How to check the taxes of an individual by last name: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

More and more citizens are interested in how to check the taxes of an individual by last name. Solving the task is not as difficult as it might seem. It is advisable to have a TIN with you. These data help to double-check debts, as well as make sure at 100% that there are no errors in the issued results. Citizens are provided with quite a few alternative solutions. Therefore, do not neglect them. You can find out about debts without leaving your home. But how to do that? How to find out tax debts by last name? The instructions that will be offered later will help to understand the questions posed.


The first thing you should pay attention to is the preparation stage. It is recommended to thoroughly approach this issue. After all, proper preparation is several times faster than the verification process.

how to check the taxes of an individual by last name

The first step is to prepare several documents. Namely:

  • identity card of the applicant citizen;
  • F. I. O. of the payer (if there is no passport);
  • INN

With this information you can already 100% learn about your debts. However, quite often you can get by, or only F. I. O., or TIN. Here, the citizen himself must decide what data to use for him.

By receipt

You can check the taxes of an individual by last name through a receipt. At present, each payer at a certain point in time, the tax authorities send a written notice regarding payments. Together with the letter comes the appropriate receipt of payment.

Once the payment has arrived, it is worth checking the data about the recipient. If F. I. O. match, then the debt takes place. And in this situation, you just need to pay the invoice. A save payment check. He will be able to confirm the absence of debt if there is a delay in the receipt of funds by the tax authorities. Nevertheless, many people think about how to check the taxes of an individual by last name in the event that the payment is lost. What to do under such circumstances?

check taxes of an individual by last name

Tax call

For example, you can call the tax office. And in the reference, clarify all the information of interest. For this, it is recommended to name not only the personal data of the recipient, but also his SNILS, as well as the TIN.

You need to make calls to the district tax office. It will answer all the questions there. Moreover, if necessary, you can ask to send a new payment to pay the bill. This is not difficult, although, as practice shows, this option is not in demand.

Visit to the tax

Personal tax arrears by last name can be checked personally. More precisely, through a visit to the territorial tax authority. The method works 100%, but takes a considerable amount of time.

personal tax arrears by last name

How to act? The algorithm is simple:

  1. Collect all identification documents. Namely: passport and TIN. You can take SNILS with you.
  2. Go to the district tax office and go to the service window for individuals.
  3. Write an application for the issuance of information on debts. Sometimes it is allowed to do without it - it is enough to verbally ask employees to provide information of interest.
  4. Provide a passport and TIN for identification.
  5. Get the result. As a rule, if there is a debt, a citizen is given payment for payment.

Nevertheless, many continue to be interested in other ways how to check the taxes of an individual by last name. After all, there are several more options.

"Payment of public services"

Now we can move on to more modern verification methods. For example, each Internet user is invited to use the "Payment of public services" portal. It helps not only pay bills, but also check debts.

how to find out tax arrears

How it's done? The action algorithm is simple:

  1. You need to go to
  2. Select the menu item "Tax arrears". Next, a data source is selected. It is very convenient to use the TIN.
  3. Enter the relevant data in the fields provided.
  4. Click on "Find." A few seconds of waiting - and the result will be displayed on the screen.

Fast, convenient, practical, safe. Perhaps this is one of the most popular verification methods. The main advantage of the service is that you can easily pay debts without leaving your home.

"Government services"

Checking the taxes of an individual by last name is not so difficult. Especially with modern technology. The fact is that now all residents of the Russian Federation can use the "State Services" website. This service helps not only to execute documents online, but also helps to verify debts. For example, for fines. So not only taxes are checked in this way.

Nevertheless, many citizens are thinking about how to find out tax arrears under the TIN without using the studied portal. Usually these are people who do not have their account on the page. Registration takes a long time. Therefore, you should not consider such a proposal if you need to urgently find out about the debt, but there is no profile on the State Services.

How to find out tax debts by last name

So how to check the taxes of an individual? By TIN or F. I. O. - this is not so important. "Public services" offers the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Register on the portal.
  2. Activate an account and fill out a profile. It takes about 14 days. After checking the information about the user, the citizen will receive a notification by e-mail.
  3. Log in to the portal.
  4. In the search bar in the paragraph "Services", type "Taxes by TIN" or "Taxes by last name."
  5. Select the appropriate line after the search results.
  6. Collect the necessary data in specially designated places and confirm the information.
  7. Wait for verification results.

In this regard, the site "Payment of public services" is in great demand. All this is due to the lack of the need for registration. But through the "State Services" you can find out your tax debt of individuals by last name.

Tax Service Website

As an alternative solution, it is proposed to use the site Here is the so-called "Personal Account of the taxpayer." It has a function of checking debts.

how to check taxes

Pretty popular and reliable way. How to check the tax of an individual by TIN? To do this, you must:

  1. Obtain a login and password for authorization from the tax service on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. This requires an appropriate application.
  2. Go to the "Taxpayer Personal Account" on the page. The authorization field is located on the right side of the window.
  3. Select the "Debt Check" function.
  4. If the system requires, enter the payer data. Most often it is either a surname and a name with a patronymic, or only the TIN number.
  5. Wait for the scan results.

Nothing more is required from the citizen. Everything is quite easy and simple. Nevertheless, these options are not limited to. How to find out tax debts by last name or TIN? There is another good verification method. But he, it should be noted, does not suit everyone. It is usually used when it comes to a long delay in payment.

Site of bailiffs

The fact is that if a citizen is thinking about how to check the taxes of an individual by last name, you can go to the website of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation. And, accordingly, look for information about yourself in a special database of debtors.

The task comes to life in several ways. Or a citizen is looking for information by TIN and last name or by number of executive office work. The first option is most common.

how to find out tax debts by last name instruction

This requires:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the requested data about the payer.
  3. Click on the "Find" button and wait for the verification result. If there is a debt, a notification will appear on the screen.

That's all. There are no other significant ways to help answer how to find out tax arrears for tax identification number. Although you can use the service "Debt Check" in e-wallets and online banking. But there the process takes place in exactly the same way as when using "State services" - data about the potential debtor is entered and the result is expected. Tax debts of individuals by surname or other data are verified without much difficulty.


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