Nutritionology is a science that studies human nutrition. Healthy food

In the modern world, with a wide variety of healthy and unhealthy foods presented in supermarket windows, there is a need to study the effect of certain products on the human body.

Nutritionology - from the Latin "nutrition". Explores everything related to food.

The science of nutrition is conditionally divided into two sections, the first of which is engaged in the study of food, its chemical composition, and so on. The second subsection clarifies the practical part of the issue in human nutrition.

nutrition is a science that studies

Nutrition science

Nutritionology is a science that studies nutrition. General nutritionology studies the composition of food products, the processes of interaction of various types of food, the course of consumption, how various substances from food affect the human body. Among other things, nutrition is a science that studies substances and actions that harm the normal state due to malnutrition.

healthy food

Nutriciology as a science interacts with the following disciplines:

  • Chemistry.
  • Biochemistry.
  • Cooking
  • General food hygiene.
  • Preventative medicine.

Today there is an opportunity to complete nutrition courses. Anyone can finish the courses. It is also possible to contact the centers of nutritional science, which at the cellular level will reveal all diseases and pathologies in humans.

Dietology, nutrition - is there a difference

I would like to immediately distinguish between two completely different, but interacting sciences - nutrition and nutrition.

Nutritionology is a science that studies nutrition. And nutrition is a branch of medicine that explores and organizes human nutrition. That is, for nutrition, the main object of study is the process of absorption of substances. While nutrition is aimed at creating meals that include healthy and healthy foods. Therefore, the individual nutrition system is called a diet.

Nutritionology, in turn, seeks to study how food itself and the processes of its consumption affect a person.

Nutrition Science Basis

Nutritionology is based on the laws of nature:

  • The first law of nature - the energy value of the food eaten by man, must be equal to his energy consumption.
  • Inconsistency between these two indicators will lead either to obesity or to malnutrition. Both negatively affect the body, and cause a number of serious diseases (violation of the musculoskeletal system, heart function, and so on).
  • The second law - the chemical composition of food must meet the needs.
  • The human body can only accumulate fat from food. That is why people need daily use of useful minerals and substances found in food. Healthy food is the basis of the normal functioning of the human body.

general nutritionology

Nutritional studies

The main subject of nutrition research is the search for ways to reduce the negative effects of food on the human body. Therefore, it is conditionally divided into three types:

  • Learning how to improve the quality of food from the environment.
  • The process of digesting food is already inside the body.
  • Human exposure to foodborne substances.

Objects of science

The objects of nutrition research are sources of replenishment of nutrients and dietary supplements, among which:

  • raw materials used for the preparation of food products.

nutrition science

  • natural food and its chemical contents
  • nutraceuticals, dentiotics, parapharmaceuticals.


The main tasks that science sets for itself (nutrition):

  • Interaction with other nutritional sciences.
  • Investigation of the role of substances supplied with food.
  • Eliminate nutritional deficiencies through a balanced diet.
  • Drawing up a nutrition program.
  • Normalization of the work of the human body, altered by diseases.
  • Excretion of a variety of toxic substances.
  • Optimization and improvement of methods for studying subjects of nutritional science.
  • Conducting a variety of analyzes to determine at the cellular level the effect of food on humans.
  • Analysis of the health effects of diet food and dietary supplements.
  • Studying the effect of drugs on humans.
  • Research on changes in eating behavior in mental disorders.

Nutritional goal

Given all the shortcomings of nutrition and human lifestyle, this science sets the following goals:

  • Studying the effect of food on the body.

nutrition courses

  • Search for simpler ways of processing, destroying and removing food from the body.
  • The study of the motives for choosing a particular food by a person. Research on the pattern of food choices.


Science is developing in such areas as:

  • Planning and making food.
  • Metabolic process.
  • Food - as prevention and treatment for the human body.

Principles of Science and Nutrition

Nutritionology is a science that studies all the processes of human-food interaction.

Nutrition Nutrition

Therefore, she promotes healthy eating. Highlights the following principles:

  • Drink at least two liters of pure water daily (tea, coffee, broths and similar liquids are not included in the calculation)
  • During painful sensations, do not eat. It is better for some time to refuse food, and drink more liquid.
  • Eat only when there is a feeling of hunger. And in order not to confuse the uncontrolled appetite and the real need for food, you need to drink a glass of clean room temperature water thirty minutes before eating.
  • Refuse water while eating. Since the drunk liquid leaves the human body after ten minutes, taking with it the gastric juice. Thus, the food does not have time to process and is simply delayed. As a result, a person has excess weight and health problems.
  • Too hot and cold dishes are contraindicated. Food with a high temperature upsets the digestive organs, and with a low one it slows down.
  • The use of coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate and other products based on purine components, alloxuric bases should be moderate.
  • Refined foods (sugar, flour, butter, and so on) must be discarded.
  • The use of raw seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits has a positive effect.
  • It is advisable to start daily with fresh fruits and a couple of walnuts every morning.
  • In the lunch menu, one of the dishes should be presented in the form of a salad of fresh vegetables. So the human body will be saturated with useful and necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • A prerequisite - all components of the dish must be raw. Also, it is not recommended to include salt, vinegar, oil, seasonings and the like in a salad. This dish should have no more than four ingredients.

centers of nutrition

  • Careful control over the consumption of animal fats, because they slow down the digestion process. Plus, the load on the kidneys, liver increases. Fats should be added to food only after its preparation. And the ratio of animals to vegetable fats should be one in three.
  • Cooked foods must be combined with raw foods. So, for example, two tablespoons of porridge need to eat six tablespoons of salad from fresh vegetables.
  • Chew food thoroughly. By following this simple rule, which we all have been told about since childhood, you will save the strength of your body in digestive processes. Well-chewed food will be digested faster and absorbed by the body. It is worth noting that unprocessed food does not lend itself to the processes of decay and fermentation, as a result, it becomes overweight.
  • It is useful for the stomach to arrange fasting days from time to time.
  • Eat small meals. So less likely that you overshoot. Excessive amounts of food will make the stomach work harder. And work on wear has not led to anything good.
  • Reduce the amount of table salt used. It is better to replace the sea. Replace table salt can also garlic, onions, horseradish.
  • The most important principle of nutrition is to cook from fresh and natural products.


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