he was stopped by police Tippit, whom he killed with four shots.


Somewhere at 13:40, Oswald was seen hiding in a Texas theater. These actions seemed suspicious to the staff, and the called police squad arrested him and disarmed him.

At the same time, Oswald told reporters that he did not shoot at anyone. He continued to deny everything during interrogations.

The killing of Lee Oswald

On November 24, when the main Kennedy murder suspect was being prepared for transfer to Dallas County Prison, Jack Ruby, the owner of a nightclub, shot him in the stomach. Oswald was taken to the same hospital where Kennedy died two days earlier. There he died at 13:07.

All this happened live, so the whole world saw how and who killed Lee Harvey Oswald. The only thing left to find out was the motive. According to Lee Harvey Oswald’s killer, he did this to ensure that Mrs. Kennedy was not upset at the trial.

Oswald was buried in Fort Worth Cemetery.

The commission investigating the Kennedy assassination has not yet been identified.

killing Lee Oswald

The assassination of John F. Kennedy Lee by Harvey Oswald is still questioned by many historians. Perhaps someday the world will know the facts that will allow us to state with confidence who and why went to this crime.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26229/

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