Orenburg - Kazan: route P239 - Orenburg tract

You can get from Orenburg to Kazan by the Orenburg highway - a federal road that runs from Kazan to the border with Kazakhstan and bears item number P239. The length of the tract is 900 kilometers, it connects the settlements of the Orenburg region and Tatarstan.

Orenburg Kazan

Orenburg tract (P239 highway)

The road along which you can make the way from Orenburg to Kazan is called the Orenburg tract. It connects the capital of Tatarstan with the Russian-Kazakh border, originates in Kazan, is a continuation of Pavlyukhin street and part of the P239 highway within the city. This is the main road to the Kazan International Airport, a full-fledged motorway with four-lane traffic without intersections and exits, lit in the dark. The speed here is limited to 110 km / h.

The distance from Kazan to Orenburg is 735 kilometers. Somewhere the road is better, somewhere worse. Of course, I wanted her to be the same as the highway to Kazan Airport. But, nevertheless, in general, the P239 road is rated by users as β€œgood”.

After the fork, the P239 highway narrows to a two-lane and is no longer lit in the dark. The roadside villages of Sokura, Imenkovo, and Polyanka need to be passed to the bridge over Kama . Within them, the speed is limited to 40 km / h. The Orenburg-Kazan highway is the main connecting highway between these points.

Kazan Orenburg distance

Alekseevsky district

The Kama River divides two regions of the Republic of Tatarstan - Rybno-Slobodskaya and Alekseevsky. After the bridge, the Orenburg tract crosses the junction with the P240 road, which goes to the west, and P239 keeps the path to the east. After a kilometer from the junction, the road passes through the center of Alekseevskoye village, after which the road is directed strictly to the east.

Within the village, speed is limited to 40 km / h. After three kilometers, traffic continues in the Chistopol district. A feature of the road from Kazan to Orenburg through the territory of Tatarstan is the frequent settlements where speed is limited.

Chistopol and Novosheshminsky districts

Within the Chistopol region, the track P239 has been significantly expanded and updated. At the entrance to the city of Chistopol are signs prohibiting overtaking and limit speed. Outside the city, after the intersection, the road turns southeast, and traffic continues towards the city of Almetyevsk.

The area of ​​the Novosheshminsky district is hilly, besides road bends are often found. A feature of traffic in the Novosheshminsky district is a three-lane road, on which two lanes are designed for ascent and one for descent.

Orenburg route Kazan

City Almetyevsk

At the entrance to the city, the highway passes through a railway crossing. From the main road to the right goes the road to Leninogorsk. P239 partially passes through Almetyevsk, within the city it has six lanes, at the exit it goes around the new Nizhniy Maktamy district, leaving further to the village of Abdrakhmanovo.


Approaching the city of Bugulme, we overcome half the distance from Kazan to Orenburg. The further way can continue through the city or bypass. Most drivers choose a bypass, as the speed in the city is limited to 50 km / h and you need to cross the railway crossing. To get on the detour, turn right, into the city - right. On the bypass road, it is necessary to overcome several intersections, an automobile bridge over the railway, a roundabout, to which the road leaves the city.

Bavlinsky district

Entrance to the Bavla region is characterized by a prolonged ascent, which lasts 1,400 km, after its completion we get to the Bavlinsky circular intersection, where the traffic police post is located. At the intersection P239 becomes secondary to the M5 Ural. After kilometer movement, the same long descent begins. After the village of Shalty, the road crosses the border with the Orenburg region.

Bus Kazan Orenburg

Abdulinsky district of the Orenburg region

A distinctive feature of the Orenburg-Kazan route passing through the territory of the Orenburg region is the absence of steep descents and ascents, sharp turns on it. The road, with some exceptions, bypasses settlements. There are practically no speed limits. Here passes the bus "Kazan-Orenburg".

The city Abdulino highway bypasses. At R239 there are several intersections where it intersects with minor roads and, having crossed the bridge, goes east to the Ponomarevsky district.

Ponomarevsky, Sharlyksky, October districts of the Orenburg region

On the territory of these areas, the road runs along the flat terrain with virtually no speed limits. In the village of Sharlyk there is a turn to Novosergievka, and in the village of Bikkulovo to Oktyabrskoe. Near the village of Salmysh, two roads - Orenburg – Ufa and Orenburg – Kazan β€” are combined into one.

Orenburg Kazan

Sakmarsky district

The road is straight without sharp turns; there are two bridges right behind the village of Mayorskoye and in the village of Tatarskaya Kargala. A few minor twists. Before the Tatar Kargaly, the road is divided into two. One bypass to Orenburg, the second, crossing the village and the bridge across the river. Sakmaru also leaves for Orenburg.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G26240/

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